viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Hugo Adan
Viernes Sept 27, 2013

Ayer apareció una entrevista a un militante del grupo terrorista musulmán que perpetró el asalto a un shopping center de Nairobi donde murieron más de 60 personas y hubo más de 150 heridos de gravedad.  Por qué se atacó  la población civil indefensa  de Kenya y no una barraca militar del Estado, de este que el 2011 invadió Somalia y que hasta hoy ocupa parte del territorio sur de este país?. La entrevista en Ingles y la puede Ud leerla  en Aljazeera  (la adjunto)

Cuando lei este reporte de lo ocurrido en Kenya,  el recuerdo de lo ocurrido en Peru en la decada del 80 me asaltó la memoria.  Los maoístas de Peru habían volado un edificio del centro de Lima donde se alojaban turistas y gente rica de la capital, murieron mas de 100 civiles, ningún militar. Se dijo que quienes perpetraron el  crimen fue un comando de 3 personas. De kenya se dice que fue un comando de 10 quienes tomaron el shopping center más concurrido por foráneos y gente de dinero en la capital Nairobi. Se sabe que estos  evacuaron a los musulmanes y exigieron el inmediato retiro de las tropas que invadieron el sur de Somalia donde el ejército  perpetró  muchos crímenes.  Los terroristas de Peru  dijeron que su ataque en Lima fue también en venganza contra  el terrorismo del ejército  que había bombardeado comunidades enteras de zonas quechuas por la sola sospecha de que allí había maoístas.

El que ambos grupos terroristas actúen motivados por el deseo de vengar  crímenes anteriores cometidos por las “fuerzas del orden”,  no es nada nuevo. Lo nuevo es que estamos creando el contexto más fértil para que estos grupos  se reproduzcan como pandemia:  las guerras.

Donde existan ex -soldados organizados en grupos clandestinos, existe la posibilidad de que ocurran estos ataques terroristas.  El resto lo hace el contexto socio-político y militar. Revisemos algunas experiencias. Los comandos argelinos volaron shopping de  Paris y por lo que Francia tuvo que retirar sus tropas de Argelia, estuvo compuesto por ex soldados preparados por los mismos franceses. Se dice  que por venganza contra el crimen ocurrido en Waco, Texas, se voló  el edificio de Oklahoma  en los EU y por la técnica allí usada se sospechó de que sus autores también fueron ex -militares.  Y se sabe también que el comando clandestino que cometió el horrendo crimen en Rusia,  ese que exigía el retiro de las tropas que ocupaban Chechenia, fue preparado por las mismas sectas fundamentalistas que hoy operan en Syria.  En todos ellos fue la población civil, niños incluidos, las víctimas de este terrorismo.  En todos ellos hubo venganza,  motivación política y gente preparada para ejecutar esos actos horrendos. Y esto último es lo grave del contexto actual.

Digo grave porque en las guerras que patrocinamos en Iraq, Libya y Syria  estamos creado un inmenso contingente de grupos clandestinos que más tarde podrán operar con  total autonomía  y/o vender sus servicios a quien mejor  les pague por ello. La mercerización es ya un oficio legal que no tiene fronteras, ni nacionalidad, ni atavió ideológico alguno. El mercenario terrorista puede ser un musulmán, un soldado neo-conservador americano,  o un libertario “demócrata” de  EU, UK o Israel y cualquier grupo de soldados de diferente nacionalidad que fue  enviado a los diversos campos de batalla que hoy existen en el mundo.  Los motivos psicológicos encontraran el dispositivo que hará estallar esa violencia contenida,  en el contexto guerrerista que alimentamos 

Por que alarmarnos de los ocurrido en Nairobi, Kenya?.  Por que del crimen de la Embajada americana en Bengazi ,  Libia? Por que, si a la vez estamos convirtiendo muchos shopping centers y embajadas de EU como blanco preferido de un ataque terrorista. Por qué, si estamos preparando  la gente que  habrá de operar esos crimenes?.  Por que aterrarnos si la TV pública nos bombardea todos los días con sus reclutamiento de soldados para nuevas guerras?  Sin duda,  es gracias a la TV que promueve un sinnúmero de rituales pro-guerra  que  nuestros niños y adolescentes son predispuestos para ese crimen subterráneo que es el reclutamiento. Por que nos aterra el terrorismo si lo estamos creándolo dia a  día. 

No necesariamente el terrorista tiene que ser un musulmán jihadista nacido en los rincones de una Mezquita. Puede nacer  en una Iglesia cristiana o en templo judío o simplemente en cualquier centro social que ofrezca la posibilidad de construir networks secretos. Y ya no se necesita de partidos políticos para ello. Lo único que se necesita es que existan soldados entrenados en los campos de batalla para el manejo del instrumental  bélico. Lo demás lo dará el contexto guerra, los motivos jamás faltaran.   




Mogadishu, Somalia - Al-Shabab - the al-Qaeda-linked Somali-based group - has claimed responsibility for an attack in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.

The attack launched on Saturday on the upscale Westgate shopping mall has killed at least 62 people and wounded more than 150 others. Heavy gunfire continued to ring out on Monday.

Al Jazeera's Hamza Mohamed interviewed al-Shabab's spokesman for military operations, Sheikh Abulaziz Abu Muscab, as the siege at the mall entered its third day. Abulaziz spoke about why the group attacked Nairobi now. He also provided insight into al-Shabab's relations with the Mombasa Youth Centre, a group the Kenyan government designated as a terrorist organization


Al Jazeera (AJ) : It is more than two years since Kenyan troops went into Somalia to fight al-Shabab. Why did al-Shabab attack Nairobi now?
Sheikh Abulaziz Abu Muscab (SA) We have been late in attacking Nairobi. We did not attack before because they were expecting us to attack. Our aim is to attack our enemy when they least expect us to attack. This time they were not expecting us to attack. We choose when to attack, and best time to attack.

AJ: Is this al-Shabab's first attack in Nairobi?
SA: Thats not the importing thing. The important thing is it is us who attacked now. It is not important to say we attacked before or not.

AJ: This attack is happening at Westgate Mall, which, when the attack started, was full of shoppers. Why is al-Shabab attacking a place that is full of civilians?
SA: The place we attacked is Westgate shopping mall. It is a place where tourists from across the world come to shop, where diplomats gather. It is a place where Kenya's decision-makers go to relax and enjoy themselves. Westgate is a place where there are Jewish and American shops. So we have to attack them.
On civilian deaths, Kenya should first be asked why they bombed innocent Somali civilians in refugee camps, why they bombed innocent people in Gedo and Jubba regions. They should be asked that first before us.

AJ: Al-Shabab claims to work to protect Muslims and Somalis in particular. Some of the people killed in this attack suggests otherwise.
SA: History supports our claim. We are the only ones protecting Somalis and Somalia. We are the only group fighting Somalia's historic enemies. We are the only one who can say "no" to Somalis' enemies.
On the loss of lives, there were Kenyan soldiers firing back at our fighters. There was an exchange of gunfire. There is no evidence it was our bullets that killed them. We released all Muslims when we took control of the mall. Witnesses have backed us on this.

AJ: Do you think this attack will make Kenya withdraw its troops from Somalia?
SA: That question is not for us to answer. That is for the Kenyan government to answer. It is up to them to withdraw their soldiers or not. If they don't withdraw, attacks like this will become common in Kenya. It is possible if they don't withdraw attacks like this will happen in Kenyan cities and towns every day.

AJ: Before Kenyan troops went into Somalia in October 2011, what was al-Shabab's relation with the Kenyan government?
SA: We always knew Kenya is the enemy of the Somali people. We knew this when we controlled the border towns. Kenya invading us was not unexpected. We don't believe them and we dont trust them.

AJ: Kenya says it will go after the perpetrators of this attack and won't stop until they are defeated. What do you say to that?
SA: We are not perpetrators. We are only defending ourselves and defending our rights, the rights of the Somali people.
Today no one has a worse criminal record than the Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta. He's talking about tens of people killed at Westgate while he's responsible for the deaths of thousands of people killed when he was running for the presidency. If Kenyans want to hold someone accountable for crimes they should first start with him.

AJ: Many, including the Somali and Kenyan governments, are saying al-Shabab targeting a place full of civilians is a sign of weakness, that al-Shabab is on the back foot and will soon be history. Is that the case?
SA: Whom are these people judging us? These people's weakness is public for everyone to see. The Somali government is protected by tanks for them to stay in power. The Kenyans rely on foreign support, even to deal with a small matter like Westgate. They asked for Western support.

AJ: Finally, Kenya has designated the Mombasa Youth Centre (MYC) as a terrorist organisation. The group has on many occasions endorsed al-Shabab. What is al-Shabab's relationship with MYC?
SA: The relations between MYC and us are the same relations between Muslims. They are our Muslim brothers. Islam is our common relation, and they have the same right from us like any other Muslim
Follow Hamza Mohamed on Twitter: @Hamza_Africa


Updates on the Kenyan terrorist attack. HERE THE LATEST & BEST

September 27, 2013 

Does the War on Terror actually generate more terrorists and victims? What are the lessons to be learned from the attack in Kenya? And, where is the logic in Washington indirectly backing Al-Qaeda in Syria and fighting terrorists elsewhere? CrossTalking with Kelley Vlahos, Richard Barrett and Stephen Zunes.  MUST WATCH VIDEO!!


BBC 27 September 2013 Last updated at 12:00 ET

The militants who led the attack on a Kenyan mall hired a shop there in the weeks leading up to the siege, senior security sources have told the BBC.
This gave them access to service lifts at Westgate enabling them to stockpile weapons and ammunition.
Having pre-positioned weapons they were able to re-arm quickly and repel the security forces.
Sixty-seven people are known to have died in the four-day siege. Kenya's Red Cross says 61 others are still missing.
Forensic experts are still combing the complex, looking for bodies and clues.
The Somali Islamist group al-Shabab, which is part of al-Qaeda, says it was behind the attack and the following siege at the upmarket mall in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.

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