jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014



By Hugo Adan Nov 6, 2014 

At geo-political level the topic of the US as "dysfunctinal society" makes sense only if war-monguerism is not stopped now. If it continues and the nuke-war is seen as an option, then the US society will be a dysfunctional to the whole human world.  Hugo Adan. Nov 6-14

Another way of addressing the issue "dysfunctional society" is to place the topic at geo-political level. This deal with the role of the US inside the whole macro social system, in other words, it deal with US leadership worldwide. There are -at least- three thesis on it.

A- US foreign policy is a mess, it creates anarchy world wide. Meaning: it lacks strategy and efficient human resources to do it. If this were the case, then the problem can be addressed by changing not the system but the managers of the leading country. The expectation is that democractic election inside the US will provide the leader the country needs to solve this matter.

In my opinion,  if the system is not changed, nothing will be changed. If the neo-liberal system is not corrected via re-installing a proper New Deal with glass Stegal Act to address current negative problems like the uses of hedge funds by big corp to distort the world market dynamic. If we don't stop corrupted speculation and suppress the manipulation of prices for strategic commodities like oil, gold, silver etc;  If we don't do this inside,  we won't be able to foster changes at world level, that is, in relation to the other blocks of power (rusia-china + brics and germany and japan as free players). So it is not a matter of changing persons but to lead the change of the entire world neoliberal system.

B- The current mess doesn't require systemic changes nor the intervention of big corp nor big-super states. This thesis assumes that the market can correct itself by its internal mechanism, so we don't need states nor big intruders in the realm and mechanic of the neo-liberal market. The fact is that there is no such thing as "hidden hand of the market". Neoliberalism was installed via fascism in Chile (1st experiment) and at the cost of democracy and the life of millions of people (directly via shock & awe violence,  and indirectly killed via re-structuring policies in depending economies  and by imposing free-trade agreements). So there was not such a hidden hand. A simple undisputable fact: if we go to elections is because we need a state with functional managers and this process has nothing to do with hidden hand, or at least it should not: real democracy does not work with rigged elections.

C- Real politics. A 3rd way of addressing this issue is departing from real facts. China is not anymore the supplier of cheap labor for US corp, they won't do it anymore. To contribute to the world market life it need to solve the issue human life at internal level, and that can't be stopped by the US. The dollar is not anymore functional to the world system. The continue printing of dollar without gold back, leads to the world monetary chaos (currency war) we are in. Japan is printing it, and German will do it too. The china yuan has the back of trade and its printing is spreading worldwide as their inversion and trade goes. And china is ready to add gold support to yuans if an international common currency is set either by the IMF or the current market dynamics.

Russian currency depends on the petro market and the winter will save them from the current US-EU Econ aggression. Soros suggested that recent explosion in Ryad was caused by russian terrorists and demanded that the EU immediately act against Russia. (meaning: NATO war now). It is assuming he did the same demand among key players in the inner circles of power in America (including his friend OB). It was Soros the one who suggested the dumping of oil to kill RU economy, said another source. He does hate “comunists” as brother Koch do, the difference is that Koch is a nationalist aligned with the GOPs and Tea Party, and Soros play both sides, though skewed in favor of democrats. Both are wrong, Putin is not communist, he practice limited market socialism as Germany does and others in Europe, though Putin gives special role to SOEs (State Own Enterprises) as China, Brasil, Ven does and Yugoslavia and Peru did it in the past. So Putin is nationalist as Koch is in America. Soros practice the reverse side of internacionalism practiced by Stalin; Soros was in fact the toughest economic hit man of neoliberalism, though only for personal gains. He favored the IMF-WB lending of money to Russia and ex-USSR countries, money they never saw, and then after he bought the debt a banana price to take control of their strategic resources. That was the main source of his fortune. Recently he supported Aecio Neves in Brasil to take control of Petrobras. This was his 2nd major failure. The 1st one was in Russia and this is the reason for his hate to Putin’s nationalism. Blaming Russia for the explosion in Riat was a slander. Soros’ greed has not ethical limits. Now the Saudi made clear that the explosion was not due to terrorism.  Soros’ speculation game with the cheap oil launched by the Saudis ended in failure, this might be the Soros 3rd defeat. Soros practice the same game that Goldman does at world level: nasty speculation.

The case is that the dumping of oil by the Saudis cannot go below $76 per barrel, that is the cost of production. If the dumping price of Saudi oil goes below $76 per barrel  it will not only damage US business in expensive Koch drillings, it will also affect russians, iranian, and other OPEC countries, it will damage also the Saudi business and its leadership inside the Arab league, the key US institution to submit Arab countries.

It was said in the US media that Soros invested in the US elections to stop the US oil and gas drillings. Not evidence yet in this regard.  The fact is that investing in US politics (buying elections) is allowed in the US, so Soros game is permissible, if the nation in States allowed. It is also a  fact that drilling has very negative social and environment effects; a senator won his sit in the senate with this campaign, so this policy is deem to fail soon or later. Meanwhile, Saudis will be alone in the realm of geo-politics (getting their own terrorist medicine,  if the 1st explosion in Ryad was done by terrorists). If Saudis lose the American hand (they  are already in the targeting spot of Russians), their only option is its alignment with China. Saudis sold most of the cheap oil to them and not in dollars (breaking the old pact with the US). If Saudi pact with china prosper, Saudis will be in the hands of the Russian oligarchy, and both Russia and Saudis  plus the Iranians, will control the destiny of the European economy. But only while they continue using this energy resource, if solar and other natural energy is spread and succeed,  then a new type of empires will emerge.  

Meanwhile, the petro-dollar is being killed and if the US adds one more QE, the killing will be faster because they have to compete with the QEs of Japan and Europe. Now japan is decoupling from the system with his own QE and this move weakens the US dollar.  We already have Inside the US the circulation of yuans and also the  Japanese bitcoins, although it is “illegal”. Soon or later, in the realm of virtual currencies nothing will be illegal, not the QEs, not the bitcoins, not the yuans.  

The dollar fall is at portas, and a  new dollar -with gold support- will be installed, the old dollar is already being killed by the US-FED  with their devaluation policies. It is time to move out of the USD is being said worldwide and most countries are diversifying  their reserve currency.

In this context, there are two choices for America: 1st, The US should abandon the current obsolete neoliberal system based on fraud, corruption and nasty speculation and start the re-building of  America with a new system that reconsider a new Glass Stegall Act, a NEW DEAL with the working classes and honest capital investment (oriented to production) and new central Fed bank in charge of running a new dollar or new currency backed by gold. Then we should bring all our troops back home and start the dismantling US barracks and nuclear sites in coordination with the Russian-China and other nations with nuclear power.

The 2nd choice is to continue this painful debacle based on wars of plunder abroad, and manipulation of the currencies and sovereign debt of satelite nations, and the fostering hedge-fund frauds and other financial means of nasty speculation.If this continue we are creating the base for a huge social explosion. The explosive inequality is getting its peak and the corporate media is creating the idea that foreigners are the cause of our domestic crisis. So there are chances of nuclear war to defend such nasty business. There won’t be winners in a nuclear confrontation, even if it last only 2 days. If it goes beyond two days the total destruction of the US and other nations will be forever.

I said that because in 2015 there will be 3 hot issues that could spark a nuke confrontation with Ru-China: 

1st, the mishandling of two domestic conflicts already announced as possible sources of division in the US: the Obama care and the Keystone pipelines opposed by the nation. The senate has now power to decide on them, and OB has two veto powers to put dawn a Senate rule, the constitutional pencil, and the war-veto power as used by Clinton when he was about to be impeached because the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Clinton decided to bomb Milosevic in Yugoslavia to unite the nation internally. 

2nd, unexpected changes (or calculated ones) in the middle-east front. For instance the bombing of Damascus and assassination of Asad, follow by the bombing of Israel and Turkey, plus the incineration of ISIS with carpet bombing from Ru-Chi-Iran. 

And 3rd, unexpected changes (or calculated ones) in the front of East-Europe. For instance the bombing and occupation of Donbass, Crimea, or Odessa, or even Sevastopol  by NATO-KIEV air forces. That of course will be responded by Russia, China and allies with a massive assault on Kiev and the elimination of current rulers, and/or the bombing of US military barracks and missile stations against Ru-Chi in neighboring countries. 

These three factors could spark a nuke-confrontation. Russia patiently endured all the US-NATO economic attacks and now is ready to respond, according to several reports. None of three factors mentioned above can be prevented if we don’t prepare and organize national and international audiences and grass root org against war and against war-mongers in the US- Europe and the Middle East.

In brief.  At geo-political level the topic of the US as "dysfunctinal society" makes sense only if war-monguerism is not stopped now. If this continues and the nuke-war is seen as an option, then the US society will be dysfunctional to the whole human world. 



Obamacare is Killing Us - John Ransom - Townhall Finance ...  the current QEs keep most of the imaginary money out of the economy
Saudi Arabia Oil Sales to U.S. Imperiled by Shale Boom ...  the maestro Soros, the inventor and author of “pump and dump
Saudi Stocks, Currency Tumble As Aramco Pipeline Explodes; ISIS Sabotage Concerns  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/05/2014 - 12:33  UPDATE: ARABIAN SECURITY SOURCE SAYS FIRE OCCURRED IN AN OIL PIPELINE, NOT TERRORIST ATTACK.  
The Crash Heard Round the World: Saudi Arabia Ends Kissinger USD ‘Petro-Dollar’ For Oil Payments.  http://politicalvelcraft.org/2014/09/21/the-crash-heard-round-the-world-saudi-arabia-ends-kissinger-usd-petro-dollar-for-oil-payments/


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