domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

MAR 11 18 SIT EC y POL

MAR 11 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Next week bullish OPEX, a sheepishly dovish Fed again the week after and then mark-ups for the month and quarter end. One can firmly smell the standard bullish seasonal script. Or is it all a big lie? And if so, who is lying?"

It was a good week to be bullish and the buying was ferocious and on the surface it appears that bulls won a major victory and bears look to have failed again.

Or is it all a big lie? And if so, who is lying? After all, nothing is more ferocious than bear market rallies. Bear market are you nuts?
Let’s have a look at the larger picture shall we?
First off, was the bullish outlook this week a surprise? NO, IT WASN’T if you paid attention to the signals and charts.
Larger market readings were still very oversold at the beginning of the week and I highlighted an example of this on twitter on Monday:
See Chart:

But chart structures told us to be bullish, after all we saw very specific bullish structures as I outlined in Fog Monster:
“…if you want to be bullish here you can envision a series of inverses to play something like this”:
See Chart:

And we can see it in the internals.
Nasdaq new highs- new lows are weaker than during previous highs:
See Chart:

And despite the rally the descending trend in equal weight has not improved:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

We’re going to get our workers paid more. We’re going to rebalance the way we divide the economic pie. It’ll be messy. Ugly. And you better hope we succeed. If we fail, we’ll implode.
Let’s  note:
Percent I: 
Roughly 50% of Americans with high-school or less education participate in the labor force. The other 50% don’t. … The opportunities for them to retrain are severely limited. The impact on their communities and families is devastating. That kind of social decay quickly becomes entrenched. The chances that the children from these communities will live the American Dream is nearly zero percent.

Percent II:
Not a single President or party has earnestly attempted to help these people in decades - which is why we’re here. Bernie Sanders would have tried, but establishment Democrats denied him a fair shot. Obama did not improve their lot. And the chances that Clinton would’ve helped were zero percent.

Percent III:
“You know what frightens American voters?”  .. they see the globalist political/business/central banking elites conspiring to stay on course. Enriching one another. Widening inequality. One hundred percent.

America was crying out for a Trump. But the only choice we got was The Donald. And had we not gotten him in 2016, just image who we would’ve gotten in 2020?

Creative Destruction I:
“Want the good news?” We’re not going to have a full-blown trade war. We’re broke, we can’t afford a war. We’re just shaking things up hard. Want military protection? Pay us for it. No more free riding. And we’re going to get our workers paid more. We’re going to rebalance the way we divide the economic pie. It’ll be messy. Ugly. And you better hope we succeed. If we fail, we’ll implode.

Creative Destruction II:
“Want more good news?” We’re addicted to entertainment. And we have the most entertaining President in history. Which means we’re less politically aware/energized than ever. Trump inspired a sexual assault/harassment movement. 325 women are now running for US House, 72 seek reelection. 75 are running for governorships, 4 seek reelection. He’s inspired an impassioned debate about racism. Immigration. Division. Media. Guns. Trade. Inequality. Kids are engaged. It’s remarkable. Where will it lead? A better place?
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo wonders exactly who the new ambassador would be?

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

This close up of PTSD is something every American should see.

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

M8         -La conquis del derecho a ser: aquí estam las feminist  Julia Cámara
                --Aquí van elementos de análisis para ver lo que ha pasó esta sem
M8         Debate: Sobre Feminis, Anticapitalism y Soberanis  Isidro Moreno
                -Es inconsecuente, ser anticapitalista y no ser, feminis y soberanis
China    -Campo libre para Xi Jinping   Pierre Rousset
1968       50-Aniv                :  El año 1968      J Pastor No fue Rev, pero si Reform mund
Marx     1818-2018: Marx para todos los públicos  Iñaki Barcena
                --La "Crítica de la Economía Política", básica herramient analítica 
USA       Trump: un año de trumperias  Virginia de la Siega
                --Trump: expresión de capitalismo salvaje y ascendente barbarie
IV Int     Congreso: Trabajar para revertir el caos mundial  E M. Díaz
V-Sur     -La ciudad encontro receta para enfermedads: la comunidad  G M         

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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