miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013


WAR? … WHERE WE ARE GOING TO?  Adonde vamos con esta guerra?
By Hugo Adan,  Sept 4, 2013

Those who believe that the attack is only on Syria are wrong. This is planned to be a simultaneous attack on Syria and Iran.

Then, this assumed attack on Syria will open  attacks on US, UK and France military stations worldwide in the midterm. 

At the short term it will worsen existing wars and opens  attacks on major cities of the Middle East that are directly involved in the military attack and/or are financing the attack on Syria and Iran. It means that several  cities in both fronts will be devastated. 

It also means the cutting of oil flow  to Europe and the bombing of many West embassies all over the globe. 

This could also end up in a nuclear confrontation between both fronts NATO and Russia-China and allies. 

Even if we don’t arrive to the point of nuclear confrontation that both sides are prepared to wage, it is sure that only one week of mild war in this area, will disrupt severely the financial and trade system.  It is expected  socio-political uprisings of their people in both sides. 

In other words, there is a chance that the current dollarized neo-liberal system dominated by  US and west corporations  collapse.




Defence ministry confirms joint exercise with US of anti-ballistic missile system in Mediterranean.
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2013

Israel fired a missile in the Mediterranean to test a new defense system - but did not inform anyone beforehand.

The Tuesday morning launch a joint exercise with the United States. It  was first reported by Russia, which said  two "objects" following a ballistic trajectory had been fired from the Mediterranean.
Israel's Defence Ministry later confirmed that it, along with a team of United States military advisers, had carried out a test-launch of a Sparrow missile.

The Sparrow, which simulates the long-range missiles of Syria and Iran, is used for target practice by Israel's US-backed anti-missile system, Arrow.


Assad's allies say military move would have serious consequences as West weighs punishment for alleged gas attack

Russia and Iran have given fresh warning to the United States and its allies against a military intervention in Syria.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that such an intervention could have "catastrophic consequences for the region and called on the international community to show "prudence" over the crisis.
"Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa," the ministry said.


Separately, Iran repeated its opposition to any US attack by warning that a military intervention will engulf the whole region.

"There will definitely be perilous consequences for the region,"  Abbas Araqchi, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, said.


Por Hugo Adan, 
Sept 4, 2013

Sin duda el objetivo secreto de EU e Israel y algunos aliados de NATO es matar dos pájaros de un tiro en el corto plazo: el régimen de Assad y los mercenarios de Al Nustra en Siria y el control del petroleo Irani. Si lo logran, podrian más tarde avanzar sobre China y Rusia.

Nada garantiza que eso se pueda lograr mejor con la guerra que con la diplomacia política. 

Ninguna guerra le salio bien a los EU. A mi ver hay falta de visión política en la actual. Aquí quien lleva las de perder –en el corto plazo es Israel y en el mediano plazo los EU.

El bloque Rusia, China e Iran también están dispuestos a golpear varios objetivos en el corto plazo.

La trampa de ellos está en el camino hacia la guerra. Si la pisa EU, vuela. No hay forma de ganar una guerra si no se invade el país. Incluso si se trata de solo lanzar misiles, los navíos de EU  podrían desaparecer del mapa y también Israel. De forma que las posibilidades de victoria para el Oeste son remotas.

Y si el ataque es sorpresivo y victorioso para el oeste, el único beneficiario podría ser Israel. 

Y si el ataque de sorpresa o contra-ataque es inmediato y viene del Este, entonces es posible se disuelva NATO. Ni  Alemania ni Japón apoyarían esta alianza. 

Lo que vendría seria un sistema mundial multi-polar donde quien lleva la peor parte seria EU pues el sistema financiero y comercial dejaría de estar monopolizado por el dólar. 

Se desplomaría un sistema imperial más en el mundo sin que ocurra el intercambio nuclear. Y si este ocurre, el desplome seria más rápido.  

En suma, es casi imposible que el cazador pueda darle a las tres águilas y si mas probable que termine sin ojos.


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