sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015




We truly live in a country run by idiots. The contradictions between common sense and government actions are just too many to have happened by accident or chance. But perhaps the leaders are not the idiots. Maybe the people tolerating such leaders and laws are the true idiots.

In simple terms, Greece from 2003-2010 was an economic boom driven by incomes, which were in turn driven by cheap debt NOT real organic growth. Thus, the collapse in GDP was yet another...
Another Crisis is brewing. It’s already hit Greece and it will be spreading throughout the globe in the coming months. 

... in under a minute, the hateful script had taken offline the entire system in much the same manner as chucking a spanner into a running engine might stop a car. The databases, as always, were flushing their precious data onto many different disks as this happened, so massive, irreversible data corruption occurred. That was it, the biggest computer system in the bank, maybe even the world, was down. And it wasn't coming back up again quickly. At the time this failure occurred there was more than $12 TRILLION of trades at various stages of the settlement process in the system. This represented around 20% of ALL trades on the global stock market.

"This is the big concern because we keep on thinking that lower energy prices are somehow good for the economy. That can't be, because energy prices or commodity prices in general don't drive economic growth. Economic growth drives commodity prices.  So there are a lot of telltales out there that this drop in oil prices, this drop industrial metal prices, this is not good. It's a canary in the coal mine that something is not right in the global economy. And that is a concern for us all."

The Story Of America's Debt In 6 Easy Graphics. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/08/2015
When A Train Wreck Is No Accident. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/08/2015

“In spite of all the rhetoric, we will go deeper in debt, the Fed will print more money, and the value of the dollar will continue to plummet.” - Ron Paul
Never in history have the economic and political structures been so manipulated by those who are responsible for their safekeeping; never has so much been at stake, in so many countries, and facing collapse, all at the same time.

During the most recent quarter debt issuance by US companies reached an all-time high, raising a question as to why companies still need to borrow so much after selling $7 trillion of U.S. debt securities since 2008. This weeks S&P Media index swoon leaves no doubt as to the answer. Companies have not been borrowing to grow; they have been borrowing in order to flush cash into the casino. Charles Ponzi once had a scheme that was not essentially different. Yes, and it worked until it didn’t.

"There's a saying, 'if there's peace, it will start from Cizre, and if there's war, it will start from here as well.' And we can say we have a civil war in Turkey."

"But an increase in the quantity of money and fiduciary media will not enrich the world... Expansion of circulation credit does lead to a boom at first, it is true, but sooner or later this boom is bound to crash and bring about a new depression. Only apparent and temporary relief can be won by tricks of banking and currency. In the long run they must lead to an all the more profound catastrophe."


Europa. Grecia y la deuda fatal . Oscar Ugarteche
Economía. A propósito del reciente análisis publicado por la CEPAL. Las perspectivas económicas para el 2015. Julio C. Gambina
Opinión. La domesticación del mal. Santiago Alba Rico
Perú.  La esperanza unitaria. Gustavo Espinoza




1000s of Germans rap Turkish war on Kurds. Sun Aug 9, 2015 Thousands of people in Germany have rallied in the German city of Cologne to protest at Turkey’s war on Kurds in Iraq.
German arms sales to Arab states up 50%. Sun Aug 9, 2015 German arms exports to Arab states doubled with tanks being especially popular among arms importers.
Ferguson marks 1st Brown death anniv.. Sat Aug 8, 2015 Americans march in Ferguson to commemorate the police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown ahead of his first death anniversary.

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