viernes, 17 de julio de 2015




Greece is only the beginning. Greeks driven out of their country by the collapsed economy, demise of the social welfare system, and extraordinary rate of unemployment will take their poverty to other EU countries. Members of the EU are not bound by national boundaries and can freely emigrate. Closing down the support system in Greece will drive Greeks into the support systems of other EU countries, which will be closed down in turn by the One Percent’s privatizations. The 21st century Enclosures have begun.
The austerity agreements serve as a cover for the looting of the Greek people literally of everything. But when the One Percent is looting, facts are of no interest. The austerity, that is the looting, has gone forward despite the fact that the IMF’s economists cannot justify it.
Greek democracy has proven itself to be impotent.
The last European leftist party, or what passes as leftist, has been brought to heel, just like Britain’s Labour Party, the French Socialist Party, and all the rest.
With the death of these political parties, the people no longer have any voice.
Syriza could not succeed once it failed to nationalize the Greek banks in response to the EU’s determination to make them fail. The Greek One Percent have the banks and the media, and the Greek military shows no sign of standing with the people. What we see here is the impossibility of peaceful change, as Karl Marx and Lenin explained.
Revolutions and fundamental reforms are frustrated or overturned by the One Percent who are left alive. Today with the left so totally defeated, the One Percent does not have to agree to reforms. Compliance with their power is the only alternative.
Greece is only the beginning.
Closing down the support system in Greece will drive Greeks into the support systems of other EU countries, which will be closed down in turn by the One Percent’s privatizations. The 21st century Enclosures have begun.
Having taken on hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of loans to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming an Ivy League law graduate, it appears, in at least one case, that your abilities are not required. As WSJ reports, Adam Leitman Bailey, a Manhattan attorney who runs a real estate firm, says he looks to hire law school graduates who have grit, ambition and a resolve to succeed in the legal profession. For that reason, he says, his firm has instituted a rule: If your resume lists your law school as Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell or University of Pennsylvania, you need not apply because you won’t get the job.
Hyperinflation in the U.S. is coming sometime in the next 20 years or so, and this isn't a cry from a Chicken Little, but a conclusion that the analysis strongly suggests. It is possible hyperinflation could happen during the next few years, but that seems unlikely since it would require a series of major crises and political blunders – events unprecedented in the history of the United States. If this led to a corruption of Constitutional rights in the midst of an exaltation of the Executive Branch that resulted in loss of the rule of law, hyperinflation might result. It is much more probable that hyperinflation will be preceded by a long slow decline that will include a protracted period of high inflation, and that the crash of the dollar and hyperinflation will be the final tumble off a looming, steep cliff.

"The European Central Bank has introduced secret credit lines to Bulgaria and Romania as part of a broader effort to convince foreign regulators not to pull the plug on the local subsidiaries of Greek banks," FT reports.
On Wednesday, Carl Icahn and Larry Fink engaged in an epic debate about the role ETFs play in perpetuating systemic risk. Icahn, taking a page from the Tyler Durden playbook, talks phantom liquidity before calling BlackRock "a dangerous company", and opining that Fink and Janet Yellen are "pushing the damn thing off a cliff."
Piling on more debt is the worst possible way to correct structural trade and productivity imbalances, yet that is the Eurozone's "solution" to Greece's debt/ trade/ productivity/ corruption crisis.
Last Sunday, Eurozone countries submitted yet another ultimatum to Greece: implement a whole round of reforms, from eliminating early retirement over scrapping exemptions from sales tax to opening shops on Sunday, and we’ll start negotiations on providing a new bailout of possibly €86bn from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the Eurozone’s bailout scheme, which will carry yet another series of strings attached. As Finland’s Foreign Minister Timo Soini said this week about the idea of a third Greek bailout round: “the Finnish public can’t understand that this is allowed to continue”. Can anyone else?
Owning gold is saving, which by definition is civilized, i.e. NOT barbarous. Debt, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. It is a lack of savings that shows a complete disregard for the future. It is the modern equivalent of gorging on some wild beast with no thought to tomorrow’s meal… or in this case, no thought of tomorrow’s generation. Debt is the barbarous relic. Not gold. And governments are up to their eyeballs in it, continuing to engage in this primitive, uncivilized behavior with wanton abandon.

Amid what is being reported as worrying discrepancies between the U.S. and Iranian interpretations of what had been agreed, an Iranian supertanker with 2 million barrels of oil is on its way to Asia after sitting in Iranian waters for months, likely to be the first vessel holding floating excess stocks to sail after the nuclear deal.
It was less than three weeks ago that, in the aftermath of the surprising announcement of the Greek referendum and the even more surprising cap on the ECB's now clearly conditional ELA, the world was greeted to massive lines of Greeks waiting at ATMs where they were allowed to withdraw only €60 per day. Following the Greek capitulation, whose sole directive was recovering access to locked up bank funds, hopes were that Greek banks would promptly reopen, and now, according to a Greek senior banker cited by Reuters we know just when that will happen: Monday.
After June's hope-strewn dead-cat-bounce, Philly Fed has plunged back to the lows of the year. Printing 5.7, missing expectations of 12.0, this is the biggest miss since January. It appears the weakness in Q1 (and Q2) and now Q3 was more than just weather... or port closures... as the employment index plunged to its lowest since January.

When it comes to the entire Greek financial system, the ECB is now in full control with its "support" of banks at least €10 billion more than total Greek deposits.
Despite earlier commenting that Greek debt sustainability is hard without a write off, German FinMin Schaeuble just told German lawmakers bluntly that there will be no Greek debt cut. What is problematic for Merkel and her minions is that Mario Draghi just confirmed what The IMF has been 'secretly' leaking - that it is "uncontroversial that Greek debt relief is necessary." As this confusion reigns, The Eurogroup has issued a statement "welcoming the adoption by the Greek parliament" of the measures imposed upon the Greek people to drive them further into depression.
For the FOMC to reach its mandate of full employment they boost stock prices which then creates employment in bubble jobs. When people feel rich, they spend more money on the low quality bubble jobs, and hence employment reacts accordingly. This is obviously entirely unsustainable as spending paid for by feelings manipulated by the FOMC accounts to nothing more than pure capital consumption, and the money flow will disappear as soon as the FOMC tighten the screw and the good feeling disappears along with the stock market gains.

The biggest unknown in today's ECB Q&A was whether Mario Draghi would agree to raise the Greek ELA, and moments ago we go the answer:
Specifically, Draghi said that "The decision to raise ELA again today is symmetrical to the decision we took a few days ago to freeze ELA."

Just as Europe is preparing to implement a bridge loan (one which will be used up in 2 weeks after all the accrued IMF and upcoming ECB payments are made), and is starting debate on just what the Third Greek bailout will look like, Greece is about to commence yet another electoral campaign and the looming question: will anyone assume political ownership for a bailout which even Tsipras said he does not believe in.
A 3rd Greek bailout "Fix", an unchanged ECB with Draghi preparing to reiterate "whatever it takes" - apart from for Greece, and The Fed appearing more hawkishly tilted to a September liftoff (no matter what happens in Greece).... The result - EURUSD is collapsing...
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/16/2015 - 07:23
  • Greece licks wounds after bailout vote, ECB move expected (Reuters)
  • Lose-Lose: Pushing Greece Out of Euro Is Costlier Than Write-Off (BBG)
  • EMU brutality in Greece has destroyed the trust of Europe's Left (Telegraph)
  • Schaeuble Shrugs Off Greek Vote Saying Euro Exit Is Best (BBG)
  • Merkel’s tough tactics prompt criticism in Germany and abroad (FT)
  • Investors Get Caught in Oil’s Slippery Wake (WSJ)
  • Obama Girds for Battle With Congress on Iran Deal (WSJ)
And so the 2015 season of the Greek drama is coming to a close following last night's vote in Greek parliament to vote the country into even more austerity than was the case before Syriza was voted into power with promises of removing all austerity, even with Europe - which formally admits Greece is unsustainable in its current debt configuration - now terminally split on how to proceed, with Germany's finmin still calling for a "temporary Grexit", the IMF demanding massive debt haircuts, while the rest of Europe (and not so happy if one is Finnish or Dutch) just happy to kick the can for the third time.
Back in February, when the ill-fated Greek attempt to renegotiate its existing bailout (instead culminating with a new, €86 billion bailout program 5 months later) was launched, Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem rejected a request for a short-term financing agreement to keep the country afloat while it renegotiates the terms of its bailout program. "We don’t do bridge loans, Dijsselbloem told reporters in The Hague", when asked about Greece’s request. Turns out "we do" after all.
The Greek parliament just voted, in a 229 for and 64 against landslide, to implement the austerity Europe demands to grant Greece the funds for Bailout #3 so that Greece can then repay European creditors (as opposed to facing up to the pain imminently and suffering through a Grexit) implicitly giving up their sovereignty and sending their 61% "Oxi" voting citizenry into what will inevitably be an even deeper economic depression.  [ THIS WAS GOOD TITLE: DESCRIBED REALITY WITH HIGH PRECISION]

Younger generations are highly susceptible to social trends and are often easily manipulated by popular culture and academic authority, which is why we are seeing PC cultism explode with the millennials and post-millennials.  The result is a vast division within American society that cannot be mended. Those of us on the side of liberty are so different in our philosophies and solutions to social Marxists that there can be no compromise.  The whole carnival can end only one way: a fight. And perhaps this is exactly what the elites want: left against right, black against white, gay against religious and straight, etc. As long as the PC movement continues to unwittingly do the bidding of power brokers in their efforts toward the destruction of individual liberty, we see no other alternative but utter conflict.


Here are some key provisions of this “Treaty,” or Europe’s (or the EU’s) new constitution:
Article 34. Professional secrecy. The Members or former Members of the Board of Governors and of the Board of Directors and any other persons who work or have worked for or in connection with the ESM shall not disclose information that is subject to professional secrecy. They shall be required, even after their duties have ceased, not to disclose information of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy. 
Article 35. Immunities of persons. 1. In the interest of the ESM, the Chairperson of the Board of Governors, Governors, alternate Governors, Directors, alternate Directors, as well as the Managing Director and other staff members shall be immune from legal proceedings with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity and shall enjoy inviolability in respect of their official papers and documents. …
Article 36. Exemption from taxation. 1. Within the scope of its official activities, the ESM, its assets, income, property and its operations and transactions authorised by this Treaty shall be exempt from all direct taxes. …
It’s a “Mechanism” (basically, a government) to transfer to the aristocracy the public’s assets, which are the lands and pensions and healthcare and educational systems, which, in a democracy, are supposed to serve the public, but which, in an aristocracy, serve instead the billionaires. In Europe, aristocrats are still in charge.
For example, one confidential document, dated 11 June 2013, “Real Estate Based Asset Financing for the Hellenic Republic,” has this:
“The Hellenic Republic [Greece] holds a diverse collection of assets, many of which have been scheduled for sale as part of its commitments under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank [the three members of ’The Troika’], and the Hellenic Republic. The sale of state-owned assets is a one-off opportunity to raise capital for the Hellenic Republic [to be able to repay banks, which had lent to Greece at an 18% interest rate — and thereby already enriched aristocrats heavily at the public’s expense — and now retrospectively taxpayer-guaranteeing those junk bonds, which global aristocrats had bought through those banks, granting these 18%-interest-rate junk bonds a retrospective AAA+ equivalent taxpayer-guaranteed status, courtesy of the politicians who were supposed to have represented the public].”
Here is what it actually does:
When people say “capitalism has failed” or “capitalism has succeeded,” we have to ask: what type of capitalism do you mean? Authentic capitalism, in which capital is placed at risk to earn a return in a competitive, transparent marketplace, or do you mean cartel-state capitalism, or crony-capitalism, or monopoly capitalism or finance capitalism, i.e. the types that dominate the global economy?


A must-see documentary to understand the situation in Greece.
Barack Obama has offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediate talks to upgrade the Israel Defense Forces’ offensive and defensive capabilities in the wake of the deal on Iran’s nuclear program.”
Capitalism by its very harshness is creating its own antithesis. Ideological labels are not important; what is, is a genuine people’s government.
 The drills mark a new and ominous stage in the expansion of domestic military operations and planning
Obama’s Prison Charade
By Margaret Kimberley
“sudden desire to look like the Great Emancipator is an ongoing publicity junket.”
By E.F Nicholson
Elections are bought, not won. It’s really an advertising campaign showdown on who has the slickest, most convincing sales pitch and the most effective scaremongering.






‘Israel losing strategic value to US’. Fri Jul 17, 2015 The successful conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 countries has threatened Israel's strategic value to the United States, an American political activist in Chicago says.
Syria pardons 400 terror-linked prisoners . Fri Jul 17, 2015 Syria pardons 400 prisoners held on terror-linked charges under a presidential pardon decree.
US offers ‘consolation prize’ to Israel Fri Jul 17, 2015 US President Obama has offered to increase US military aid to Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear agreement, a report says.
[consolation prize?..  YOU WISH.. The Pentagon renewed the guillotine to the butchers of Iran ]
'Greek banks to reopen on Monday'. Fri Jul 17, 2015 The Greek Deputy Finance Minister says banks will reopen across the country on Monday.
[ They wanted more austerity .. but also more money.  Old habit won’t be changed by tyrant decrets]
‘N-conclusion to serve Iran-Turkey ties’. Fri Jul 17, 2015 The Iranian president says the conclusion of Iran’s nuclear talks can boost Tehran-Ankara ties.
[ Turkey is destroying Syria & wants regime change there.. Does this policy serves Iran too?? ]
Yemen finds no respite from Saudi raids. Fri Jul 17, 2015 Saudi warplanes continue pounding areas across Yemen.
 [ so sorry  I can’t help you Yemen .. I have a pact with my new partner.. is that the logic now? ]

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