"Please remember, these people are our neighbors
and friends. You have a skill that will be very much in need when this goes
down. You are experts in the job market and you know what it takes
to get hired. This is a time for us to step up and do what we can to
Paying In A
Broken World. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
It does not matter what you hold your savings in only
that it will retain value when conventional paper currencies become a despised
possession. When that happens you need the ability to buy the things you
need with what you physically have on hand. The question you must answer is
what will you have on hand when that day comes.
World Map Of Hubris & Humiliation. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015
The journey from hubris to humiliation in EM has taken
roughly 5 years. As BofAML notes, despite muted asset returns, 2015 has
seen the emergence of two big trends: the risk of a bubble in US health care
& technology; and the crash in EM/Resources/Commodities. The two trends are
best exemplified by the "Map of Hubris & Humiliation" which shows
among other things that the market cap of MSCI Russia is currently
equivalent to Intel’s, while the market cap of Netflix equals that of
MSCI Chile.
[ Eso solo indica que
la explosiva concentración del capital y la riquezas se hizo a costa de hundir
a la periferia y que todo eso fue posible gracias al fraude financiero, al
vulture capital o capital buitre y al chantaje y la coima imperial. En otras
palabras eso significa que se han dado las condiciones materiales para un nuevo
ciclo de revoluciones a nivel mundial. Esta vez contra el sistema neoliberal
quw asfixia e impide el desarrollo de pueblos y Estados Nacion. Esto último depende del nivel de organización
y coordinación que logren estos pueblos oprimidos del mundo para su liberación ]
Paul: "All Wars Are Paid For Through Debasing The Currency".
S- by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015.
"...seen from the proper angle, the dollar is
revealed to be a paper thin instrument of warfare, a ripple effect on the
people, a twisted illusion, a weaponized money now engaged in a covert
economic warfare that threatens their very livelihood."
Warns "The Global Economy Is Going Round In (Smaller & Smaller)
Circles". Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
Amid the collapse in commodities, crashing Chinese stocks,
the weakest US wage growth in US history, and a data-dependent Fed; Goldman
Sachs fears the new normal is 'shorter-and-faster' business cycles with no
persistence primed by monetary policies. Most wprryingly, they conclude, will
short business cycles beget shorter business cycles?
[Los multi-millonarios la ven claro .. el colapso del sistema
neoliberal es evidente. Pero los pueblos
oprimidos no tienen ese nivel de conciencia .. el pueblo de Grecia lo probo ..
ni siquiera pudieron articular estados nación de Europa que sufren el mismo
problema .. cayeron en la trampa del dialogo y las encerronas con la troika ..
estos vencieron .. pero fue victoria pírrica y derrota pasajera para unos y
para los otros .. Hoy ninguno de ellos sabe cómo salir del embrollo (riddle)..
Para los de abajo el problema es como
salir de la trampa ‘austeridad’ sin caer en la trampa “exterminio económico y
militar” que les prepara el imperio .. Eso supone convencer a las masas de que
el euro es el mas letal veneno azucarado para un Estado-nacion y para el futuro
de sus hijos .. Sin que se muestre la miseria que eso ya viene creando va a ser
difícil .. se requiere el control de la prensa o crear una prensa alternativa
que muestre la verdad y eso no se puede hacer sin ayuda de estados soberanos
del BRICS y/o de financistas pro-autonomia .. Esto si se puede lograr desde
arriba, pero abajo se requiere armar brigadas internacionales pro- autonomía, y
sobre todo claridad en la aternativa post-neoliberal… En esto último, hay
claridad sobre la necesidad de un modelo mixto que combine el capital
productivo venga de donde venga, con el Estado gestor económico en
representación de la nacion .. Eso equivale a hablar de SOEs (State owned
enterprises) , y/o del Modelo de Tito en la experiencia Yugoslava; y/o del
modelo escandinavo : democracia de
mercado con responsabilidad social.. El
que mejor sirva a las circunstancias de frenar el fraude financiero del modelo
neoliberal… Es falso de que no hay modelo alternativo. Si los hay y son varios
en Europa y uno en el USA, el del FD Roosevelt : el Glass-Steagal Act o New
Deal que habría que adaptarlo a la realidad actual… Alternativas existen, lo
que no existe aún es voluntad organizativa en esa dirección ]
Experts Flunk, Again. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
The IMF failures in Greece bring back vivid memories
of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98... As the Indonesian episode
should teach us, the IMF’s management can be very political and often neither
trustworthy nor competent. Greece offers yet another chapter.
[ El IMF es una
agencia del imperio Americano .. sus financistas tienen el 17% de las acciones,
pero sobre todo tienen una web de
burócratas sirvientes bien pagados.. y
sirvientes no del interés europeo pero si de las mafias que controlan las
finanzas americanas (case in point: el fraude inmobiliario.. les empaquetaron
casas nuevas y viejas que supuestamente estaban en default .. las nuevas los
estaban, las viejas no.. y les infestaron su sistema bancario).. El IMF no es
una entidad autónoma y jamás le intereso Grecia .. lo que si le interesa es
mantener con vida a los cancerberos de la Banca Europea y de la Union. Lo
cierto es que esta Union solo tiene un eje: Alemania, es por tanto un organismo
ultra-centralizado que asfixia al resto. Aun si se descentraliza con una Federación, el
eje financiero seguiría siendo Aleman, sin esta pata se cae la mesa y el euro.
Se trata de un organismo artificial con pocas esperanzas de vida. Al imperio
americano le importa mantener este cadáver mientras sirva a sus planes
guerreristas, por tanto los usara y sacrificara como ocurre con las sanciones
contra Rusia… Los seguirá usando mientras eso sea posible. Hoy lo es .. pronto
no lo será. ]
Attacks CIA-Trained Syrian "Freedom Fighters"; Commander Captured.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015
"We warn soldiers of (Division 30) against
proceeding in the American project. We, and the Sunni people in Syria, will not
allow their sacrifices to be offered on a golden platter to the American
[ Que
algunos grupos de Al-Qaeda hayan logrado cierto nivel de autonomía frente a sus
patrones de la CIA, el Penta y NATO es posible .. eso solo indica que los
mercenarios se venden a quien mejor les paga y
arma .. nadie en su juicio sano confiaría en ellos .. y no creo que
Bashar Assad lo haría ]
The Koch Brothers, & Open Borders. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders recently raised the ire
of both progressives and libertarians with his remarks concerning immigration. In
just a few sentences, Sanders manages to demonstrate a hodgepodge of nativist,
nationalist, protectionist, and socialist sentiments. But for anyone
wondering why he wandered off the progressive narrative on immigration, it’s
because protectionist labor unions pay him better than, say, La Raza.
[ A Sanders lo pueden
denigrar en forma ruda o suave como aquí .. esta vez buscan separarlo de los
latinos.. Pierden su tiempo, la lógica racista no funciona con los latinos…
funciona bien entre los caucásicos que ven las elecciones en términos de
dinero, “quien tiene para comprar votos en la prensa gana la contienda”, es
casi una regla. En en el sur la lógica
es diferente .. en Peru el candidato
mejor pagado en la prensa americana perdió
las elecciones y justo por eso, por tratar de comprar el voto. Me refiero al caso Mario Vargas Llosa, entre otros. .. Yo soy
peruano-americano y cuando conversaba con otros latinos note esa hermosa
coincidencia: todos estaban a favor de Sanders. Yo también ]
It Be A Crime To Shoot Down A Drone Over Your Property?. S by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
A Hillview man has been arrested after he shot down a
drone flying over his property - but he's not making any apologies for it.
"I just think you should have privacy in your own backyard," said
William Merideth, 47, "I went and got my shotgun and I said, "I'm not
going to do anything unless it's directly over my property."" That
moment soon arrived, "within a minute or so, here it came... it was
hovering over top of my property, and I shot it out of the sky." Merideth
was arrested and charged with first degree criminal mischief and first
degree wanton endangerment...
[ Lo que ocurre hoy
va a ser lo más común cuando estalle la Guerra
de pueblos y naciones contra el sistema neoliberal .. quiza no solo se
dispare a drones.. quizá también a avionetas de los ricos ]
Passes Bill In 15 Minutes To Revoke Americans' Passports Without Due Process.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015 [ Whose due process?.. ]
The “war on terror” is a status quo fraud perpetuated
by the oligarch-controlled mainstream media and authoritarian members of
Congress as a way to systematically strip the American public of its freedom
and civil rights in the name of fighting an outside enemy. This tried and
true tactic has been used by statists throughout history, and history is
indeed repeating itself here in the “land of the free.”
Want The Names Of Anyone Who Sold" - China's Market Witch Hunt Enters
Twilight Zone. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
Having claimed 'foreign interests' were "waging an
economic war" against China, it was ironic that the most outspoken of
Chinese SOEs is now under investigation for 'selling' shares when it was told
not to. As
Reuters reports, China is extending its dragnet for "malicious
sellers" to Hong Kong and Singapore as the witchhunt blame-mongery
continues, Rather ominously, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
has demanded trading records to try to identify those with net short
positions who would profit in case of further falls in China-listed shares,
three sources at Chinese brokerages and two at foreign financial institutions
said. Even more incredibly, as
Bloomberg reports, despite total ignorance by US regulators, China is 'daring'
to crackdown on market manipulation via 'spoofing'.
[ Lo que muestra el
caso Chino es que el modelo neoliberal
-sea cualquiera el sitio donde opere- es un nido de ratas. Por eso
decíamos que la peste mas letal de todos los tiempos es la peste de las ratas
neoliberales .. esta es peor que la peste de ratas que invadió Europa a fines
de la edad media e inicios de la revolución industrial . Esta es global y de
aquí nacen los nuevos grandes ricos del mundo ]
This The Top? Private Equity "Exits" Surge To Record Highs. S- by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
VALUEWALK DETAILS, exit volume exploded last quarter to $125 billion
- the highest level on record - raising the question: "if everything is so awesome, why the
smartest people in the room selling to the public at the heaviest pace
Spot The
Greek Referendum. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015
When fiat
fragility shows its fecklessness, it appears people turn to the alternatives...
Turkey On The Path To Restoring The Ottoman Empire?. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
"Turkey's interest in northern Syria and northern
Iraq is not an abstraction triggered by a group of religious fanatics calling
themselves the Islamic State; it is the bypass, intersection and reinforcement
of multiple geopolitical wavelengths creating an invisible force behind Ankara
to re-extend Turkey's formal and informal boundaries beyond Anatolia."
Fed's Bathtub Economics Brigade Blathers On, Part 1, Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
Our monetary
politburo is driving the US economy in the wrong direction. That is, toward dis-employment of its true,
wealth-creating economic resources - human labor, entrepreneurial talent and
market driven gains in economic factor efficiency. Contrary to this week’s
self-congratulatory statement, all is not well and its not getting weller.
Cost of Stagnation: We're Living In Limbo. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015
This erosion of opportunities to complete life's stages
and core dramas is rarely recognized, much less addressed. The End of Secure Work and the diminishing
returns of financialization are disrupting these core human challenges and frustrating
those who are unable to proceed to the next stage of life...
Is What A Total Breakdown In Market Internals Looks Like. S- by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
breakdowns strengthen BCA Research's conviction that investors
should stay defensive. Technically, the S&P 500 looks weak. Breadth has
thinned considerably this year. Less than 50% of S&P 500 industry groups
are trading above their 40-week moving average and/or have a positive 52-week
rate of change.
2015 Untrustworthies Report - Why Social Security Could Be Bankrupt In 12 Years. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
The so-called
“trustees” of the social security system issued their annual report last week
and the stenographers of the financial press dutifully reported that the day
of reckoning when the trust funds run dry has been put off another year - until
2034. So take a breath and kick the can. That’s five Presidential elections
that is not what the report really says.
Surges Back Above $1100 As Dollar Dumps After Wage Data. S- by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
Paper gold prices
continue their extreme volatility ride, spiking $20 as the dismal ECI data hit
this morning (as we pre-suppose weak data means moar money printing inevitably
coming down the pike)...
Shocker: Quarterly Increase In Wages Is Smallest On Record. S by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015
The quarterly
increase in US wages was just 0.2% - a third of the 0.6% rise expected - and a meager 2% increase Y/Y in
line with all the other depressed BLS data, which dashes the "wage growth
is looming" meme and crushed the 0.7% rise in Q1 that had so many hopeful
of escape velocity any day now.
Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 07/31/2015 - 07:57
- U.S. stock futures slip amid lukewarm earnings, fall in commodities (Reuters)
- Stressful times for low-polling Republicans who may miss debate stage (Reuters)
- Trump shows staying power with surge ahead of first debate (Reuters)
- China Market Manipulation Probe Targets Spoofers After Crash (BBG)
- Beijing Chosen to Host 2022 Winter Olympics (WSJ)
- Obama Warns Support on Iran Deal ’Getting Squishy’ Amid Pressure (BBG)
- Pacific trade negotiators chase elusive final deal in tough talks (Reuters)
Youth Unemployment Hits Record High 44.2%, Concerns Rising "Recession Exit
May Be Unsustainable".
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2015
While the overall
unemployment rate for the Eurozone also unchanged at 11.1%, it was renewed
concern about what is going on in Italy, where unemployment rose from 12.5% to
12.7%, while Italy's youth unemployment rate, which surprisingly jumped by
nearly 2% to 44.2%, a record level. As Bloomberg put it, "Italy’s
jobless rate unexpectedly rose in June as businesses continue to dismiss
workers amid concerns that the country’s exit from recession may not be
“Bomb Iran”
Plan Simply Won’t Go Away
By Pepe Escobar
By Pepe Escobar
"It's hard to
get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not
Republicans say
they oppose the agreement for two reasons. First, it will not succeed. Second,
it will succeed
Why Russia
Shut Down NED Fronts
By Robert Parry
By Robert Parry
The Washington
Post’s descent into the depths of neoconservative propaganda – willfully
misleading its readers on matters of grave importance – apparently knows no
Greece –
And the Horror of Europe
By Peter Koenig
By Peter Koenig
The endless and
steadily growing flood of refugees – are the direct result of western
destructive interventions in these peoples’ home countries
Charges: What Lurks Behind the Bizarre Allegations
By Yanis Varoufakis
By Yanis Varoufakis
The bizarre attempt
to have me indicted on… treason charges, reflects something much broader.
The Greek
Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion
By Ellen Brown
By Ellen Brown
The Greek
government was broken Mafia-style at the knees, until it was forced to abandon
its national sovereignty.
How corporations
take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the
Military Industrial Complex
La guerra sucia del presidente turco Erdogan en
Siria, Irak y Turquía.
Fabrizio Lorusso
El TPP, “película del terror”. Salvador González Briceño
Brasil La variable Lula . Emir Sader
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