domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014



Hugo Adan.  Agosto 11, 2014




1- "THE TRAIN WRECK IS COMING," DAVID STOCKMAN WARNS, "ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE"  08/10/2014   Train wreck is a pretty good term to describe what is coming.  But this train wreck isn’t simply going to hit a wall out of the blue. Actually, it has been forming and accumulating and expanding for many years now, and yet it has simply been ignored, particularly by the financial markets which have ridden this bubble to these extreme and historic heights. The only issue is, when does it hit the wall?  The answer to that question is it’s not very far down the road, and I can promise you that is when all hell is going to break loose.” 

Es una entrevista a David Stockman by Erick Kind de King World News. He aqui el Transcript of David Stockman Interview on King World News .

Here some extracts:

a.  Eric King:  “David, the man who is counsel to big money around the world, Michael Belkin, just spoke with KWN and  issued a dire warning for the financial markets.  I just wondered how you see things at this point with the Dow recently tumbling and everything that is happening across the globe?  What should we expect?”

Eric King.. continue the question: I just wondered how you see things at this point with the Dow recently tumbling and everything that is happening across the globe?  What should we expect?”

Stockman“Well, we are headed into a perfect storm of policy failures.  This is not simply a failure by the Fed, which has inflated this massive bubble and painted itself into a corner with no clue how to get out, but we are also seeing an absolute failure of American world dominance….

Our foreign policy is collapsing everywhere and yet the Washington war party keeps wanting to do more of the same.  This confrontation with Putin is utterly out of hand and unnecessary.  Now we have a trade war going that is going to ricochet through an already fragile European economy.

We hear today that Obama is considering going back into Iraq.  What is he thinking?  If you layer that on top of an already fragile financial bubble that is waiting to burst, I think we are in a zone of extreme danger.

The difficulty is that I don’t believe this central bank ‘act’ can be kept up.  We have had such tremendous expansions of balance sheets that even the central bankers are now beginning to second guess themselves, become divided among themselves, and begin to worry about how they get out of the corner they have painted themselves into.

So those are the factors that will ultimately cause a major collapse.  It’s just a question of when the black swan comes flying in, or when the confidence in this whole central banking illusion finally breaks down in the markets.”

b- Eric King:  “It sounds like we have a train wreck in front of us.”

Stockman:  Train wreck is a pretty good term to describe what is coming.  But this train wreck isn’t simply going to hit a wall out of the blue. Actually, it has been forming and accumulating and expanding for many years now, and yet it has simply been ignored, particularly by the financial markets which have ridden this bubble to these extreme and historic heights.

But when you take the balance sheet of the Fed from $900 billion to $4.5 trillion in less than 70 months, and when that pattern is replicated around the world, that is a train wreck in slow motion.  The only issue is, when does it hit the wall?  The answer to that question is it’s not very far down the road, and I can promise you that is when all hell is going to break loose.”



Una nueva Guerra ha sido iniciada por Obama. Este dijo que vamos a defender una comunidad religiosa cristiana en peligro de ser atacada por el ISIS (Los asesinos Sunis que financian los aliados de EU, los Saudis y Qatar). Eso fue falso, el mismo Pentagono lo negó. No hubo ninguna razón humanitaria en esta aventura en la que usaron al Pope para encubrir su falso humanismo, ni se bombardeó a los ISIS como la prensa corporativa indicó.  El NYT aclaro  que “The Pentagon flatly denied the reports”. Ver la noticia de al respecto: .

La verdad es que EU inicio esta guerra para tomar control de los posos petroleros que antes les fueron cedidos a los Kurdos cuando se los necesito durante el bombardeo e invasión a Irak el 2003. Las relaciones de poder han cambiado en la zona. Los shias con Maliki afirmaron su autonomía y se lo quizo sacar mediante fraude electoral. Al parecer Maliki tenia la intención de recuperar ese petróleo. Por esto se habría aliado con Iran y Rusia. Obama y su NATO quieren en cambio usar este petróleo para negociar mejor su relación con Europa, que es adónde va el petróleo. Si ayer America uso a los Kurdos, ahora usa a los ISIS, los asesinos Sunis que financian los Saudis y Qatar. 

Esta guerra se trata de quien controla el petróleo Iraki , no del supuesto humanismo cristiano de Obama. Obama y  la OTAN buscan amarrar nudos con Europa, para someterlos mejor. La cosa se les ha complicado porque el Shia Maliki se ha dado un auto-golpe para asegurar con las armas el triunfo que dijo le fue burlado con el fraude de las recientes elecciones. Falta saber si ya hizo alianza con los kurdos para compartir el control de ese petróleo. El caso es que alli hay guerra para rato, el mismo Obama lo acepto,  y quien paga estas guerras es el pueblo americano. Si EU y su NATO y sus aliados ISIS ganan esta guerra el único beneficiario es Israel, a quien también le tocaría parte del petróleo hoy en disputa. Leamos dos noticias al respecto:

2-1  The U.S. Airstrikes In Northern Iraq Are All About Oil.  No se trato de detener el avance de los Sunis (el ISIS) que financian los Saudis y Qatar. No, esta es otra guerra de pillaje por el petróleo de la zona, lo denuncia :  The U.S. Airstrikes In Northern Iraq Are All About Oil. 08/10/2014  This week, President Barack Obama announced that he was authorizing American airstrikes in Iraq. He described his intervention as a “humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain” and as an effort “to protect our American personnel.” One word that he didn’t mention is “oil,” but it lies near the center of American motives for intervention.

2-2  Military Coup In Iraq: Prime Minister Maliki Refuses To Step Down; Security Forces On Alert, Encircle Presidential Palace   Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/10/2014.  Just days after the US launched a campaign that implicitly aides the current regime headed by the supposedly outgoing PM, al-Maliki, it appears that latest US intervention has already led to "unexpected" consequences, this time with the prime minister appearing to have just staged a coup overthrowing Iraq's president President Fouad Massoum moments ago.


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