viernes, 3 de julio de 2015




Athens floods to Syntagma square to demonstrate their support for a "No" vote in what may be one of the biggest demonstrations in history.

Mis comentarios: Hugo Adan


La victoria de Grecia significa que LOS PUEBLOS UNIDOS JAMAS SERAN VENCIDOS!!

AQUÍ EMPIEZA EL DESMONTAJE DE LA UNION EUROPEA y la posible caída final del imperio USA.

EL IMF PUEDE AMORTIGUAR ESA CAIDA CON EL SDR, pero no la caída final del dólar. Este quedaria en jaque, si lo vemos como ajedrez.

NO AL PAGO DE LA DEUDA EXTERNA!!  es imperativo de conciencia de los pueblos del mundo.
The rise and fall of great powers and their imperial domains has been a central fact of history for centuries.  It’s been a sensible, repeatedly validated framework for thinking about the fate of the planet.  So it’s hardly surprising, when faced with a country once regularly labeled the “sole superpower,” “the last superpower,” or even the global “hyperpower” and now, curiously, called nothing whatsoever, that the “decline” question should come up.  Is the U.S. or isn’t it?  Might it or might it not now be on the downhill side of imperial greatness?

[ Quienes son esos griegos que tienen capital para sacar del pais? .. No el pueblo: los ricos ]

There is at least one legal way to get your euros out of Greece these days, to guard against the prospect that they might be devalued into drachmas: convert them into bitcoin. As Reuters reports, although absolute figures are hard to come by, Greek interest has surged in the online "cryptocurrency", as new customers depositing at least 50 euros with BTCGreece, the only Greece-based bitcoin exchange, open only to Greeks, rose by 400% between May and June. With Bitcoin having surged from $238 to $268 in the last few days since Greek PM Tsipras announced Greferendum, it is clear it's not just the Greeks that are losing faith in faith-based fiat currencies.

[ Las ratas huyen cuando el barco se les hunde. Aquí en el imperio también vemos cosa similar ]
Welcome to the modern hooker economy...

[ A los aliados del imperio se les agota el combustible “sumision” ]

In the last few days there were dozens of separate attacks in Egypt from the Sinai up to Cairo. More than 60 people died while the Egyptian army used F16 attack plains to protect itself against it disgruntled population. It is clear that the Egyptian rulers will not be able to contain the current situation, today could be marked as the start of Egypt’s civil war.
[ Mas préstamos y bailouts del IMF, mas deudas, mas sumisión, mas austeridad, mas miseria. Es el circulo vicioso creado por el imperio y la estafa de sus mafias financieras. De esto vive el imperio. Lean aquí como mira la prensa corporativa (WSJ) la crisis en Grecia. ]

But Athenians are in no mood for backhanded humor, because as one 83-year old told WSJ this week, “Tsipras has turned this country into North Korea." 

[ Los del voto por el SI alientan el miedo .. ahora cuando ya casi todas las vallas las salto el pueblo ]

"Do you think Europe should forgive your debt, check box 'Yes' or 'No'." "No" means a lot of pain now and recovery later. "Yes" means less pain now but [severe pain later and] no hope of recovery ever. CHOOSE WISELY...
In the utopian world of US equities - where every dip is a buying opportunity and "The Fed's got your back," - it is blasphemous for anyone to suggest this state of affairs cannot go on forever is extreme. However, as China encountered an accelerated version of the farce that the US has experienced in the past few years, the same "The PBOC's got your back" mentality dominated every fundamental fact and central bank omnipotence was doctrine. That is until 2 weeks ago... when modest efforts to rein in exponentially-growing leverage pricked the new normal's narrative. Now every "save" by the government and every plunge protected is sold into by a desperate population burned...
Earlier this week the embattled Greeks delivered still more body blows to the rotten regime of Keynesian central banking and the crony capitalist bailout state to which it is conjoined. By defaulting on its IMF loan, walking away from the troika bailout program and taking control of its insolvent domestic banking system, Alexis Tsipras and his band of political outlaws have shattered a giant illusion.
Having bounced midweek on 'hope' of a deal and 'faith' in Draghi's containment, European stock markets are tumbling back to the post-Greferendum lows of Tuesday. Italy and Spain are now down 5.5 to 6% and as the European close nears - and the realization thanks to The IMF that the vote is a simple Yes/No to debt haircuts - stocks are being sold and volatility is picking up. Bond spreads are leaking higher but it is clear that what Draghi really 'contained' was EURUSD which remains only marginally lower on the week.
There’s no there there. Europeans are completely clueless about what’s happening here in Athens. They can’t see to save their lives that their silence protects and legitimizes a flat out war against a country that is, just like their respective countries, a member of a union that now seeks to obliterate it. Europeans need to understand that the EU has no qualms about declaring war on one of its own member states. And that it could be theirs next time around. Where people die of hunger or preventable diseases. Or commit suicide. Or flee. All Europeans on their TV screens can see the line-ups at ATMs, and the fainting grandmas at the banks, the hunger, the despair. How on earth can they see this as somehow normal, and somehow not connected to their own lives?
The Greece impasse set to culminate on Sunday continues to have a massive impact on at least one stock market, unfortunately it is the wrong one, located on a continent which is mostly irrelevant to the future of the Greek people (unless that whole AIIB bailout does take place of course).

... at this very moment, politicians from Spain's Podemos to Italy Five Star movement are drafting memos demanding that the IMF evaluate their own debt sustainability. Or rather unsustainability.
As Stalin said, Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
When a message needs to be sent by the powers that be, the German press can always be relied upon to send it, no matter how divisive (as they did here, here, and here). So it is no surprise that with the stakes appearing to have never been higher, Handelsblatt unleashes the following...


By Shoestring, Shoestring 9/11 Blog.
By Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream.
By Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse Blog.
Submitted by Mike Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg.

1. On Monday, the Dow fell by 350 points.  That was the biggest one day decline that we have seen in two years.
2. In Europe, stocks got absolutely smashed.  Germany’s DAX index dropped 3.6 percent, and France’s CAC 40 was down 3.7 percent.
3. After Greece, Italy is considered to be the most financially troubled nation in the eurozone, and on Monday Italian stocks were down more than 5 percent.
4. Greek stocks were down an astounding 18 percent on Monday.
5. As the week began, we witnessed the largest one day increase in European bond spreads that we have seen in seven years.
6. Chinese stocks have already met the official definition of being in a “bear market” – the Shanghai Composite is already down more than 20 percent from the high earlier this year.
7. Overall, this Chinese stock market crash is the worst that we have witnessed in 19 years.
8. On Monday, Standard & Poor’s slashed Greece’s credit rating once again and publicly stated that it believes that Greece now has a 50 percent chance of leaving the euro.
9. On Tuesday, Greece is scheduled to make a 1.6 billion euro loan repayment.  One Greek official has already stated that this is not going to happen.
10. Greek banks have been totally shut down, and a daily cash withdrawal limit of 60 euros has been established.  Nobody knows when this limit will be lifted.
11. Yields on 10 year Greek government bonds have shot past 15 percent.
12. U.S. investors are far more exposed to Greece than most people realize.  The New York Times explains
13. The Governor of Puerto Rico has announced that the debts that the small island has accumulated are “not payable“.
14. Overall, the government of Puerto Rico owes approximately 72 billion dollars to the rest of the world.  Without debt restructuring, it is inevitable that Puerto Rico will default.  In fact, CNN says that it could happen by the end of this summer.
15. Ukraine has just announced that it may “suspend debt payments” if their creditors do not agree to take a 40 percent “haircut”.
16. This week the Bank for International Settlements has just come out with a new report that says that central banks around the world are “defenseless” to stop the next major global financial crisis.

Without a doubt, we are overdue for another major financial crisis.  All over the planet, stocks are massively overvalued, and financial markets have become completely disconnected from economic reality.  And when the next crash happens, many believe that it will be even worse than what we experienced back in 2008.

We are heading into a global financial collapse that will make what happened in 2008 look like a Sunday picnic by the time it is all said and done.
Global debt levels are at all-time highs, big banks all over the planet have been behaving more recklessly than ever, and financial markets are absolutely primed for a huge crash.

Hopefully things will calm down a bit as the rest of this week unfolds, but I wouldn’t count on it.
We have entered uncharted territory, and what comes next is going to shock the world.


Thousands Gather in Athens Ahead of Key Referendum.


Quién es? ¿qué ha hecho y hace?.  7 propagandistas del imperio tienen por jefe a Mario Vargas Llosa
Ramón Pedregal Casanova
Grecia. 1- La crisis no es de Grecia. Juan Manuel Karg


‘Ukraine keeps missing chances of peace’. Fri Jul 3, 2015 Russia accuses Ukraine of routinely missing the opportunity of coming to terms with pro-Russians.
P5+1 has to decide: Agreement or coercion’. Fri Jul 3, 2015 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran’s negotiating partners have to make a choice between agreement or coercion.
Debt deal in the offing: Greece. Fri Jul 3, 2015 Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis says the country is close to cutting a deal with its international creditors.

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