miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015




Something is very rotten in the state of China, and its crashing, manipulated stock market is merely the tip of the iceberg.
 [To me China is in the process of transition to a new system, out of neoliberal realm ]

"They are going to be toast. It will be one of our first levels of shorting the moment we start to see cracks, because it’s ripe with retail, emotional investors."

In what may be the biggest story of the year, if confirmed, Greek newspaper To Vima reports that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for 10 billion dollars in order to print drachmas. But the real shocker: on the night of the referendum, word came from Russia that Putin did not want to support Greece’s return to the drachma. After that, Tsipras had no choice left but to “surrender” to German Chancellor.
[ Why now if Tsipras already surrendered to la troika. I don’t think RU will give money to feed those sharks. They may support the block POR-SP..etc  if they decide to quit the EU. In chess is the macro sys that count. If RU gives money to Tsipras,  troika will put down this regimen & embezzled the money  ]

Justice in America is not all it’s cracked up to be. On paper, you may be innocent until proven guilty, but in actuality, you’ve already been tried, found guilty and convicted by police officers, prosecutors and judges long before you ever appear in a courtroom. Chronic injustice has turned the American dream into a nightmare.
57% of Americans see the US economy "getting worse," according to Gallup's latest survey, sending 'hope' to its lowest since September. Overall economic confidence slipped once again, despite the Greek deal, now at its lowest since October. It appears rising gas prices trump the rising stock prices when it comes to the average joe in America.

What if Syriza were not just a particularly fluffy breed of miniature Europoodle but actual honest-to-goodness revolutionaries, ready to do whatever it takes? How would they act differently? And what would be the result? Given that the price is so high, perhaps it would be better after all if we just sat quietly, allowed the rich get richer as the poor get poorer, watched listlessly as the environment got completely destroyed by capitalist industrialists in blind pursuit of profit, and eventually curled up, kissed our sweet asses good-bye and died? Good luck selling that idea to young radicalized hotheads who have nothing to lose - except maybe you, if you happen to stand in their way as they change the world!

For all the back-patting exuberance over manipulated record high stock prices and record periods of illusory job gains, it appears the administration and its Obamanomics forgot one important thing - the children! As USA Today reports, a higher percentage of children live in poverty now than did during the Great Recession, according to a new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation released Tuesday.

The company which was carrying the fate of not only the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 on its shoulders had taken the stairs up, and just took the elevator down.

The one line item everyone looks for in every Greek forecast is what its debt will be now that reality is finally allowed to creep in. We have dutifully highlighted it on the chart below: it is now expected to hit 238% by 2018. But it was another number that caught our attention: Citi's estimate for Greek HICP (inflation) in 2017. 22.5%  In other words, Citi predicts that by 2017 Greece will have hyperinflation even if it remains in the Eurozone.

Surprise! Just days after the 'deal' to bring world peace a little closer amid much crowing by the Obama administration (ahead of Congress' 60-day decision process), Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowed to defy American policies in a speech punctuated by chants of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". As Reuters reports, US Secretary of State John Kerry said the speech was "if it is the policy, it's very disturbing, it's very troubling," seemingly surprised at the rhetoric.
In the latest example of what happens when circular funding schemes begin to trip over each other, National Bank of Greece has refused to participate in an auction for paper issued by the bailout fund which is set to recapitalize the Greek banking sector. 

California's gasoline price premium to the rest of the nation is the highest on record, according to Bloomberg data. This, as OilPrice's Andy Tully notes, is in large part because an Exxon Mobil Corp. refinery in Torrance has been out of commission since an explosion there in February, and the state’s environmental regulations are hampering the company’s efforts to quickly get it back to full production. This situation is not expected to improve by year-end.
The Dollar Is Getting Hammered. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/21/2015
The Euro is up 1.3% - the biggest jump in 6 weeks - as the US Dollar is weakening against all the majors (except cable). The USD Index is down almost 1%, its biggest drop in 7 weeks...

"The size of the required ‘upfront’ (i.e. to be introduced in 2016) principal haircut to be €110bn (60% of annual Greek nominal GDP in 2014). Note that we do not see much difference in an alternative scenario based on a ‘tranched’ principal haircut framework (of around €15bn per year), also starting in 2016. However, a ‘backloaded’ (i.e. to be introduced in 2022) approach relying on a single haircut would be more expensive, amounting to €130bn (72% of annual Greek nominal GDP in 2014)."

"We need to hang him on the courthouse square as soon as we get a hold of him." – Former vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Saxby Chambliss, on Edward Snowden

Stocks, bond yields, and the Dollar suddenly started dropping right as The Fed unveiled its revisions for industrial production and capacity utlization. Already at weak levels, both were revised notably lower, slowing the market's rate-hike expectations and stalling any hope that the recovery is gathering pace. Judging by the chart below, the June payrolls report was right: snowfall in the summar was indeed much worse than most remember.

My own most likely Grexit scenario is a different one yet again. Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, hinted at this in his interview with the Financial Times last week when he said that he felt "something revolutionary" in the air. He is on to something. The most probable scenario for me is Grexit through insurrection.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/21/2015 - 07:24
  • Gold claws back ground, European assets lose Greek tarnish (Reuters)
  • Greece's Euro Exit Back on the Agenda Next Year, Economists Say (BBG)
  • Greece submits bill needed to start rescue talks (Reuters)
  • Wall Street Lenders Growing Impatient With U.S. Shale Revolution (BBG)
  • Overtime Rules Send Bosses Scrambling (WSJ)
  • As Markets Swing, Beijing Steadies Yuan (WSJ)
  • Tennessee rampage suspect went to Qatar in 2014 (Reuters)
  • Kathryn Dominguez to Be Nominated for Fed Governor (WSJ)


To read Human Rights Watch and the western mainstream media, the Syrian government army is inflicting massive casualties upon the Syrian civilian population, most especially through the use of “barrel bombs”
A Mideast Game of Thrones
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Look for the Saudis and Israelis, to begin beating the drums for the United States to bring down Assad, who has been "killing his own people."
The United States government will use the ‘snap-back’ mechanism as a cudgel to beat the Islamic Republic of Iran into ‘regime change,’ which has been its objective all along.
The Tragic Capitulation of Greece
By Emanuel E. Garcia
Greece will exist not as a nation, but as a property of the greater EU bankster set
I have read and reread 17th century Spanish dramatist Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s La vida es sueño countless times to remind me that my life is an illusion, and that false dreams prevent my waking up.






Acuerdo nuclear. Irán y el reordenamiento global. Augusto Zamora R.
Entrevista al economista Óscar Carpintero. “Es necesario transitar a otro modelo económico sostenible con el entorno y las personas”. María José Esteso Poves
-Entrevista a Ricardo Napurí, ex diputado constituyente y senador peruano.  "Humala que se jactaba de nacionalista y hasta de chavista ha devenido en un gobierno represor". Mario Hernandez

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