miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017


NOV 8  17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Global context: 1

Something snapped in Japan today.

"So off the US military charges into Africa, with little understanding of the region and even less strategic planning. It’s Vietnam-style ‘mission creep’ all over again..."

An inconvenient challenge has appeared on Draghi's radar. What if Italian yields start blowing out before the election and he has less ammunition to buy BTPs than the market expected...

Of course, the wave of retail failures is a direct hit to an industry that is the largest employer of young Americans and those at the low end of the income spectrum with retail employment drastically lagging overall private job growth.



More on US’ Economic reality… here it goes:

The Dollar Index drifted lower again, hovering at pre-payrolls levels

The Treasury yield curve continues to flatten. 5s30s is now down 10 days in a row - the longest flattening streak since March 2011 and Dec 2005 - if it goes 11 days that will be an all-time record.
And even banks are now starting to pay attention...

see graphic image at the source below



As we've noted multiple times over the past several weeks, as of the halfway point of the current NFL season, television ratings are down an average 5% compared to the same point last year, and nearly 20% from 2015.

Lewis, an influential thinker on sports leagues and their finances, may be on to something. On the other hand, he added that practically speaking, he’s not sure how a person would go about shorting the NFL just yet.

...but, we have an idea...how about all of the media companies that have sold billions of dollars worth of NFL advertisements and are about to get crushed by 'make goods' when they don't deliver the eyeballs they promised ad agencies? 

Yes, we're looking at your ESPN...perhaps the next 'Big Short' has already begun?



No 52-week high in the Nasdaq 100 has ever been accompanied by as few advancing stocks as today’s.


If that seems unusually skewed to decliners considering the NDX hit a 52-week high, you are on to something. As a matter of fact, at 28.5% of all issues, today saw the fewest advancing issues ever on a day when the NDX closed at a 52-week high.

So, is this dwindling participation a serious warning sign for the rally? Or is today a random outlier, irrelevant to the bigger picture?

*  *  *

If you’re interested in the “all-access” version of our charts and research, please check out our new site, The Lyons Share.



Two words: "circular reflexivity."

These two dynamics are shown in the charts below: while short-rate expectations continue to diverge between the US and Europe (left), the term premia in the US and the Euro area bond markets have tracked each other increasingly closely, especially since 2014 (right).

See chart in the source below

The chart below from Goldman shows a growing undershooting of the aggregate term premium on 10-year bonds in the major economies from where historical relationships with macro factors would have it. "This departure from historical norms coincides with the introduction of negative rates and sizeable purchases of long bonds by the ECB and the BoJ." In other words, the nearly 1% delta can be attributed to the actions of one or more central banks.

Needless to say, when (rising) price becomes the only variable behind purchasing decisions, any reversals could have dire consequences. And, just to make sure the warning is heard, Goldman cautions that "in the current market environment, these yield shocks may propagate more quickly across the advanced economies than was the case during the ‘taper tantrum’ episode in 2015." This means that once the selling in the long-end begins, the consequence could be far more severe than the sharp selloff observed in one or more previous "taper tantrum" episodes.

The second implication is especially relevant for currency traders, because FX has become more correlated with relative term premia: As noted by ECB Executive Board member Coeure in a speech last Friday, in recent months the Euro-US Dollar FX cross has moved more closely with the differential in the Europe-US term premium than the differential in interest rate expectations.

See chart in the source below

But it is the third, and most important implication, that is of particular note as it goes to the very core of the "circular reflexive" conundrum that has been plaguing the Fed, which according to Janet Yellen has been unable to explain the "mystery" of low inflation 10 years into this so-called recovery. The reality, is that there is nothing mysterious about suppressed inflation: in fact, it is the all Fed's own doing, and as a result of trillions in liquidity, "the information content in long bonds (and inflation) is low" in Goldman's words. The bank explains:

By amplifying the compression  in the term premium on nominal rates, QE may have also created distortions in the breakeven inflation market. To be sure, inflation expectations derived from both surveys (consumers,  professional forecasters) and market measures (forwards and options) are low, reflecting a protracted period of low realized inflation prints in spite of expansionary monetary policy. The uncertainty around inflation forecasts has also declined, all arguing for a lower inflation ‘premium’.

[[ Concluding remarks ]]

The punchline can be taken right out of any Soros book on market reflexivity between cause and effect, to wit:

"this circularity – QE contributes to depress longer-dated inflation forwards, which in turn encourages central banks to deliver more QE – has lowered the information content that can usually be found in long-dated fixed income instruments."

The perverse circularity is the daily bizarro world market participants have become all too familiar with, and boils down to the following: the more QE the Fed does, the lower inflation breakevens slide, the lower yields drop, the more QE the Fed believes it has to do, and so on in a self-reinforcing feedback loop, one which has now continued for 9 years because the "smartest people academics in the room" have been unable to figure out just how they broke the market. 

And the final implication: since bond yields are artificially low - whether due to chasing term premium, or because of the Fed's perverse circularity - it means that the only justification for 20x P/E multiples, i.e., low rates (as per the Fed model) can be thrown out of the window. Of course, if that happens, both the bond and stock markets would crash... which is also why nobody at the Fed will ever be willing to openly admit what Goldman just said.   




La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Thousands of Americans gathered in cities across America on Wednesday night to "Scream helplessly at the Sky on the Anniversary of the Election" to mark one year since President Trump's victory.



"For decades, the petrodollar system has allowed the US government and many Americans to live way beyond their means... One day soon, Americans may wake up to a new reality."



“Although no one at the time would have believed it, the 12 months since Election Day have been among the least volatile ever for equity markets; not to mention the solid 21% gain the S&P 500 Index racked up along the way that has the bulls smiling.”

                [[ Yesterday elections corroborated his victory .. Reps lose only 2 states ]




Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

As the moment of truth approaches on trade, the rhetoric on the Chinese side is that progress will be made. However, this will probably be a hollow victory for Trump.




US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan






Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen








Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3











Nick Pemberton   Bernie Would Have Won California  NOT as Dem. YES as independent


Mel Gurtov  Are We in a “Post-American Era”?  YES, very clear in today China’ farewell to US Emp




The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..






Before his appearance was scrapped at the last minute

























Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                - Declar Balfour puso en marcha limpieza étnica de Palestina  Rana Askoul

                - Los “perros de la guerra”: Otra forma de violencia colonial  CJ Werleman


Econ      Negociando fin de la impunidad a las transnacionales  Adoración Guamán


                - Hipótesis de un futuro nuclear 1  Miguel Muñiz

                - Monsanto Papers: límites de gobernanza ambiental moderna  J Vanhulst

                -La sequía da frutos en región del Semiárido brasileño   Fabiana Frayssinet

                -Perspectiva Activismo triunfalista vs. realidad de los hechos  A Teitelbaum


USA       -Armamentismo ciudadano  Pedro Miguel

                - Doble moral, censura y rusofobia en redes sociales USA  Ramiro Gómez


                -El tren de la Revolución de octubre  Juan Nicolás Padrón

                -El PCCh y la Revolución de Octubre Xulio Ríos


ALC        -Perú:  Norka Rouskaya y la censura politica Gustavo Espinoza

                T-origl: “J C Mariátegui y Norka Rouskaya. Centenario de un escándalo”


                -Otro izquierdazo más a la derecha en Nuestra América  P Montesinos


                -Los Zetas, en el corazón del poder público



Cuba      -USA no busca aclarar asesinato de Kennedy  Falso: si fue agente CIA

                -Nuevas medidas migratorias cubanas  Jesús Arboleya

                -Los días de noviembre en la intimidad y en la historia Wilkie Delgado












VIDEO: Ovejas aprenden a reconocer la cara de Obama y otra celebridad  sabian  que esta última estaba vacía y no la elegían . Moraleja: La democ  no siempre alimenta ovejas. Si es así, abstente.





Global situation described by Iranian observers.. US’allies nuclear blackmail continues















Illiterate Presid confess his ignorance on basic World’ politics


'Trump-Xi talks will address trade imbalances'  vs. US’ nuclear blackmail









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