viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

NOV 5 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

NOV 5 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Here's Why US Supply Chain Problems Will Only Get Worse

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

The more governments try to control things, the more things get screwed up. Count on it..

It is an economic rule which free market philosophers like Adam Smith have tried to explain to governments and monopolists for centuries:

Less libert

y and more centralization equals less production and less overall wealth.

Read these subtitles:

Inflationary policies inevitably lead to speculation

The “Everything Shortage” is the beginning of the end

The brink of disaster

The inevitable dollar devaluation and stagflation

Sheltering from the stagflation storm

The author conclusion:

After 8 long years of ultra-loose monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, it’s no secret that inflation is primed to soar. If your IRA or 401(k) is exposed to this threat, it’s critical to act now! That’s why thousands of Americans are moving their retirement into a Gold IRA. Learn how you can too with a free info kit on gold from Birch Gold Group. It reveals the little-known IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) into gold. Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold.





Fed Taper Sparks Best Week For Bonds, Stocks, & Gold In Over 6 Months

by Tyler Durden

..."Extreme" greed.

Well that escalated quickly. The Fed finally unveils its Taper and investors decide that is the perfect time to buy stocks with bonds hands and feet, and pile into bonds again...

See Chart:

FOMC:  S&P vs 30Y Yield


...and rotate back from crypto into gold...

See Chart:

FOMC:  Gold vs Bitcoin


Small Caps outperformed dramatically this week (best week since March) with a big squeeze at the cash open every day. Nasdaq also surged with its biggest week since Feb (up 5 straight weeks and 10 straight days). The S&P and Dow also made gains on the week with record highs all around...

See Chart:


While stocks closed higher today, they were much more choppy than they have been all week (with the Russell/Nasdaq pair rotation playing out again)...

See Chart:


This latest move has been enabled by 7 straight days of short-squeezing. This was the biggest weekly short-squeeze since January...

See Chart:

“Most shorter’ Stocks

See mores Charts at:




US Credit Card Debt Soars Back Over $1 Trillion As Pandemic "Excess Savings" Run Out

Things are back to normal for the US consumer.

Moments ago, the latest Consumer credit data confirmed this, when the Federal Reserve reported that in September total consumer credit soared by $29.9BN, almost double $16BN expected, and well more than 100% higher compared to August.

See Chart:


And sure enough, after shrinking for 2 consecutive months, credit card debt soared by just shy of $10 billion - the second highest this year- and pushed the total revolving credit outstanding back over $1 trillion for the first time since April 2020.

See Chart:

Revolving Credit Monthly Change


And yes, drilling into the latest student and car loan number shows that, sure enough, we just hit another all time high.

See Chart: 

Students car loans ($Bll)


In short, after a period of relative quiet when revolving credit shrank and then barely grew in the aftermath of the covid pandemic, it now appears that things are largely back to normal with credit cards serving as the primary source of discretionary funding for most Americans. We bring this up just in case you hear from some macrotourist that America's middle (and lower) class still has trillions in "excess savings" left, which they clearly don't as we explained two weeks ago...







Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


Biden Agenda is to start WW3 attacking China using Taiwan & AUKUS= Biden suicide

House Democrats Strike 11th Hour Deal Between Progressives And Moderates To Advance Biden Agenda

"This whole day was a clusterf**k, right?"


Dems are quiet about Biden’ plan, they know it as Reps too. Now Dems & Reps are working hand on hand against China. Nobody knows how China will respond but all knows that it will be in alliance with RU (today in talks in Moscow). They may attack key places with nukes & Econ power in US & UK. In a week we will know d pretext used by both sides. US already start on China.



Dying standing up & with honor, but never on knees : jamas de rodillas

Unvaccinated Troops Now Threatened With Losing All Their Veterans Benefits

Would impact tens of thousands across all branches as more deadlines loom



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


China Calls US The World's Top Nuclear Threat, Hitting Back At Pentagon Report

"The US is using this report to hype up the 'China nuclear threat' theory," the foreign ministry said.


Better if we bring all our troops home.

US Orders American Citizens Out Of Ethiopia "As Soon As Possible" 

Meanwhile Washington is playing host to a rebel alliance "signing ceremony" as fighting nears Addis Ababa.


China Mocks Biden's "Powerlessness" & "Hypocrisy" After Climate Summit Apology

"Those cases show that the declining US is trapped in a predicament where the best option is to apologize."


Nuestro submarine no choco con la montaña China sino con una montañita en China

Navy Fires Commander Of Nuclear Sub That Hit Underwater Mountain In South China Sea

China still demanding answers after fears of nuclear leakage from rare accident


The commander of the nuclear sub debiera ser perdonado


Los idiotas de Florida pagados por la FARMA terrorista si debieran ser castigados

Florida Court Reinstates Governor's Ban On Masking Mandates In Schools

“There is no evidence to support the argument that forced-masking in schools had any impact on COVID case rates, pediatric or overall,”




- No Laughing Matter: Hyenas at Denver Zoo Test Positive for COVID-19

- Russian Embassy to US Says Perplexed by Washington's Concern Over Russian Troops' Movement

- US House Passes $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill After Democrats End Deadlock, Measure Heads to Biden

- Heavy Police Presence Reported at California Mall Placed on Lockdown

- 'It's Power And Politics': Kanye West Slams MeToo Movement Over 'Mob Mentality'

- CIA Chief Was Reportedly Dispatched to Russia to Warn Against Alleged Troop Build-Up Near Ukraine

- Two-Month-Old Baby Handed to US Soldiers in Chaos of Afghanistan Airlift Nowhere to be Found

- NYC Reaches Deal With Nine Public Sector Unions for Exemptions on Vaccine Mandate

- AGs in 11 US States File Lawsuit Over Biden’s Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Workplaces

- Two Iowa Teens Charged With Murdering High School Spanish Teacher

- China Opens First Clinic to Support Transgender Youth in Shanghai

- COVID-19 Damage to Placenta, Fetus – Swiss Experts

- US Military Aims to Build World’s Most Powerful High-Energy Laser Weapon

- US Added 531,000 Jobs in October as American Economy Regains Momentum







Econ: El gas y ataduras europeas a Washington   H López

 Ecol S:  Pueblos indígenas y COP26

África:  Egipto e ISR detrás del golpe de Estado en Sudán

MX:  Pillaje prehispánico: ¿crimen legal?  Vilma F

META: Sobre que versa el metaverso?   E Amesto

Guatem:  Sin importar el grito de justicia  Kajkoj M

Perú:   Terrorismo y narcoterror  Raúl Allain

Nicaragua sandinista: La década prodigiosa  Juanlu G

Argentina: Unas elecciones vestidas de gris  D C

BOL:  Fantasma de derecha posfascista: dem, libertad, justicia J P

COL: Comand Alfonso Cano: PRESENTE! En luchas por paz con justSoc

Cuba:  Orden monetario, desarrollo y consecuencias  Ado Nova

Cuba:  Dictadura del algoritmo y marchas de noviembre   A Maira




El Senado del US aprueba proyecto de ley de infraestructura de 1 billón de dólares

Muchos temen que sea para iniciar la guerra contra China, pero temen decirlo


MX: juez ordena captura de otro exdirector de Pemex envuelto en el caso Odebrecht


El mayor productor de amenazas nucleares es US Lo dice Pekín tras reporte sobre aumento del arsenal nuclear chino


Guaidó gastó en un año más de 121 mill de dólar sin que nadie los haya auditado


"La COP26 es un fracaso": Greta Thunberg lo describe como concurso discursos puro bla bla


Cómo funciona la compensación de carbono y por qué lo usan los multimillonarios


Meta crea piel sintética que dotará a robots de sentido del tacto similar al d humanos





Keiser Report

An eco-geopolitical innovation

Max and Stacy look at the high cost of the hot air coming out of COP26, where consensus is by decree, while, over in bitcoin land, we see true eco-geopolitical innovation. In the second half, Max continues his conversation with Ben Aris of European business news platform They discuss the excessive money-printing that’s negating any grand plans for an energy transition away from carbon.






Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care By Joel Kilpatrick

- Archbishop Viganò’s Open Letter Regarding the Covid-19 Vaccine By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò

- Into the Abyss We Go… By Michael Snyder

- Protect Our Children Against the COVID Jab, Support the Constitutional Rights of Parents By The Global Research Team

- Government’s Own Data Proves COVID-19 Shots Are Causing Blood Clots, Heart Disease, and Death By Brian Shilhavy

- We Need to Take Power from the People Who Are Destroying Our Planet By J C





News in Brief

Syria’s possible return to Lebanese scene

Syria responded to the Security Council regarding the situation in Lebanon [1]. This is the first time in more than a decade that Damascus is getting involved in Lebanese politics.
This shift in attitude would indicate that Russia and the United States have acceded to Syria’s conditions for (...)




US military-industrial lobby against Biden’s "Buy American" drive

The US military-industrial complex opposes President Joe Biden’s “Buy American” campaign. After his party’s losses in local elections, he took up the slogan coined by his predecessor and rival, Donald Trump.
Manufacturers fear that making it more difficult for European imports to enter the US may (...)






Amy Goodman’  team

- Ben Crump on the Start of Trials for Kyle Rittenhouse & the Killers of Ahmaud Arbery

- “Please Open Your Hearts”: Kenyan Activist Elizabeth Wathuti Urges Leaders to Act on Climate Crisis

- “Too Little, Too Late”: Global South Activists Decry 2050 “Net Zero” Goal by Wealthy Nations

- Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley: 2 Degrees of Global Warming Is “Death Sentence” for Millions




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