miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014


Espejito Americano: miénteme siempre!!. added below

Quotes selected by Hugo Adan, Nov 18,2014

Economic Situation:
IN “How Much (More) Should CEOs Make? A Universal Desire for More Equal Pay”  Sorapop Kiatpongsan and Michael I. Norton surveyed of 55,187 people from 40 countries, found that when it comes to understanding the severity of inequality, we’re the most clueless of all. “Americans are virtually blind”, they concluded, while providing a shocking chart. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/11/americans-still-idea-much-inequality.html


What The Fed Has Wrought  by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2014  The financial, economic and political system has been captured by corporate fascist psychopaths. The Federal Reserve has aided and abetted this takeover. Their monetary manipulations have resulted in this deformity. The American middle class has been murdered. Decades of declining real wages have left them virtually penniless, in debt up to their eyeballs, angry, frustrated, and unable to jump start our moribund economy by buying more Chinese produced crap. Yellen, her Wall Street puppeteers, and the corporate titans should enjoy those record profits and record stock market highs. The artificial boom will lead to a real depression. Luckily for the oligarchs, most middle class Americans are already experiencing a depression and won’t notice the difference. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-11-17/what-fed-has-wrought

Actavis Purchase Of Allergan Makes It A "$100 Billion Merger Monday"  by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2014 This means that between Halliburton and Actavis, today we have had the first $100 billion "Merger Monday" in over a decade.   MORE IN: Halliburton Mega-Deal Sealed by CEOs Over Coke and Coffee (BBG) AND  Wall Street to Reap $316 Million From Day of Mega Deals (BBG).  COMMENT by Hugo  Adan: If big flies flight around a death corpse is not because they want to give it a Christian burial, it is because they feed themselves with a decomposed corpse.  The fact is that everybody knows that our economy is about to collapse, that includes big crook companies like Halliburton that wants to make big business in the coming days. That’s why they merge.  Meaning: they know that there is a highway from recession to huge depression.  


Destroying The Myth That Lower Gas Prices Boost Consumption  by Tyler Durden on 11/18/2014  While the argument that declines in energy and gasoline prices should lead to stronger consumption sounds logical, the data suggests that this is not actually the case. Press the title in blue.


Political situation
We are opening the path toward a neo-fascist State


How The IRS & Homeland Security Are Expanding Undercover Work Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/18/2014 “There is a danger to democracy,” a Supreme Court spokesman said, “in having police infiltrate protests when there isn’t a reasonable basis to suspect criminality.” "It is impossible to tell how effective the government’s operations are or evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the costs, since little information about them is publicly disclosed." Just another day in the American oligarchy.


America Truly Is Becoming A '1984' Society  by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2014  If only George Orwell could see us today.  When he wrote “1984” back in 1948, he probably never imagined that the “totalitarian, bureaucratic world” that he imagined would ever actually become a reality.  But that is precisely what is happening. The control freaks that run our society are absolutely obsessed with watching, tracking, recording and monitoring virtually everything that we do.  We truly are becoming a “1984” society, and if we continue on the path that we are currently on eventually our world will be transformed into something more hellish than anything that George Orwell ever imagined.  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-11-17/america-truly-becoming-1984-society


The international context

THE WORLD IS RUN BY FOOLS, AND WE LET THEM  by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog   Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2014 Dumb and Dumber To, the sequel after 20 years, was released recently. However, when it comes to real humor, the Dumber slapstick was easily upstaged over the past few days by the G20 summit in Brisbane. The lunatics are guiding us off the cliff. We know most people feel there’s nothing they can do to change the course their countries and governments have taken, but we also think that perhaps all these people need to realize they don’t have much of a choice anymore. If getting up from your couch for your own sake isn’t enough of a incentive, how about doing it for your kids and grandkids? The dumber-ass approach is the same one they use for their economic, what shall we call it, ‘policies’(?), it’s the exact same thing. It’s the surface that counts, not what’s underneath it. It’s the storyline, not the veracity of it. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-11-17/world-run-fools-and-we-let-them

All Aboard The Instability Express  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2014 Plummeting oil prices are a symptom of terrible mounting instabilities in the world. After years of stagnation, complacency, and official pretense, the linked matrix of systems we depend on for running our techno-industrial society is shaking itself to pieces. American officials either don’t understand what they’re seeing, or don’t want you to know what they see. The tensions between energy, money, and economy have entered a new phase of destructive unwind. The global economy has caught the equivalent of financial Ebola: deflation, which is the recognition that debts can’t be repaid, obligations can’t be met, and contracts won’t be honored. Financial Ebola means that the connective tissues of trade start to dissolve, and pretty soon blood starts dribbling out of national economies.

Thanks to our allies we are winning the currency war. With these friends, we don’t need more enemies


Espejito Americano: miénteme siempre!!. 
Hugo Adan, Nov 20, 2014

Por eso te amo, espejito, porque el amor aquí es lo único que existe y mientras mas grande sea el amor, mas grande sera el odio a la falsia. Sigue mintiendome espejito, aunque solo sea para alimentar la utopia de algo que podria lograrse algun dia. Dime siempre que este es el reino de la democracia, la justicia, la paz y la libertad, aunque eso no exista en la dura realidad. Total, mientras mas fuerte sea la utopia mas grande sera la distopia. Una se encargara de darle vida a la falsia presente y la otra se encargara de destruir los mitos y dogmas perversos que alimentaron la farsa actual. 

Ambas la utopia y la distopia son fuente de inmensa energia ideologica que alumbran dos caminos paralelos, uno de ida a un futuro impredecible y el otro de vuelta, pero para cambiar la dura realidad de la que ambos partieron. Por esas casualidades del destino, un dia se encontraron en los highways de la vida. 

Adonde vas? pregunto la utopia. No lo se, respondio la distopia, solo se que estoy de regreso del sitio adonde me llevaste un dia. No pareces ser el mismo, ayer me seguias y ahora no, volvio a increpar la utopia. Es posible, yo solo se que tengo que luchar para lograr mi objetivo a partir de la imagen que hoy me da el espejito americano, respondio la distopia. Yo tambien luche fuerte por mi objetivo, por eso estoy extenuado, dijo la utopia. Por lo menos tu convenciste a medio mundo de tu falsia, agrego la distopia. Yo recien empiezo en este mi camino de regreso. Solo se que si no es cierto lo que dijiste como utopista, te denunciare como cobarde estafador que merece ser incinerado por el fuego de la verdad. Y te prometo que no dejare piedra sobre piedra de las murallas que construiste para protejer el reino de la falsia. Cayeron las murallas de Berlin y caeran las que construyeron los zionistas en las tierras anexadas de Palestina y caeran tambien las que construiste en el sur, en las tierras que expropiaste de Mexico. Todas caeran. Ninguna quedara en pie. 

Te estas volviendo utopista, respondio la utopia. Es posible, dijo la distopia, quiza porque somos  hijos de la misma madre llamada realidad, pero a ti te dieron amor, yo en cambio tengo que luchar fuerte para conquistar espacio. Si es por amor a la humanidad, buen viaje le dijo la utopia. Adios le dijo la distopia y que en paz descanses. Jamas volvieron a verse despues de este encuentro. Solo se sabe que la distopia -el hermano menor- lleva regularmente flores a la tumba donde descansa a utopia. Prueba de que a ambos los inspira una profunda conviccion humanista. 


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