sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014



Brief summary of Whitney article below. By Hugo Adan. May 3, 2014

1. Yanukovych  decision to accept Russia’ help, not EU-IMF, was his own’
2. Russia did not set up the coup against the elected government in Kiev
3. Russia did not forced Crimea referendum to join their Federation
4. Russia did not escalate Kiev crisis by sending troops & airstrikes to South-east

His conclusion:

Ukraine crisis is the result of US-EU (NATO) to install hostile on Russia’s borders. This is part of the US strategy to encircle and (eventually) dismember Russia.

This is Obama’s plan for the “New Ukraine” a fascist-ruled state that follows Washington’s directives and puts pressure on Russia thorough endless provocations, belligerence, and war. Ukraine will be Washington’s pit bull in the East, separating Moscow from crucial sources of revenue and thwarting efforts at greater EU-Russia economic integration. This is how Washington hopes to insert itself into Eurasia, to improve its prospects in the Great Game, and to establish global hegemony.”

IS THIS A FAILED or a SUCCESSFUL PROJECT?  So far, Russia accepted as convenient SUCCESS, but...

For Russian to defeat this plan, here is that is expected in their strategy :

a.       No concession whatsoever on the right to self-determination of the south east: this implies no participation in the coming election pushed by the illegitimate Kiev government. 

b.      Postpone armed confrontation with Kiev troops till the effects of tit for tat shows up (hit all US-EU Bank exposure to Russia) and the implementation of  the new world currency (gold and trade backed) comes through with the support of BRICS plus Iran (BRIICS). 

c.       Keep alive the resistance to Kiev from young pro-Russians by limiting the self-defense to strict guerrilla welfare rules (Train & equipped them. Sps task:  hit Kiev-nazis, avoid their rulers in public offices and avoid using stinger  & anti-tank weapons yet, unless tanks overrun civilians). 

Meaning: no confront the Kiev army brutality (leave road resistance to women and old people) but expose Kiev crimes in world media (they are the terrorists). This will dissemble the psy-op of neo-nazis (to create a Russophobic ideology)  and this will pave the route to pro-Russian referendum. 

d.      Reveal the effects & manipulation of US-EU-IMF policies in Ukraine and other countries.

e.      Make clear the historic background of South-East & Russia and clear the meaning of united federation and separatism (the latter is being forced by current Kiev violence in the South).



By Mike Whitney. May 3, 2014

Fighting broke out on Friday in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk when Kiev’s coup government deployed military helicopters to fire on the city while troops and armored vehicles stormed checkpoints. It happens after CIA Director John Brennan and Vice President Joe Biden visited Kiev. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov blandly noted, It’s clear that Washington is “calling the shots”.

On Thursday, coup-President Turchynov said that he had lost control of the situation. He said to the media: “It is hard to accept but it’s the truth,… the majority of law enforcers in the east are incapable of performing their duties.” This  failure explains the sending of troops.

Turchynov was referring to the fact that Ukrainian troops have refused to attack their own countrymen. The mutiny has reportedly spread from elite airborne units to local police who sympathize with the protestors. The only group that’s willing to carry out Washington’s proxy war is the Right Sector neo-Nazis who helped topple the Yanukovych government.These are Obama’s new allies in America’s war against Russia.

Now check this out from Reuters:

“The International Monetary Fund warned that if Ukraine lost territory in the east it would have to redesign a $17 billion bailout of the country, probably requiring additional financing.” (Ukraine attacks rebel city, helicopter shot down, Reuters)

The IMF threatening to withhold funds if a political leader didn’t wage war on his own people? Anyone can see that the IMF is just acting on orders from the White House. This is Obama’s war. His fingerprints are all over the policy.

Putin didn’t topple the Ukrainian government. The US State Department did. (Victoria Nuland’s hacked phone calls prove it.) And Putin didn’t violate the Geneva agreement less than 24 hours after the deal was signed by launching a crackdown on civilian protestors in the east. That was US-puppet Yatsenyuk. Nor did Putin deploy the military to surround cities, cut off their water supplies and deploy helicopter gunships to fire missiles at civilian infrastructure and terrorize the local population. That was the work of Obama’s fascist junta in Kiev.

This is part of the US strategy to encircle and (eventually) dismember Russia in order to seize vital resources and control the flow of energy to China. It’s all part of the plan to control Central Asia and rule the world.

Obama is determined to provoke the Russian president by imposing economic sanctions and attacking and killing ethnic Russians. Consider the statement by Russia’s Foreign Ministry following the helicopter incident on Friday morning:

“As we have warned many times before, the use of the army against its own people is a crime and is leading Ukraine to catastrophe…By supporting the organizers of the Kiev coup in their strategy of violently putting down protests, the US and EU are taking on a huge responsibility, essentially closing the door to a peaceful solution to the crisis.” (Putin says Geneva agreement no longer viable after Ukrainian military action, Guardian)

It’s clear now that Obama merely used the Geneva agreement to buy time to move troops and military hardware to Poland and the Balkans. It’s also clear that Obama invited Angela Merkel to Washington so that it would appear that Europe is united behind the US in its proxy war on Russia.

As Bismarck (said) ‘We must cultivate among the Ukrainians, a people whose consciousness is altered to such an extent, that they begin to hate everything Russian.’ …  We are talking about a historical psy-op, an information-psychological sabotage, whose purpose is to establish Russophobic Slavs… They are the means to separate Ukraine from Russia and to oppose Russia as a kind … totalitarian empire. This strategy was all devised by the intelligence services of Austro-Germany and Kaiser German, followed by the intelligence service of the Third Reich, later.   

So, there it is: Divide and rule. This is Obama’s plan for the “New Ukraine” a fascist-ruled state that follows Washington’s directives and puts pressure on Russia thorough endless provocations, belligerence, and war. Ukraine will be Washington’s pit bull in the East, separating Moscow from crucial sources of revenue and thwarting efforts at greater EU-Russia economic integration. This is how Washington hopes to insert itself into Eurasia, to improve its prospects in the Great Game, and to establish global hegemony.


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