lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

MAR 12 18 SIT EC y POL

MAR 12 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

What they said is true and it won’t exclude them from blame

"A severe trade war—in which everyone imposes a tariff on everyone else—leads to higher world inflation, tighter monetary policy and slower growth. This drag is amplified if equity prices drop around the world."
See Chart:
See more charts at:
Stripped of lofty-sounding abstractions such as comparative advantage, trade boils down to four Darwinian goals...
1. Find foreign markets to absorb excess production, i.e. where excess production can be dumped.
2. Extract foreign resources at low prices.
3. Deny geopolitical rivals access to these resources.
4. Open foreign markets to domestic capital and credit so domestic capital can buy up all the productive assets and resources, a dynamic I explained last week in Forget "Free Trade"--It's All About Capital Flows.
See chart:
Corporate Profits after tax at the source below: It has been  blocked from print.

Focusing on just the US, the key economic releases are CPI, retail sales, PPI, empire manufacturing, import & export price index, building permits, housing starts, industrial production and U. of Michigan sentiment.
See Graphic: reality of US at global scale

See Graphic key week events in US
Two other story-tells
The "goldilocks" mood that was unleashed after Friday's jobs report (high growth, low inflation) has spread around the globe, sending Asian and European markets higher as trade-war concerns took a back seat to economic optimism.
See Chart:

Global trade is the ultimate collection of supertankers so it takes a lot of effort and even more time to turn it around. The more valid area of concern is volatility, which has flirted with a game-changing shift to an environment where price swings are constantly elevated.

For now, the VIX is back down to where single-digit readings again look possible, but price swings across other assets remain at levels that offer more cause for concern; the Move index for Treasuries in particular remains quite high.
The sting in the tail is that trade has added to other recent volatility drivers -- such as monetary policy shifts, politics in both Europe and the U.S., and inflation concerns -- so that it’s much harder to avoid fresh spikes in implied vol. But, unless stock, bond and FX volatility all clearly rise again, equity investors can relax at least enough for greed to rival fear in their decision-making processes.
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ all boils down to one thing - the Clinton's so-called 'charity'...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"While the global media 'cry wolf' over Iran's and N. Korea’s nuclear programs, they are surprisingly quiet when it comes to nuclear capability Japan could acquire in just one year - thus changing the balance of power in the Asia Pacific. This is not a high-profile issue. But it should be."

Perhaps now we understand why China is modernizing its military, because after trade wars comes hot wars…

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

MX         Quien suelte el tigre que lo amarre Edo Ibarra  ALAI
COL        -La paz del pueblo ausente  William Ospina
                - Amores y odios electorales  Diego Herrera Duque
                - recibe 2 tiros en la espalda:  Atent contra lider indíg Nelson Pacué
ALC        Puerto Rico: un país en bancarrota y colonizado Luismi Uharte
Euro       Italia: Suicidio de la izquierda, auge del fascismo, caos  Samir Amin
FEM       -8M: ¡Patriarcado y capital, alianza criminal!  Cecilia Zamudio
                -El patriarcado –santificado en el medioevo- parió el Capitalismo ..
                --y ambos sistemas parieron la opresión de la mujer, entre otras Op
                - Cómo frenar saqueo de recursos del Atlántico Sur?  Daniel Gutman
ECON    - Donald Trump nos lleva a la guerra comercial  Alejandro Nadal
                -Modelos de propiedad pública  Michael Roberts
Opin      - Es la guerra, estúpido  Joaquin Roy  critica al guerrista Trump
                -QUIEN SUELTE EL TIGRE QUE LO AMARRE  Ed Ibarra
-Este es un lindo refrán Mx muy aplicable a guerra nuclear próxima
                -USA fue el amo del circo guerra y con los nukes y la nueva tecn RU
                --ese negocio-chantaje llego a su final. Hoy el tigre puede devorarlo..
                ---fácilmente si lo suelta. La segurid del mund depende del desmont..
                ---nuclear. Un accid puede provocar el WW3 y si queda vida en la faz
                ---de la tierra, serán los US infectados con DU quienes acabaran con
                ---quienes mintieron con “la guerra salvara la nación”: adios Big Corp
S-Afri    --  La emergencia del régimen Ramazupta  Patrick Bond
BRA        - El sacrificio de Lula  Carol Proner Llanto infecundo: Urge ABSTENC
                - -Militares en puestos clave  Eric Nepomuceno
Or-Proximo        --Crónica de una invasión en Afrin  Francesc Casadó
Turquía es apoyada en Afrin por el Ejército Libre Sirio (ELS) -aliado islámico financiado por US –UK-Fr  para derrocar al presidente Al-Assad. En paralelo, las tropas de Ankara actúan coaligadas con el Frente Al-Nusra, una filial de Al Qaeda, en las provincias de Idlib y Alepo (noroeste).
USA       - "Nacionalismo económico" y "seguridad nacional"  Alfredo Jalife
                - -El señor compañero  cuentito corto de  E Pérez Castillo
Salvad   - El Salvador FMLN: tiempo de audacia   Luis González
ALAI       -- Por amor a Costa Rica   José Luis Callaci
                [[ Si UK inicia el WW3.. Londres seria la 1ra ciudad fuera del mapa Mundo ]]
Musk: un inteligente vendedor de cine-teck para ricoss. Col-Marte nada que ver con Geo-Politics
Fue buena noticia para el “deep-state”: .. piensan enviarles dos mascotas: T & T. God bless d TTs

Global situation described by Iranian observers..

Tillerson says US could lift travel ban on Chad  The other T at work. God bless T-Ts
US will make no concessions to N. Korea: CIA chief este jefe tambien urge acupuntura china

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