miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018

MAR 21 18 SIT EC y POL

MAR 21 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Middle America suffers and feel uneasy...

Central Banks over the last decade simply created credit out of thin air. Snap a finger, and credit magically appears. Only central banks can perform this type of credit magic. It’s called printing money and they have gone on the  record saying they are magic people. 
See Chart:

Increasing the money supply lowers interest rates, which makes it easier for banks to offer loans. Easy loans allow businesses to expand and provides consumers with more credit to buy goods and increase their debt. As a country’s debt increases, its currency eventually debases, and the world is currently at historic global debt levels. 
See Chart on Total Global debt

Middle America has cause to feel uneasy...
Centrals banks have become the world’s largest investors, mostly with printed moneyThis is inflating global asset prices at an unprecedent rate. Negative bond yields are just one consequence of this financial distortion.

While the Federal Reserve is reducing its investment purchases, other global banks are keeping a watchful eye on the results. Distorted interest rates will hit investors hard, especially those who have sought out riskier and higher yields as a consequence of quantitative easing (malinvestment).

The policies of the central banks were unsustainable from the start. The stakes in their monopoly game are rising as they are attempting to rectify their negative-yield bond purchasing with purchases of stocks. This is keeping the game alive for the time being. However, these stocks cannot be sold without crashing the market. Who will end up losers and winners? Middle America certainly isn’t going to be happy when the game ends. IF CENTRAL BANKS CONTINUE IN THEIR ROLE AS STOCKHOLDERS FUNDED BY FIAT CURRENCY, IT WILL CHANGE THE GAME COMPLETELY.
[[ The end of this game is called Neoliberal Collapse = RECESSION ]]
[[ I said so yesterday in my Art: Does the FOMC meeting will recover the economy? ]]

Baffle 'em with bullshit is working...  [[ Nice sluggishness ]] 

Baffle 'em with bullshit is working...
The Fed hawkishly raised its rate-hike trajectory, raised GDP growth expectations, left the inflation outlook alone, but talked down the economic outlook in its statement -Powell has some 'splaining to do.
The Dollar index is lower (hawkish Fed statement) and bond yields only marginally higher...
See Chart:
The yield curve steepened...
Banks are surging along with gold and The Dow...
And all the major equity indices love it...
See Chart:
[[ How long this effect will last? IF last 1 year, Powell will be the next Presid , even if Trump fire him. What if  “deep state” remove T. before he gets pedorrea  n fire Powell ? Can P beat E Warren?  Hillary is a political garbage now & Sanders lack gas in his tank..he couldn’t open indep-road to power bef ]]

"... but a breakout above the 80bps level...would be bad news for U.S. equities..."
See Chart:

REMEMBER, a month ago, Morgan Stanley was warning that the run-up in real yields was a more negative signal for stocks than higher nominal yields. We're not there yet, but a breakout above the 80bps level -- on the back of fourth-hike rhetoric today -- would be bad news for U.S. equities.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-03/1_w5qINq6rtsQyix4wa59YFw.jpeg?itok=ppEDyUHM
"...that’s how Trump won. It wasn’t the Russians, it was our own social media companies... It’s both horrifying, and cleverly brilliant at the same time... The funny thing is, Obama did something similar in 2012 and liberals celebrated."
RELATED on Hillary’ record
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

A Dry Run for Russian Democracy    By Dmitry Orlov

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Cause: illegal ties to BRA Const-Com Odebrecht. .. VIP Martin Vizcarra be sworn as Presid

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Perú      Que se vaya PPK    OtraMirada   
VEN       -insoportable sobrevivencia del Gob bolivariano   Atilio A. Boron
                -El decreto Trump es continuidad del decreto de Obama  J M
La historia de los “Novichok”  Craig Murray. Otro cuento simil a WMD in Irak
Perú      -QUE SE VAYA PPK
                -Y se fue PPK pero no el Congreso. Que se vayan todos: Nuevas elecciones, dice la Nacion.
-La unica forma de avanzar el Proy Nuev-Elec es convocar Referend Regionales (Art 31 de la Constit Fuji-1993). Como los Fujis asaltaron la Democ en Abril de 1992, hay que dar vigencia a la Const democ de 1979 que en el Art 82 indica: Nadie debe obediencia a un gobierno usurpador. La Const del 93 lo repite en el Art.46. Los fujiomoristas del Senado y los criminales del APRA eligieron al sucesor de PPK –  y es el pueblo –La nación entera quien debe elegir al Presi - (ART 45). Por tanto el sucesor fujimorista de PPK lo es sobre todo sucesor del felon Fujimori, por tanto, un usurpador y la Constit  (Art 46) ordena que los  ususrpadores sean defenestrados por el pueblo. La forma democratica de hacerlo –y construir poder en el proceso- es convocar Referendums  Regionales  y avanzar asi al REFERENDUM NACIONAL POR NUEVAS ELECCIONES  y para RESTITUIR LA CONSTITUCION DEMOC DE 1979. Las enmiendas –si las hay- viene después, cuando tengamos un Gobierno emanado de la voluntad popular.
RT   Trump buscará "paz a través de la fuerza" en las relaciones con Rusia  El sinlogismo tiene su idiota: La paz se crea con bombas .. y  la Distopia su Orwell:  War is Peace
Aquí hubo bancos que pusieron cajas públicas donde el pueblo podía cambiar bitcoins por dollars. Pero T. las cerró pues dejaba sin negocio a grandes banqueros. Pero T. si permite a los billonarios que inviertan en bitcoins cuando les de la gana (esto es, cuando quieran evadir taxes, como el ) A esto llamamos aquí “democracia del pueblo y para el pueblo  Solo falta que regrese la peste “Hillary” y nos quiera imponer la compra- venta de votos (los super-packs y los super-delegados). Hay quienes aún quieren seguir oliendo los pedos hediondos de la anti-democracia. Son pocos, pero apestan.

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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