domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

NOV 13 16 SIT EC y POL

NOV 13 16  SIT EC y POL


Suddenly there is a ray of hope in OPEC's dark world, and it comes courtesy of president-elect Donald Trump, who just may eliminate as much as 1 million barrels of OPEC oil output, or the cartel's entire excess production, should he undo the deeply unpopular within GOP circles Iran nuclear agreement, which would also collapse Iranian oil exports and send the price of oil surging.

"’s clear that almost everyone on the center-left, myself included, was clueless about what actually works in persuading voters. Tuesday’s fallout will last for decades, maybe generations."It will not matter. Whatever the problem, government is not the solution.


Russian Tass news agency reported that the crews of Russian strategic bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95 located at the "Engels" airbase in Saratov have been put on combat readiness, in preparation for imminent strikes on targets in Syria using bombs and cruise missiles.




Trump's Win Shows 'Voters Are Willing to Teach Political Establisment a Lesson'
What Does Trump's Support for Private Prison Mean for Illegal Immigrants

[[ Trump definitely need not only a haircut, but a tongue cut too. He don’t abandon his presidential race blah-blah.. Bad habit or dangerous conflict of interest in it (business-nepotism?). Whatever this is, it needs to be clear out soon. The electoral race has finished, he is a President now, he should act and talk like a President. Behave big man!.. remember that the biggest power in the US is the Nation and billion of eyes are watching you and listening you. ]]
Deportations, Huh? Trump's Grandfather Was Illegal Economic Migrant From Germany
There Will Be No ‘Deportation Force,’ House Speaker Says
Trump, NC GOP Condemn Planned KKK Victory Rally
Both President-elect Donald Trump's campaign staff and the North Carolina Republican party have condemned the Ku Klux Klan hate group's planned election celebration rally in the state.
Syrian Rebels Are 'Desperate': Damascus-Led Forces Set to Free Aleppo 'in the Near Future'

[[ They are not rebels, they are terrorists, jihadist, totally insane and dehumanized people. They were blessed by the Obama administration as “rebels” because they need them to depose Assad. That “regime change” project is over, it failed and American don’t need them anymore. Obama is flashing them like a toilet  paper. Nobody wants them in America nor in Europe, nor in the Middle East. What to do with such terrorists?.. send them back to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, no other choice.  If they want to export them .. you what to do with those countries..]]



NOTICIAS IN SPANISH  My comments inside brackets EE UU  Trump y el conflicto global  Isidro López
Podemos. Elecciones internas  Y subió la marea para cambiar Andalucía  PG Tramp-a separatista?
Ent a Teresa R. PODEMOS.  “Urge  síntesis creativa entre plazas e instituciones para generar cambios realmente profundos” Teresa  logro el 75,64 % de votos emitidos: fortalecer Instit auton es la voz.
Brasil  Crecen las resistencias  Comisión de Comunicación Internacional del OCUPA IGC
Tras el triunfo de Trump, “La conjura contra América”  Pepe, No hay tal conjura!. Informate:
[ Esto es America: el país donde lo imposible puede tornarse realidad. Hubo un negro en la
Presid, mas tarde puede ser un latino, o un chino-americano. Si el pueblo así lo decide.
Las ideologías xenofóbicas están siendo sepultadas y si Trump no rectifica su blah, el caerá.]
Victoria de Trump en EE UU  La solución es política  Se trata, efectivamente, de un desastre
[ Sin duda hay españoles que aún viven tiempos de Reyes medievales. Aquí nadie es Rey ni Reina.]
[Los emigrantes recientes son 12Mll y están aquí porque el imperio jodio su país con NAFTA y porque los empresarios de Texas los necesitan. TX no necesita de Trump para existir. Se quitan si Trump jode. Y no solo TX puede quitarse del US, Tambien Arizona y sobre todo CA. El separatismo está en camino]
La OTAN le da la razón a Trump [ hay que desmontar la OTAN. Puede ser desaparecida en 1 min ]
¿Qué consejo dio Rafael Correa a Trump?  [No jodas.. el imperio puede quedarse sin patio trasero]
Keiser report 992 "La muerte política de Clinton ha sido igual de espantosa que la que ella infligió a Gaddafi"  Aun patalea la pedófila Hillary.. sus pedos de muerto suplican ingreso al infierno .. ni allí

PRESS TV  My comments in red

Sanders could have defeated Trump: Poll  [ Yes, but he lack cojones + got bad advisers
If E-C declare Nov 8 Elect invalid: non democratic. Sander+ E Warren can win new round
Greens 2nd force: Jill Stein to Senate. No-S-Pac=Duopoly part defeat & gone forever  ]
1000s hold pro-China rally in Hong Kong  China can invade them, as before
‘NATO should retreat from Russia border’ threat is obsolete. Robot army can wipe out Nato troop
Turkey crackdown targets navy officers Erdogan is digging his tomb
Iran seeks secure, stable Iraq: Larijani help to take US troops out of Irak
EU seeking to push Turkey away: Erdogan Erdog is getting out soon, suicider!
Most US voters accept Trump’s election: only few daub it, once release anger  ev-OK
Bombings leave nearly dozen dead in Iraq who bomb them? Was there a coup?
Top Russian parliamentarian in Tehran meddling peace? US has to take soldiers out
We need them to re-build infrastructure in America. Bring troops back home!
‘Russia wants UN guarantee for new Aleppo truce’ no truce in the mid of hit, just hit terror
‘EU fears populist uprising after Trump’s victory’ US is singular: people vs old rotten elites
'Trump's presidency blow to Syria regime change' Not jet, US-OB  terror still in Aleppo
'US parties threatened by internal divisions' They will be dissolved: Super-Pac-Out. Corrupt out
Debate: Impacts of Trump's surprising victory. No surpr: H burned tail=stole S- voter, they quit
Debate: Anti-Trump protests disillusion upset: Nothing realistic. Temporal, useless, retarded

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