viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The global economy is facing a mismatch of fast rising capacity versus the deceleration of consumptive capability...

Global Childbearing Population (x-Africa)
See Chart:

Tellingly, the fed funds rate (approximating inflation) peaked simultaneous to the peak in annual childbearing population growth.  The rise, peak, and now deceleration in the annual childbearing population has essentially been the driver for the rise, peak, and now decelerating growth in demand.  The substitution of fast rising debt for the decelerating population growth is plain.  The subtle uptick in yoy childbearing population change over the next five years is the end of the road for growth...and from there on there is only outright declines likely hand in hand with negative interest rates and parabolic debt creation.
See Chart:

Household Income v. Expenditure by age groups
See Chart:
See more charts at:

...and already it appears, some speculators are betting on the peg snapping...

So how to trade a trade war?
Hartnett concludes, the ultimate China-US trade war play is short the Hong Kong dollar (which, as we noted previously, is currently trading at weakest level since peg introduced October 1983).
See Chart:

For a little better context, HKD has cratered in recent months... (testing the lows of the peg band)
See Chart:

On the heels of capital outflows and an ever-growing carry trade, enabled by a hawkish Fed...
See Chart:

Selling Hong Kong Dollars is a more liquid, cleaner proxy on china outflows (and less easily manipulated than CNY), plus USDHKD has dramatic downside if the peg breaks... which it might because standing in the way of The Fed rate-hike-driven carry trade avalanche will be very expensive.
It is a traditional devaluation play (asymmetric to the CHF peg break)
See Chart:

And already it appears, some speculators are betting on the peg snapping.
Bloomberg reports that USD/HKD call options struck at 7.8730 have transacted today (upper right corner of chart below), suggesting that at least one punter sees the chance of the band
Si ocurre la hecatombe vamos a saber que factores lo desataron: entonces public mi Eco report: “Cayo el arbolito” que lo leeré con la tonada MX: “ Ya se cayó el arbolito donde dormía el Pavo Real”. Aun  no estoy seguro si caerá por la debacle neoliberal o por el WW3. Ambos Fact están inter-conectados.

1. Natural disasters, violence and conflicts have led to a record number of persons being displaced. This has put pressure on other countries to absorb more immigrants, adding to social tensions.
See Chart:  Notice the title: ‘natural disasters’

2. Income and wealth inequality continues to rise globally.
See Chart:

3 Percentage of total  Steel  & aluminum IMPORTS: from Canada & China
See Chart:

10. The S&P 500 derives 30% of its revenues from outside the US vs. 21% for the Russell 2000 small cap index. This explains the recent outperformance of small caps and further supports our tactically bullish view on small caps over large caps.
See Chart:

11. Tech has the highest foreign sales exposure and a globally integrated supply chain, making a trade war a key risk for the sector, particularly if the next round of trade actions are aimed at China.
See chart:

12. BEA data suggests that imports represent 6% of total operating costs for US private industries. Using that as a proxy, we estimate the impact of a trade war that resulted in a 2% drag on foreign sales growth and a 15% rise in import costs WOULD RESULT IN A 6% DRAG ON EARNINGS.
See graphic:

A liquidity crisis in housing is on the way. Non-banks are at the center of the storm...
Nonbank Share in $Billions
See Chart:

GSEs and Ginnie Mae
Insurance Against Credit Risk
Another crucial difference between the GSEs and Ginnie Mae is who bears the credit risk associated with mortgage default. As shown in figure 3, for loans in GSE pools, the mortgage borrower takes the initial credit loss (in the form of her equity in the house), followed by the private mortgage insurance (PMI) company (if the mortgage has PMI), and then the GSE. For loans in Ginnie Mae pools, the mortgage borrower is again in the first-loss position, followed by the government entity that guarantees or insures the loan. However, the Ginnie issuer/servicer — unlike in the GSE case — is expected to bear any credit losses that the government insurer does not cover. Ginnie Mae covers credit losses only when the corporate resources of the issuer/servicer are exhausted.
See graphic:
"...capitalism, the system of government that Millennials’ great-grandparents firmly embraced, may be in danger of extinction if income equality continues its present upward trend which is mainly due to central banks distorting price discovery and serving wall street and avoiding main street..."
Despite wage growth, women and African-Americans still find themselves at a disadvantage.
See Chart:

Older Americans view big government with suspicion, but generally don’t expect the government to provide more services. However, the current Millennial generation expects large government and increased services.
See graphic:

The increasing income equality is emerging as a threat to capitalism itself as 50% of American millennials support socialism and communism. Millennials no longer believe that inequality can be solved by economic growth. They are rethinking the very fundamentals of wealth distribution and wage disparity. Automation is putting jobs at risk, and Millennials are less willing than any prior generation to wait and slowly accumulate wealth over a lifetime.
The call for fundamental change is global. How and when it will happen is uncertain. But capitalism, the system of government that Millennials’ great-grandparents firmly embraced, may be in danger of extinction if income equality continues its present upward trend which is mainly due to central banks distorting price discovery and serving wall street and avoiding main street.

10Y Treasury yields are back above 2.90% - the highest since spiking on Powell hawkish comments  - and back into what some have called the 'danger zone' for stocks...
See Chart

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

With Trump's interview with Mueller looming, the President lawyers are reportedly seeking to negotiate a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller that uses an interview with Trump as negotiating leverage, and accelerate a conclusion to the Russia investigation.
God's work is done...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Lies & possible rejected conditions make Circus distasteful: Big & Small Clowns don’t match

"I'm not going to walk through every hypothetical that could exist in the world. But I can tell you that the president has accepted that invitation on the basis that we have concrete and verifiable steps."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan

Un-necessary meeting: US-RU-Chi plus UK-France must meet 1st to set lines for DISMANTLE nukes

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

FEM       -Jornada histórica recupera radicalidad feminista  Magdalena León
                -8M:  las mujeres han parado, ha cambiado todo
                - Mujeres ponen al borde de un ataque de nervios al sistema  JC M
FEM-C   - Fem de clase: Antes, durante y después del 8 de Marzo  Ilka Oliva
Opin      - varones y feminismo: El lugar de la incertidumbre  Raúl Zibechi
USA       - La industria del acero en la era de Trump   Samuel Ortiz Y E Peralta
                - Nación encarcelada:  Los "Siete magníficos"  Mumia Abu-Jamal
Cuba      -Elecciones: Los desafíos del relevo generacional  Daniel Cubilledo
                - La concentración de la riqueza e ingresos en Cuba Pedro Monreal
                - Cuba La democracia socialista en ejercicio  Manuel E. Yepe  
BRA        -Theotonio dos Santos y la moda en los intelectuales  Enrique Dussel
                --Qt 1.para Juliana G: que se hizo para crear reemplazo a Lula?
                --Qt 2. Por que no lanzar la ABSTENCION contra la seudo-dem HOY?
                --No critico a Juliana: la admiro. Va para ella mi saludo fraterno. H-A
Ecua       “Ser niña”: El silencio más grande de todos en Ecuad Isabela Ponce
                - -Madres de desaparecidos:  "Locas"  María Fernanda Restrepo
Euro       - Qué hacer para avanzar hacia una EU social y democ  Samy Joshua
                -Incendios: Ningún fuego se prende solo   Ángeles A y Lautaro B
                --RECULA re-culón que te vas quedando solón
Alter       -FSM 2018 Lucha por la hegemonía en la narrativa del 99% Fdo M
ALC        -Perú:  PPK en caída, y la ayuda humanitaria  Mariana Álvarez
                -Arg 8M: Medio millón de mujeres marcharon por aborto legal  JR
Ideologias:  -La extirpación  Esteban Viú
MX         -Lo importante y lo secundario  G Almeyra  MLO VENCERA!
Salv        - El Salvador 8 de marzo  ARPAS
Que? ‘NO hay huevos en esta casa’? Mi esposa ya me lo dijo una vez..
Que? NO fue cierto el ‘Yo también te amo’?
Si van a votar y por Manuel Lopez Obrador MLO. Lo dicen Encuest Chiapas

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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