sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

MAR 30 18 SIT EC y POL

MAR 30 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

With the long weekend upon us, whether you're Christian or not, it seems the chocolatey-goodness of Easter appeals to almost all Americans, with 84% planning to celebrate this year...

See Chart  Price of dozen of eggs

500 FICO score mortgages are being securitized and sold to voracious yield-chasing demand. Where have we seen this play out before? 
See Chart:

Every 10 years or so there is a banking crisis. WE ARE DUE...
See Chart:

"...perfect evidence that this black market dollar is controlled by the government: look at the evolution price, and you will find its table just before any important election, political campaigns and such."
See Chart  Ven Bolivar per dollar in black market

Suggestions for preparing for a time when your currency has no value
I would suggest that small, close communities who are self-reliance oriented start working on a plan with some guidelines in the macro aspects of the economy.
  • Which coins would be accepted, based on their precious metal content?
  • What about electronic devices like thumbdrives, Sds, solar panels?
  • Think about everything that could have an intrinsic/bartering value.
  • YES, drinkable alcohol is one of the best currencies you could stockpile. Even better if you know how to produce it. I have known that our local beer factory in my former town is producing pumpkin and tapioca beer! Is that great or what?
Accumulation of some cash is good, even if it is devalued currency. It saved my sorry backside to be able to leave at the best possible time. But without the needed knowledge, skills and intuition about where things were really going, it would have been much more difficult.
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

In recent years, talk of political separatist movements have become not only more commonplace, but are increasingly discussed as reasonable alternatives to the status quo. 

The European Space Agency shows the extent of Sanaa's destruction at a moment when US politicians and media fawn over MBS.

"...likely that the current crisis of liberalism will definitively bury the unipolar Western system of hegemony. And the budding movements of populism and regional protectionism can serve as the basis for a new, multipolar world order."

Money does buy some happiness, but only to a limited extent...

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Kim Jong-un's visit reveals much about the tactics that will be used in the negotiations between the Korean leader and the American president; it also consolidates a historical relationship between Pyongyang and Beijing.

"Have you totally lost your minds, ladies & gentlemen from the Downing Street?"

The UK government’s presentation on the Salisbury incident, which was repeatedly cited in recent days as an “ultimate proof” of Russia’s involvement into Skripal’s assassination attempt, was made public earlier today.

This 6-paged PDF is a powerful evidence of another intellectual low of British propaganda machine. Open it and you can tell that substantially it makes only two assertions on the Skripal case, and BOTH ARE FALSE:
See paper:

First. Novichok is a group of agents developed only by Russia and not declared under the CWC” – a false statementNovichok was originally developed in the USSR (Nukus Lab, today in Uzbekistan, site completely decommissioned according to the US-Uzbekistan agreement by 2002). One of its key developers Vil Mirzayanov, defected to the United States in 1990s, its chemical formula and technology were openly published in a number of chemical journals outside Russia. Former top-ranking British foreign service officer Craig Murray specifically noted this point on March 17:
See Note at:

This makes complete nonsense of the Theresa May’s of a type developed by Russialine, used to parliament and the UN Security Council. This explains why Porton Down has refused to cave in to governmental pressure to say the nerve agent was Russian. If Iran can make a novichok, so can a significant number of states.

Second. We are without doubt that Russia is responsible. No country bar Russia has combined capability, intent and motive. There is no plausible alternative explanation” – an outstading example of self-hypnosis. None of the previous items could even remotely  lead to this conclusion. The prominent British academician from the University of Kent Prof. Richard Sakwa has elaborated on this on March 23 the following way:
Rather than just the two possibilities outlined by Theresa May, in fact there are at least six, possibly seven. The first is that this was a state-sponsored, and possibly Putin-ordered, killing…  This version simply does not make sense, and until concrete evidence emerges, it should be discounted…

The second version is rather more plausible, that the authorities had lost control of its stocks of chemical weapons. In the early 1990s Russian facilities were notoriously lax, but since the 2000s strict control over stocks were re-imposed, until their final destruction in 2017. It is quite possible that some person or persons unknown secreted material, and then conducted some sort of vigilante operation…

The third version is the exact opposite: some sort of anti-Putin action by those trying to force his policy choices…
The fourth version is similar, but this time the anti-Putinists are not home-grown but outsiders. Here the list of people who would allegedly benefit by discrediting Russia is a long one. If Novichok or its formula has proliferated, then it would not be that hard to organise some sort of false flag operation.

The fifth version is a rather more elaborate development of the previous point. There is circumstantial evidence, a version outlined by the Daily Telegraph, that Skripal may have had a hand in devising Christopher Steele’s ‘Trump Dossier’. The British agent who originally recruited Skripal, Pablo Miller, lives in Salisbury, and also has connections with Orbis International, Steele’s agency in London. In this version, Skripal is still working in one way or another with MI6, and fed stories to Steele, who then intervenes massively in US politics, effectively preventing the much-desired rapprochement between Trump and Putin.
The sixth version is the involvement of certain criminal elements, who for reasons best known to themselves were smuggling the material, and released it by accident. In this version, the Skripals are the accidental and not intended victims. There are various elaborations of this version, including the activities of anti-Putin mobsters. One may add a seventh version here, in which Islamic State or some other Islamist group seeks to provoke turmoil in Europe.

What follows is even more depressing
Slide 3 is dedicated to some sort of anatomy lesson:
See Picture:

Slide 4 seemingly represents a real “honey trap”. Just look at it:
See Slide 4 at:

NOTI CE: The authors of this “report” mixed up a very strange cocktail of multi type allegations, none of which have ever been proven or recognized by any responsible entity (like legal court or dedicated official international organization). Of course we are not committed to argue on every cell, but taking e.g. “August 2008 Invasion of Georgia” we actually can’t understand why the EU-acknowledged Saakashvili’s aggression against South Ossetia is exposed here as an example of “Russian malign activity”
Have you totally lost your minds, ladies & gentlemen from the Downing Street?

[[ Only one really?..   When it happens? What he was doing there?  Who called them?  Why they die for? Are US soldiers defending our country?.. or just the big Cop that profit from make-sell WMD ]]

Two coalition personnel, including an American, were killed and five others wounded late on March 29, when a roadside bomb exploded in northern Syria, the U.S. military said Friday.
[[ Two coalition personnel? .. where they come from?. Are we hiring mercenaries?  ]]

[[ Then.. RU deserves the Nobel prize of “Causality”.. Does US-KK will support it? .. If don’t .. we will propose two Nobel Prizes for them: one of “ Idiotic Jealousy” & “Evil-Envy”  to both of them.  I’m sure they will accepted.. then we’ll have the 1st common-ground to go for Peace. ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Qadhafi’s Revenge  By Abdel Bari Atwan
Trump's Budget   By Dennis Sanders  Billions for guns and crumbs for working people

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report   Episode 1208  Max and Stacy discuss the battle for paradise and tax dollars in Puerto Rico as Naomi Klein takes on the crypto billionaires moving to the US territory.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

BRA        Violencia y odio de clase   Raúl Zibechi
COL        -Las benditas bombas   Amanda Aguilar
                -FED, guerras comerciales y recesión  Michael Roberts
                --Probados rapaces anidan en la Casa Blanca  Manuel E. Yepe
                -Trump migración: amenaza a segur (inter)nacional Tamara L
Korea    -Corea estable: ¿es posible un acuerdo?  Immanuel Wallerstein
FEM       -¿Feminismo con o sin clase?  Jon E. Illescas
ALC        -Perú:   La crisis neoliberal   Julian Lacacta
                -Bolivia: -Triunfo boliviano en La Haya  Eduardo Paz Rada

PAL        -El problema de la Pascua  Harriet Malinowitz
Cult        -Abreu:  el arte como derecho de los pueblos  Aldo Fabián H
Cuba      -Cuba en una encrucijada   Guillermo Almeyra
                -Fuera de la oficina: desobediencia como síntoma Dean Luis Reyes
                -Trump agrava el atolladero estadounidense   Claudio Katz  
                -Julian Assange, refugiado político   Silvia Arana  
                -Alerta por la Integridad y Vida de Julian Assange  CI P +

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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