sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2021

NOV 6 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

NOV 6 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco




Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Peter Schiff: Bond Prices Will "Implode" And Our Economic House Of Cards Will Collapse 

"The breaking point is going to be the dollar..."


Port Of New York And New Jersey Reports First Slowdown After 13 Months Of Torrid Growth

"For the first time in more than 13 months, cargo volume at the Port of New York and New Jersey rose at a slower pace in September,"


Here's Everything America Gets For $1.2 Trillion In Infrastructure Spending - Including The Crazy Stuff

Remember to thank the 13 Republicans who made this possible..


Thank you very much!  Hugo Zegarra


Future of Labor Market at stake?

by Tyler Durden

"A Secular Shift": What The Black Death Tells Us About The Labor Market

Covid might have nudged people’s preferences toward a mind-set that was the norm for many centuries: prioritizing leisure over income at the margin.

As wages rise sharply in the US, the labor supply response has disappointing. While unemployment is falling, labor force participation as well as hours worked are stagnating.

See Chart:

Hourly earning vs. Labor force participation



As Deutsche Bank strategist Robin Winkler writes, there are many reasons as to why people might be unable to respond to rising wages, such as obstacles to returning to work. Another possible explanation is that people are looking through the ‘money illusion’: they understand that wages are barely rising in real terms.

See Chart:

Real average Hourly earning Y/Y change



But there could be a more fundamental, if less intuitive, dynamic at work. According to Winkler, people's preferences might have shifted from consumption to leisure. History suggests that the pandemic could have a lot to do with this.

The Black Death resulted in more leisure, for the survivors

It is not a deep law of economics that wages and hours worked move in tandem. In fact, according to Deutsche Bank, for most of human history people maximized leisure rather than income and consumption. Rising wages tended to coincide with people working less, not more. To wit, the most extreme example occurred in the aftermath of the Black Death, when real wages rose rapidly on account of a deep labor shortage.

Much of this shortage of course resulted from the death toll of the pandemic. Importantly, however, even those workers who survived reduced their labor supply. Average hours worked collapsed in the 14th century as the following chart from DB shows.

See Chart:

The Black death resulted in less Wk & higher wages for those who survived



This was a major - if logical - factor in driving real wages higher, as well as in driving real rates lower. Indeed this has been the typical pattern following pandemics in the last millennium.

See Charts:

Historical pandemic result in lowest real rates & higher real wages



Unlike modern economists, this pattern did not seem particularly paradoxical to people in the Middle Ages. Again, for centuries people maximized leisure rather than income. The reason is that where people opted for higher incomes, they struggled to spend it. Consumption goods were perennially in short supply throughout the Middle Ages, and services were close to non-existent for the broader population. It was only really in Northern Europe between 1600 and 1800, the period better known as the Industrious Revolution, that the relationship between wages and hours worked turned positive, before turning negative again in the late 1800s.

When Adam Smith founded modern economics in 1776, it just so happened that the relationship had been positive for a few decades, leading him to consider this relationship as more natural than it had been for centuries.

What to make of this data? Well, as Winkler tongue-in-cheek puts it, "fortunately, the Middle Ages are far away" although at the rate things are going in Washington, maybe not that far. Yet a more structural change Covid might have nudged people’s preferences toward a mind-set that was the norm for many centuries: prioritizing leisure over income at the margin.

As the DB strategist concludes, "at best, this mindset will dissipate as excess savings are used up. At worst, there could have been a secular shift. If so, the pandemic's negative impact on labor supply could have deeper roots than many policy-makers assume."


SOURCE:  https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/secular-shift-what-black-death-tells-us-about-labor-market



Are you going to do IT again? 

beyond awesome...?

This art is only for member, said Tyler Durden




Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


"Health Should Not Be Political": Packers' Aaron Rodgers Deflects Hysteria About Being Unvaccinated In Lengthy Interview

"I realize I'm in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now... I'd like to set the record straight..."


"People Don't Know The Special Fund Exists" - Feds Pay Zero Claims For COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries/Deaths

In fiscal year 2021, the U.S. government paid $246.9 million in claims for vaccine-related injuries and deaths. Not a single payout was related to Covid-19 vaccines.


Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden's 'Big-Company' Vaxx-Mandate

...citing "grave statutory and constitutional issues"...


D duopoly system we have today (Dem vs Rep) is collapsing. Their contrad will explode

Veteran Dem Strategist Sums Up Liberals' Electability Issue: "They're Not Popular... They Need A Woke Detox"  

"What went wrong is stupid wokeness... Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something,”


Dem-Reps contradiction will explode before & during election 2024. I assume this will be a violent split. Separatism from current FED will be announced months before election time. The election itself could be violent sabotaged in different states: billionaires in both sides will try to avoid d split but the trend to division among them is now in process.


NJ Senate President Who Loses To Truck Driver Claims To Have Found 12,000 Ballots

Ousted Democratic New Jersey Senate

President Steve Sweeney refuses to concede.


Elon mask will try to save & assure unity for Tesla against coming competitors

Majority Saying "Yes" After Elon Musk Asks Twitter If He Should Sell 10% Of His Tesla Stock

"Much is made lately of unrealized gains being a means of tax avoidance, so I propose selling 10% of my Tesla stock. I will abide by the results of this poll, whichever way it goes"


"Public Scapegoat": Michigan Pays Out $300,000 To Only Official Fired Over Flint, Michigan Water Crisis

...found a “plausible conclusion that political

considerations were at play” in the firing..



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Study Warns 'Luxury' Pollution By Global Mega-Rich Is The Real Problem

"The emissions from a single billionaire spaceflight would exceed the lifetime emissions of someone in the poorest billion people on Earth."



If Billonaires are the problem, the question is how to eliminate them? The only one answer available is SOCIALISM. That implies a radical change of the current system, starting in US, UK and other European countries. This radical change has nothing to do with Marxist violence in RU-CH. This instead can be done by pacific methods that include self-coup-d-etat by either billonaires and/or big Fed Institution disgusted by current global capitalism. This transition suppose either A-to use the current FED centralism or B- to use the current State autonomy from different States & regions (coalition o regional state autonomy). B-implies separatism/break of current FED centralism without the uses of violence but using Assambleism instead (debates & agreement in current Sates with a level of autonomy from current FED). In my book “Perspectives of US Socialism” I will bring more details on this plan. This book is expected to be published at the end of this year, after current debates we are having on their content. Socialism in US will be total creation of our Nation.


Hong Kong's Most Prominent Global Newspaper Could Soon Come Under CCP State Control

Follows months of immense Chinese pressure

on Alibaba to sell off its media assets...


COVID-19 Spreads To 31 Provinces In China, Residents Panic-Shopping, Communities Locked-Down

For people quarantined at home, the authorities put seals on their doors or installed door sensors on their home and apartment doors to prevent them from going out..


Evergrande Sold Two Gulfstream G650 Jets To Repay Foreign Creditors

The company is currently seeking a buyer for a much larger Airbus ACJ330 wide-body jet, according to an advertisement for it.



SPUTNIK NEWS :  https://sputniknews.com/

- ‘Smart People, But Supply Chain?’ Biden Suggests Ordinary Americans Aren't Intelligent Enough  Our intelligent Presid is maneuvering WW3 against China

- Florida's Gov. Office Blasts Biden as Over 70 Migrant Night Flights Landed in State

- House GOPers Express Concern as Intelligence Agencies May Dismiss Thousands of Unvaccinated Officers

- Ex-US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley Blasts Biden for Supporting Two-State Solution in Middle East

- Iraqi PM Confirms His Residence in Baghdad Came Under Rocket Attack in Alleged Assassination Attempt

- Republicans Who Helped Pass Infrastructure Bill Say Vote Will Strengthen Their Own Standing

- 'Worst Mayor in History': Trump Blasts NYC Democrats, Eludes Answer on Possible Return to the City

- Iran Announces Large-Scale Drill in Southern Waters, Sending Warning to 'Enemies'

- Trump Says MAGA Voters Helped Win in Virginia, Grades Biden Admin. an 'F'

- Sen. Cruz Believes GOP's Recent Gains 'Foreshadow' 2022 Election, Open Prospects for 2024

- EU Calls for Investigation Into Death of Palestinian Teenager in Clashes With IDF-ISR







Crime Agst J-A :  Assange   Santiago O'Donnell

MX:  Energía y contaminación nuclear  RC G O

Ecol-S:  Pueblos indígenas y COP26

Econ:  El gas y las ataduras europeas a Washington  H L

Guerras: ¿Permitirá la gente con armas que nuestro planeta respire?

BOL:  A un año de la recuperación democr de Bolivia  Eduardo Paz R

Perú:  Voto de confianza al gabinete, tras caída de ministro fiestero

Nicaragua:  El sandinismo en las urnas  Fabrizio Casari

Guatemala : Sin importar el grito de justicia   Kajkoj Máximo

ARG: Unas elecciones vestidas de gris  Daniel Campione

Ecol S: Víctimas del amianto luchan en las calles la creación de fondo  

Ecol S:  Retos de una transición ecosocial   E Cantos

Econ:  Ricos de Forbes, pobres de Eurostat   Pilar Velasco

España:  “En España no hubo cacique que no tuviera un periódico”

Opin:  Las deudas acumuladas

Opin: COP26 y la farsa del combate cambio climático

Cuba: No se puede postergar el diálogo abierto y perm con trabajad

Cuba: Pensar diferente la ideolog de la Rev y mant condic d cubano?

VEN:  Fragment y desunión de la derecha JA. Amesty

 África: Etiopía, un largo año de desolación  G Calvo

África:  Francia se jacta de defender DH y los veta en Sáhara Occid

Afganist:  Derrotado pero amenazando de nuevo: AUKUS  C García





El primer ministro iraquí sobrevive a un "intento de asesinato" https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409517-primer-ministro-iraqui-sobrevive-intento-asesinato-ataque


Un billón de USD pone a US "en camino a ganar competen económ" con China https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409504-biden-plan-infraestructura-poner-camino-ganar-competencia-china


Policía de Houston reporta que guardia de seg recibió pinchazo en el cuello con  aguja https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409514-guarda-seguridad-festival-astroworld-pinchazo-cuello


Cómo ocurrieron las mayores estafas con criptomonedas y cómo no caer en la trampa?   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409482-mayores-estafas-criptomonedas-no-caer-trampa


Elon Musk pregunta a seguidores en Twitter si debería vender el 10% de acciones Tesla  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409512-elon-musk-preguntar-twitter-vender-acciones-tesla

El pueblo se pregunta porque no da el 10% de sus ingresos a los pobres del US


Corea del Norte crea fuego de artillería para "fortalecer las capacidades de defensa"   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409508-tropas-corea-norte-competencia-fuego-artilleria


Multimillonario Tom Steyer dice: Bill Gates y otr ultrarricos "depend de mill d pobres" https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409505-tom-steyer-gates-depender-millones-personas-pobres


Biden afirma que familias de migrantes separadas por Trump "merecen" compensacio  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409494-biden-familias-migrantes-separadas-merecen-compensaciones


Microsoft introduce Loop: que reúne en un solo lugar las función d Word, Excel, Pow Point y Teams  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/409502-microsoft-introducir-loop-nueva-herramienta-office




CROSS TALK   https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/


Keiser Report

An eco-geopolitical innovation

Max and Stacy look at the high cost of the hot air coming out of COP26, where consensus is by decree, while, over in bitcoin land, we see true eco-geopolitical innovation. In the second half, Max continues his conversation with Ben Aris of European business news platform BNE.eu.

SOURCE:  https://soundcloud.com/rttv/keiser-report-an-eco-geopolitical-innovation





Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society By Dr. Pascal Sacré

- The Vaccine is More Dangerous than COVID-19: By Dr. Peter McCullough

- The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

- Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Is It Relevant? By US Department of Justice

- International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals By United Health Professionals,




VOLTAIRE NET ORG   https://www.voltairenet.org/en

News in Brief

Negotiations underway to eliminate Kurdish mercenaries in Syria

For two weeks, Turkey has been negotiating with Russia the conditions of her exit from Idleb, the area in northern Syria where all the remaining jihadists are amassed. Turkey insists that it will not be possible for her to withdraw as long as the Kurdish mercenaries continue to threaten her.

Discussions are focusing on a Russian-Turkish-Syrian operation to stamp out the Kurdish mercenaries of the PKK/YPG, who have already been abandoned by their former US employers. Russia would thus set up a military base in Ayn al-Arab (called “Kobane” by the Kurds in reference to the old German railway line “Kompany Bahn”) ensuring that it would no longer be claimed by the Kurds.

Source:  https://www.voltairenet.org/article214615.html




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