viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015



My freedom of thinking is under threat .. intruders get on to my computer.. disable firefox & cause several damages to my reports .. a Lawyer in Pitt + two technicians are investigating the case ] 


While making its devaluation announcement, Beijing said that it wanted its currency "to reflect fundamentals" and to no longer simply mirror the movement of the dollar. It acknowledged the fact that its peg to the dollar was problematic and that it wanted a better, more natural mechanism. This is the key to understanding the announcement: The Chinese are preparing for a time in which the financial world does not spin in orbit around the dollar. Such a reality must make us think about the future.

Hundreds of millions of people throughout the Western world are being forced to admit an obvious, yet uncomfortable reality. Democracy is dead. Your vote and your voice doesn’t matter. Not at all. ..  Communities need to take matters into their own hands and tackle challenges at the grassroots level.Nowhere is this more impactful and necessary than in the monetary realm, and some Greeks are already leading the charge.

The average working American has no time to truly wrap their heads around this stunning facts:

1. Genetically Modified Foods are illegal in many countries for health and medical reasons all the while the U.S. passes laws making GMO labeling illegal.

2. As a result of “Act of 1871″ by the 41st Congress, the United States “Corporation” was created to trample the original Republic.
Shockingly, this fraudulent synthetic corporate government entity is the only “United States” most people in America know today. And this non-governmental corporate entity covering a 10-square-mile grid in Washington D.C. parades as a sovereign legitimate government and has been doing so for over 100 years.

3. “7 countries in 5 years.”
This wide open confession came straight out of the mouth of U.S. General Wesley Clark years after the illegal invasion of Iraq. The General openly spilled the beans on the U.S. military’s plan to illegally invade 7 countries in the Middle East under the lie of the war on terror. Shockingly, to this day no war crimes trials have taken place. No one has been executed, convicted or imprisoned for these massive crimes against humanity. 

4. The U.S. military and its defense contractors have over 150+ live and legitimate patents for spraying the sky with nano-particles, all the while the masses are told it’s a “conspiracy.”
Those still unaware of this may be shocked to know these patents are not even hidden from the public. You can read them all for yourself. Despite this open knowledge these programs roll on comfortably as we have observed their spraying techniques change from various forms of chemtrails to aerosolized plumes/injections or chembombs to a mixture of both.

5. As briefly mentioned in #3, the United States Military is currently conducting an admitted A.I. psychological operation on the human domain as people carry on as usual.

6. The entire debt-based fiat worthless paper money circulating in the U.S. is supplied and controlled by a private corporation with no legal authority to do so.
We call them the Federal Reserve. It’s the illegal private banking system created officially in 1913 under the Federal Reserve Act which Congress gave a green light to. This single act essentially handed the United States of America to a gang of private bankers with no accountability to the people. Along with the Act of 1871, this Federal Reserve Act is also one of the most significant and horrific turning points in the history of America. An act that accounts for many of the problems and sufferings in America for now over 100 years.

7. Throughout the history of humanity people do things by planning it out; this simple act of organizing is considered bizarre, unlikely and improbable by a generation of brainwashed people controlled by one hypnotic phrase – “conspiracy”!

8. The U.S. has been caught numerous times militarily defending, arming, supplying and training ISIS fighters.
Here we are at the one-year anniversary of the ISIS super psyop American TV marketing campaign, and today the ISIS psyop has been blown wide open more often than the amount of times the global warming movement has been exposed as lies. These reports trapping U.S. and Israeli (NATO) governments in baldfaced staged lies and capturing solid evidence of their support for ISIS have gone completely ignored and censored by U.S. mainstream media to keep the ISIS psyop narrative going in the minds of Americans.

9. Turning back the clock – 5 Israeli men were caught, arrested, fingerprinted and detained on September 11th 2001.
After they were celebrating the destruction of the world trade center seconds after the buildings were destroyed, while the buildings burned AND while the rest of America watched in shock and tears. These men were later mysteriously released back to Israel where they bragged on camera about being in New York City to “document the event”. 

10. In the U.S, like it was with Hitler’s Germany, propaganda is perfectly legal.
Most Americans have no idea this is the case. They don’t realize that the U.S. corporate fraudulent government can legally lie to you every single day to get you to believe whatever they want you to believe and then turn around behind closed doors and laugh at you for believing their legal lies. Try telling that to most Americans and see how they look at you

Let’s keep sharing the information and forcing people to look at this information. These are just 10 random issues I felt are important, but there could be another 10 here just as easily. Information is spreading and people are getting this. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom before people take action and start to think differently. Whatever drives someone you can always be sure that pushing the information will help accelerate this process. 

Though transparency was a cause he championed when campaigning for the presidency, President Obama has largely avoided making certain defense costs known to the public. However, when it comes to military appropriations for government spy agencies, we know from Freedom of Information Act requests that the so-called “black budget” is an increasingly massive expenditure subsidized by American taxpayers.

"The U.S. is investigating what it believes are 'credible' reports that ISIS fighters used mustard agent in an attack against Kurdish Peshmerga this week," CNN reports. "Did ISIS find some mustard? We think they did. We think they have used it."

Obamanomics - Union Pacific Cuts 100s Of Jobs On Coal Shipments Collapse. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2015

There will be more Americans tonight newly questioning President Obama's Clean Power Plan, as NBCNews reportsUnion Pacific will cut hundreds of management jobs as the amount of coal shipped by railroads continues to plunge.
Welcome To The Revenue Recession. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2015

Overall, the lack of revenue growth combined with full equity valuations (unless you think +17x is cheap) is all you need to know about the current market churn... and why it will likely continue.

The most pivotal importance of China is that it was the world’s latest financial hope. The yuan devaluation shatters that hope once and for all. The global economy looks a lot more bleak for it, even if many people already didn’t believe official growth numbers anymore. Because we’ve reached the end of the line, the game changes. Of course there will be additional attempts at stimulus, but China’s central bank has de facto conceded that its measures have failed. They just hope you won’t notice, and try to bring it on with a positive spin. Central banks are not “beginning” to lose control, they lost control a long time ago. The age of central bank omnipotence has “left and gone away” like Joltin’ Joe.Omnipotence has been replaced by impotence.

It helps to understand, and repeat, a few things:  Here only extracts

• There have been no functioning financial markets in the richer parts of the world for 7 years (at the very least). Various stimulus measures, in particular QE, have made sure of that.

• There are therefore no investors anymore either (they would need functioning markets).There are people who insist on calling themselves investors, but that’s not the same either. Definitions matter, lest we confuse them

• The stimulus measures, QE, were never designed to induce economic recovery. They were meant to transfer private losses to public purses. In that, they have been wildly successful.

• China is the end of the line. It was the only economy left that until recently could boast actual growth on a scale that mattered to the global economy. Growth stopped when China, too, introduced stimulus measures. To the tune of some $25 trillion or more, no less.

The perhaps most pivotal importance of China is that it was the world’s latest financial hope. The yuan devaluation shatters that hope once and for all. 

Because we’ve reached the end of the line, the game changes. .. Central banks are not “beginning” to lose control, they lost control a long time ago. The age of central bank omnipotence has “left and gone away” like Joltin’ Joe. Omnipotence has been replaced by impotence.

What will happen from here on in will be decided by how, where and in what amounts deleveraging will take place. This will of necessity be a chaotic process.
Debt deleveraging leads to, or can even be seen as equal to, debt deflation. This is a process that has already started in various places and parts of economies (real estate), but was kept at bay by QE programs. It will now accelerate to wash over our societies like a biblical plague.

When deflation takes its inevitable place center stage, it will wipe away so much wealth, be it real or virtual or plain zombie, that the timing issue will be irrelevant even retroactively. Whether the total sum of global QE measures is $22 trillion or $42 trillion, its deflation-driven demise will wipe out individuals, companies and nations alike at such a pace, people will wonder why they ever bothered with trying to get the timing right.

Deflation will obliterate our economies as we know them. Imagine an economy for instance where next to no-one sells cars, or houses, or college educations, simply because next to no-one can afford any of it.
Where everything that today is bought on credit will no longer be bought, because the credit will be gone. Where homes are not worth more than the cardboard they’re made of, and still don’t sell.

Moreover, one of the main reasons to devalue one’s currency is the idea that then people will start buying your stuff again. But in today’s deflationary predicament, one of the main failures of mainstream economics pops up its ugly head: the refusal to see that many people have little or nothing left to spend.

Seen in that light, what good could a 1.9% devaluation (or even a, what is it, super-cubed 5% one, now?!) possibly do when China producer prices fell for the 40th straight month, exports were down 8.3% in July, and cars sell at 30% discounts? Those numbers indicate a fast and furious reduction in spending.

Spending stops when people are maxed out and dead broke. And then prices drop, because no-one can afford anything anymore.

Problem is, those pockets pale in comparison to diving -consumer- spending in the US, China, Europe, Japan. Spending that wouldn’t even exist anymore if not for QE, ZIRP and cheap credit.
The yuan devaluation tells us the era of cheap credit is now over. The first major central bank in the world has conceded defeat and acknowledged the limits to its alleged omnipotence.
It always only took one. And then nothing would stand in the way of the biblical plague. 


If crude’s slump back to a six-year low looks bad, Bloomberg notes that it’s even worse when you reflect that summer is supposed to be peak season for oil, and “it will get more so as refiners go into maintenance.”

There is an economic and financial trainwreck rumbling through the world economy. Namely, the Great China Ponzi. In all of economic history there has never been anything like it. It is only a matter of time before it ends in a spectacular collapse, leaving the global financial bubble of the last two decades in shambles.The resulting deflationary spiral will suck the global economy into its vortex. And Wall Street will go down for the count because this time the Fed will be utterly powerless to reverse the tide.
VOTING WITH YOUR FEET. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2015

When do we finally accept the hopelessness of reforming a self-serving machine bent on destruction?

Characterizing the upward transfer of virtually all American wealth to a handful of oligarchs a “recovery,” represents a grotesque insult to the english language as well as common sense. The writing was on the wall from the very beginning. We knew as soon as TARP passed that we as society would regret the day we bailed out the bankers who destroyed the world economy. It didn’t take long.

Putting what China has just done in very simple context: China announces an increase in its gold holdings of over 58% (June and July)... and then it devalues its currency by nearly 5% in one week. Even the most brainwashed Keynesians should be able to see what is going on here by now.
Whatever action we take has a consequence. It is impossible to manipulate markets and the economy for there will always be unintended collateral damage.We are living in the era that will bring about a collapse of socialism precisely as took place in communism. Government is incapable of ever managing society for they cannot escape the inter-connectivity.


Define irony: in a quarter in which Greece was supposed to have been near death (at least according to the worst PMI print in history and of course, judging by the bank lines in front of the capital controlled institutions), yesterday we learned that Greek GDP surged relative to expectations rising by 0.8%, which was what analysts had expected but with a minus sign in front of it. Then overnight, we got the rest of European GDP, including the big three: Germany, France and Italy. The results were nothing short of a big disappointment. At the Euroarea level, the result was also a big negative surprise with Q3 GDP rising 0.3%, down from 0.4%, and below expectations. This was the worst GDP print since Q3 2014.

As on previous cases, the vote passed with substantial opposition support. In terms of numbers, the rebel faction within Syriza is now up to 42, with 43 being seen as the threshold beyond which Tsipras has no choice but to call elections. In other words the Tsipras government now hangs in the fate of just one person.




Forget the hysteria. The heart of the matter is that Beijing has stepped on the gas in a quite complex long game.
Peter Schiff Says Impending U.S. Dollar Collapse should be Getting Attention, not China’s Devaluation
These few people are not merely "big donors" — they are owners , with full access to their candidate and an owner's prerogative to shape the candidate's policies and messages
Reality and Dreams. By Fidel Castro Ruz
The equal right of all citizens to health, education, work, food, security, culture, science, and wellbeing, that is, the same rights we proclaimed when we began our struggle


Red del Tercer Mundo. Boletín Nro 222/2015 - 14 Ag-15. Grecia y la deuda fatal. Oscar Ugarteche
La única solución para problemas de estrangulamiento por deuda es la reducción de saldos, como vimos en América latina con el Plan Brady y con la iniciativa HIPC (países pobres altamente endeudados). Las decisiones de alivio de deuda son decisiones políticas que se toman para apoyar a algún gobierno.
Carta de la sociedad civil a los miembros de la OMC
Los países menos adelantados (PMA) miembros de la OMC solicitan una prórroga del periodo de transición relativo a los productos farmacéuticos y a favor de exonerarlos de la obligación establecida en los artículos 70.8 Y 70.9 del Acuerdo sobre los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio (ADPIC). 
Leer más
Opinión  Un nuevo feudalismo. Alberto Fernández Liria
El duro aprendizaje de la palabra “antropogénico”. El Paraíso está ardiendo. S.  Banerjee


China Joins Global Currency War.. 8/14/15

On August 11, 2015, China devalued its currency, the renminbi (yuan), by 1.9%. It was the currency's biggest one-day drop since 1994.
It didn't stop there, either. At one point the following day, the yuan had cumulatively lost as much as 3.9% of its value against the dollar. Policymakers in China seem to be following through on their promise to allow the market to play a bigger role in determining the exchange rate.

"A fixed exchange rate looks stable, but it hides accumulated problems," noted Yi Gang, Vice Governor of China's central bank.
As you can see, China allowed the yuan to significantly appreciate against the dollar from 2005 up until the credit crisis. The fixed peg was reinstituted from mid-2008 until mid-2010. Then, the yuan began a slower appreciation, which culminated in early 2014. 
So, the yuan's relatively small recent devaluation has only given back a small portion of its longer-term appreciation. That said, we shouldn't downplay what's happening right now.

The U.S. dollar bull market has really forced China's hand. [ China is the loser?.. interesting sadomasochist statement .. China may laugh their ass ] The dollar has been very strong over the past year against virtually all global currencies. Therefore, the yuan has been dragged higher. With a strong currency, China has lost some of its export competitiveness. China has also been burning through foreign exchange reserves to keep the yuan at a level above where it would naturally be.

Given that China's economy is slowing, its exports are flagging, and its speculative bubbles are collapsing, the move wasn't completely unexpected. Plus, an increasingly market-driven exchange rate will pave the way for the yuan to enter the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket. [ Pretty nice description of the neoliberal mess in the West too ].
Nonetheless, the market seemed to be surprised by the devaluation. Global equity markets dipped and the U.S. 10-year yield declined all the way to 2.05%.

China doesn't have a fixed peg, but it does heavily manage the yuan's level relative to the U.S. dollar.  

[ So .. who are the losers ?  ..  To  control China.. better have it inside the basket.. is the policy of the IMF .. but,  China may have the upper hand in the basket.. the build the biggest trade web  ]
SUNS - South North Development Monitor
* Afganistán: récord de bajas civiles en conflicto armado, dice la ONU
* OMC: UE viola acuerdo antidumping en elementos de hierro o acero chinos
* Agenda de Desarrollo Post 2015: se logra consenso a puerta cerrada 
Leer más


Erdogan’s constitution ambitions not fading . Fri Aug 14, 2015 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vows to press for a new constitution that would change the political system in Turkey to a presidency-based one.
[ Para facilitar la dictadura .. nada mejor que eliminar el sistema proporcional = un retroceso democ ]
China calls for ‘sincere apology’ by Japan. Fri Aug 14, 2015 China rejects as insufficient an expression of “deep remorse” by Japan about its World War II aggression, demanding an apology.
[Japan should demand from the US no apologies but reparation for nukes on Hiroshima-Nagazaki ]
China orders stricter safety inspections. Fri Aug 14, 2015 China is to toughen safety inspections at warehouses after the deadly explosions in Tianjin. [ YES.. could’ve been terrorist attack  ]
‘Sanctions on Iran constitute war crime'. Fri Aug 14, 2015 US and European sanctions imposed against Iran over its nuclear energy program are against the Geneva conventions.
‘Sanctions on Iran constitute war crime'. Fri Aug 14, 2015 US and European sanctions imposed against Iran over its nuclear energy program are against the Geneva conventions.
Russia, Germany concerned over Ukraine. Fri Aug 14, 2015 Russia and Germany voice concern about escalated fighting and truce violations in eastern Ukraine.

[ Germany provides high tech to US ballistic missiles.. I don’t think they are concerned ..]


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