viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015





"It isn’t for nothing that again and again, countries abandoned the gold standard when they went to war. We rarely pause to consider what that tells us. If they needed to abandon the gold standard to go to war, that means the gold standard was a barrier against war. Of course, the ease with which governments could abandon the gold standard serves to remind us of the need to separate money and state altogether, and that the state cannot be trusted to maintain a sound money standard."

The truth hurts... especially permabullish CNBC anchors. But when David Stockman explained why "the top is in," and warned that the world is overdue for an "epochal deflation, like nothing it has ever seen," one should listen. The "debt supernova" of the last decade or two has created massive over-capacity and this commodity deflation "is not temporary, it's the end of the central bank bubble." The catalyst has already happened -"It's China," Stockman exclaims, "China is the most lunatic pyramid of credit and speculation.. and capital is now fleeing the swaying towers of the China ponzi."

"Good" Jobs Data Is Bad News - Bonds, Stocks, Gold Dumped; USD Pumped. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2015

The 'good enough' jobs report is not what investors had been hoping for (despite reassurances that a 25bps rise is 'priced in'). Stocks, bonds, and PMs are down as the USD surges amid implied expectations that rate hikes are coming sooner...

In a somewhat antticlimatic report, moments ago the BLS reported that July nonfarm payrolls came in at 215K, modestly below the expected 225K and down from the upward revised June print of 231K, with the unemployment rate at 5.3%, in line with expectations. Overall, a number that was bad, but not bad enough to deter the Fed from hiking, if that is indeed what it plans on doing.


GOP Presidential hopefuls expressed plenty of distaste for the Iran nuclear deal during last night’s debate, but it was the voice of a Democrat that mattered most on Thursday evening as Chuck Schumer, the influential Jewish Senator from New York, came out in opposition to the accord.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2015 - 07:36
  • July job gains may favor September interest rate rise (Reuters)
  • It's all about Trump at raucous Republican debate (Reuters)
  • The 5 Most Important Takeaways From the First Debate of 2016 (BBG)
  • Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina wins the Web (Reuters)
  • Hedge Fund Losses From Commodity Slump Sparking Investor Exodus (BBG)
  • Winners and losers from the first Republican presidential debate (WaPo)
  • Bush turns in workmanlike debate performance, but will it be enough? (Reuters)


[ Those who miss the charade debate .. did not miss nothing .. just simulacrum & war mongerism .. Do not subscribe Fox .. make the oligarchies pay all TV channels for you to waste time watching  their scum ]

The 2008 financial crisis challenged many orthodox assumptions in finance and economics, including the proper role and accountability of central banks. The U.S. Federal Reserve, commonly known as the Fed, is the world’s most powerful central bank.

One major source of Federal Reserve power is its role as “lender of last resort,” lending directly to commercial banks through its so-called discount lending window. Traditionally, only commercial banks had access to the Fed’s discount lending since non-bank financial institutions were not subject to the same reserve and capital requirements as those imposed on banks. The other major source of the Fed’s power is its ability to purchase short-term Treasury securities. These restrictions on Fed lending and asset purchases helped support the central bank’s political independence from Congress and the White House by ensuring that Fed policy was socially neutral and did not favor particular sections of financial markets or particular private constituencies. But as the Federal Reserve’s lending and asset purchase powers expanded in unprecedented ways in 2008, these traditional restrictions were swept aside, exposing the flaws of central bank independence.

The Fed is also able to create money—U.S. dollars, also known as Federal Reserve notes—which means there is virtually no limit to the amount of money it can lend and no limit to the volume of assets it can purchase without adding to public-sector borrowing or deficits. During the 2008–2009 financial crisis, the Fed extended more than $16 trillion in low interest loans to all kinds of financial institutions in distress, including borrowers who traditionally lacked access to its discount window such as hedge funds and foreign commercial banks and central banks. Also, beginning in 2008, the Fed launched several asset purchase programs, known as “quantitative easing” (or QE), to purchase more than $3.5 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities (MBS).

But this expansion of the money supply is deceiving. Instead of lending out the funds pumped in by the Fed, banks have added more than $2.6 trillion to their excess reserves, on which the Fed has also paid them interest. This is similar to what happened during the Great Depression. Much of the money the Fed pushed into the banking system has not trickled down to the real economy.

Rest of article here for details of who really benefits from Fed policy.

Israel’s leaders hold the country out as a democracy … just like the U.S.  Of course, America is officially no longer a democracy … as wealth is so concentrated that it has broken the political system. The same thing is true in Israel …

Lior Akerman – former Brigadier General and division head in the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) – writes in the Jerusalem Post that Israel has never been a democracy.
Forbes Israel warned of oligarchy in 2006.
In 2012, Amir Owen  wrote in Haaretz:

Since last week, Israel has been governed by an oligarchy. These are self-styled lords of the manor who have power over civil and military sectors, and share the spoils of rule between themselves. The subjects can talk, but have no influence. Israel has been transformed from the only democracy in the region, to a democracy where power is held by only a few.

Bloomberg noted in 2013 “Israelis rise up against the oligarchs“.
…. And it’s not only Israel’s oligarchs who have skewed Israeli’s political system … it’s also American oligarchs.



[ Ese imbécil no gobierna, desgobierna.. detrás de Israel está el US y NATO.. La traición es total ]
Brasil. Un misil ponzoñoso contra Lula. Ángel Guerra Cabrera

[ Trump is only a disguised propaganda in favor of “la mafia” Clinton.. Get inside the democracy  scum!.. is the message  ]
Colombia . El Proceso de Paz.  Las polaridades invertidas. Luz Marina López Espinosa
Venezuela. -La insurrección empresarial. Víctor Álvarez R.

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