domingo, 26 de enero de 2014



Titled suggested By Ismail Salami | Saturday, January 25, 2014.  See:

And re-writing by Hugo Adan

The Good Title above “the good, the bad & the ugly”  needed  to be precised with the help of other sources. Here It goes:


1- The brave Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem for stating in his discourse  to this meeting –interrupted several time by the servant of imperialism, the pawn Ban Ki-moon- that Syrians’ destiny will be in the hands of Syrian People not matter what. The Geneva II will not alter this position.

2- The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for suggesting a democratic choice for Syria. He called for a new election in Syria. That requires as first condition that bloodshed be stopped and certain countries give up supporting terrorism. He also said: “I believe that only Syrian people are allowed to decide and nobody else can pass a judgment on the future of Syria.”, in support of the courageous position of the Syriam Foreign Minister Moallen.

3. The best, the Syrian people, their army and international volunteers who are resisting the invasion of thousands of foreign jihadist mercenaries supported by the US, the oil royalties, Israel, Turkey and all other NATO allies. This victorious resistance got the help of the Russian PM Lavrov  & the Chinese State in the war-field. All of them are defeating the terrorists from Al Qaeda [ See ]


1. John Kerry, who tried to impose his anti-peace agenda in Syria, the so called “regime change first” by using tech-media tricks: 

A-By twisting the meaning of the previous agreement in Geneva I signed in June 30, 2012. Check the document signed, the Geneva I communiqué,  this doc doesn’t state the pre-condition alleged by Kerry. Instead, it focus on Stop de violence First.

This doct was signed among others, by Qatar, Turkey and other members of the Arab League controlled by the Saudis plus countries like France and UK that after signing joined the US agenda and became directly involved in financing and providing help to the terrorists. During the current Geneva 2, these delegations tried to do the same distortion. But , nowhere in the official Communiqué  distributed before the meeting is mentioned or imply that President Assad would have to leave power first. .

 B- By demonizing the Syrian delegation and distorting facts on violence in Syria. Just the day before this Geneva 2 meeting, Mr Kerry and the corporate media launched a tsunami of distortions made in Qatar, the  story of recent Nazi-style massacre blamed on Assad. As they did before with the lies of Chemical gases, none of this blames have verifiable evidence, neither are based on independent  investigation. On  the contrary, there are evidences  that the terrorist jihadists (those cannibals) were the ones who did such despicable acts.  

C- Kerry tried to cover up the US help to jihadist terrorism in Syrian. Facts contradict such maneuver. See Media Lies in:   Besides, Qatar, Saudis, Turkey and other sponsors of terrorism from UK & France are actively involved –as before- in this   Geneva 2, so is expected a similar aftermath this meeting. They will be in charge of the  Final communiqué of the Action Group for Syria – Geneva II,  and rhetoric on peace will be similar the previous one. They may bolster their false human face with some bandages they plan to use to cover up visible wounds  left by their  terrorism, but then after they will secretly plan the new inhumane actions against Syria to impose the all agenda of “regime change first”, the one that has nothing to do with peace but with the imperialist expansion of their nasty interest on the region..  

2. Among the BAD we should include the puppets that this imperialist forces have inside the UN,  starting with Ban Ki-moon,  the UN Sec General, and the mummy with kin smell for money who play the role of mediator. This 80 year old man still had voice for parroting what some members of the Arab League decide, specially the ones coming from Saudis and Qatar.  


Kerry again, starting with his blackmail on Iran. He succeeded in cancelling the invitation to Iran proposed by the UN, but at the expenses of degrading the meeting and causing the collapse of the Geneva 2 meeting. The worse was the threat on this country that I commented in  ** Instead Kerry invited a delegation of  terrorists groups connected with the Saudi Bandar, the one who try to unite them and avoid their recent fights since it favor the  Assad regime. He also invite bureaucrats who have a comfortable life in UK & France (the FSA) those who were rejected by one of the two main blocks in the Syrian battle field, the Al-Nusra block, who is fighting the ISIS (The Islamic State of Irak and Syria). Both fronts claim to be the real Al Qaeda representatives, so the ones who has to receive the money from the Saudis or the House of Saud.

Finian Cunningham  (  suggest  that  Al Qaeda is nothing more than the logo or umbrella used by all islamic jihadist mercenaries from all the Middle East, especially the ultra-extremistas sunis, anti-shias from Irak, los del Free Syrian Army (FSA) y los Saudi-Wahhabi that control ISIS (Islamic State of Irak and Siria).

En el otro frente de Al Qaeda estan los al-Nusra, al-Shams, los al-Islam, the Islamic front, a este  grupo de Al-qaedas les llaman “moderados”  los Saudis y Kerry. Si los caníbales de al-Nusra son moderados, hay que imaginarse como son los mas extremistas, los del ISIS. Contra estos se unio un Frente amplio de islamicos y seculars from Syria,  including the massive Islamic Front, the Syrian Revolutionaries Front and the nascent Mujahedeen Army, all of them Anti-Asad  and Anti-foreigners, and the ISIS were expelled from Raqqa. According to Al Jazera this happens three days after  that three powerful rebel alliances launched what they called a Second "revolution" , the one against ISIS (now ISIL)  in the north province of Aleppo and Idlib in the west.   []    

The owners of this umbrella called Al-Qaeda, the ones who decide where these jihadists has to work, are the Saudis, the US and Israel, named by Pepe Escobar as “la troika del terrorismo” or the new axes of evil. Of course they have in common the destruction of Syria and Iran. Under this umbrella are all the terrorist mercenaries that Bandar try to unite. This might be the real purpose of the Meeting in Geneva 2 for the evil coalition.  

If the intention  was to use this meeting to unified the different terrorist jihadists, that would have been THE WORSE that happens in Geneva 2. The UGLY one because the life of Syrian people is still in danger, as it is peace in the whole region. And perhaps, if terrorism and jihadism escalates, such sinister and hidden objective is jeopardizing peace worldwide too.       




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