miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017


NOV 1  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Check staining graphics at:


Despite pushing back its Model 3 forecast, Tesla continued to burn unseen amounts of cash, and in the third quarter it outdid itself again, with a record cash burn of $1.4 billion - or roughly $16  million per day: an unprecedented amount.

"Will fiat currencies survive the policy dilemma that the authorities will experience as they try to balance higher yields with record levels of debt? That’s the multi-trillion dollar question for the years ahead."
One month ago, Deutsche Bank's unorthodox credit analyst, Jim Reid published a phenomenal report, one which just a few years ago would have been anathema, as it dealt with two formerly taboo topics: is a financial crisis coming (yes), and what are the catalysts that have led the world to its current pre-crisis state, to which Reid had three simple answers: central banks, financial bubbles and record amounts of debt. 

The Future of Money Part 1 - The Start of the End of Fiat Money?
In “The Next Financial Crisis” we suggested how China's fairly sudden integration into the global economy at the end of the 1970s and a very favorable once-in-alife-time shift in demographics from around 1980 onwards could have contributed to the modern boom/bust culture that has made financial crises more regular in recent decades.

With inflation controlled externally it has allowed governments and central banks the luxury of responding to every crisis and shock with more leverage, loose policy and latterly more and more money printing. It’s not usually this easy as inflation would have normally increased with such stimulus and credit creation.

It could be argued that this external disinflation shock has perhaps ‘saved’ fiat currencies after the runaway inflation of the 1970s in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Bretton Woods quasi Gold Standard from 1971 onwards. If this theory is correct then any reversals in this demographic super cycle could spell problems for the fiat currency system. Under this scenario inflation would pick up externally due to working age populations no longer rising and labour pricing power returning.

Central banks and governments which have ‘dined out’ on the 35 year secular, structural decline in inflation are not able to prevent it rising as raising interest rates to suitable levels would risk serious economic contraction given the huge debt burden economies face. As such they are forced to prioritize low interest rates and nominal growth over inflation control which could herald in the beginning of the end of the global fiat currency system that begun with the abandonment of Bretton Woods back in 1971.

Fiat currencies and inflation
For virtually all of financial history up to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, most currencies were backed by precious metals for the vast majority of times. Over the preceding century or so these systems periodically broke down for many countries due to wars and notably during the Depression years of the 1930s. 

However, countries generally reverted to some kind of precious metal fix after experiencing high inflation in the years where they suspended membership. Figure 1 shows our global median inflation index back over 800 years and then isolates the period post 1900 where inflation exploded relative to long-term history

Figure 2 then shows this in year-on-year terms and as can be seen, in the 700 years before the twentieth century inflation and deflation were near equal bed-fellows with only a gradual upward creep in inflation as new precious metals were mined or governments periodically punched holes in existing coins and thus slightly debasing the currency.


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo


"The legislation - a writ for war without temporal or geographic limits - allows any president a boundless and unchecked ability to start wars. No checks and balances are in place. A strike can be delivered anywhere anytime without deliberations..."

The new Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, has served as Federal Reserve governor for the past five years, giving him ample opportunity to express his views about the policies he will oversee. So meet Janet Yellen's replacement, in his own words...

"This is crazy. This is absolutely crazyFour years ago, annual premiums for a mid-level “silver” plan to cover his family totaled $10,072.44. For 2017, they were $21,392.40—up 112 percent."

Yet another conspiracy theory is revealed as fact.

Getting ready for chemical-biological  WW3?

...They needed it for a biological study of the musculoskeletal system...
NOV 4: ANTIFA MOV for PEACE n collect  SIGNATURES to impeach TRUMP

Are we about to see CHAOS IN THE STREETS in major cities all over America?

[[ to be followed and succeed now n prevent decapitation.. this Mov must be NON-Violent ]]

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

US OPEN DOOR FOR WW3  make big countries to became “chovinistic” or nationalist

"In an effort to 'uphold the respect of the people' for the country’s national anthem and 'regulate their behavior while singing or playing' it, as the China Daily writes, China’s government is considering stiffening the penalty for disrespecting the tune..."

The Greek government is planning an unprecedented debt swap worth 29.7 billion euros ($34.5 billion) aimed at boosting the liquidity of its paper and easing the sale of new bonds in the future.

The giant agricultural commodities merchant ED&F Man Holdings Ltd., best known for trading sugar and coffee, has taken a major hit of about $80 million "after falling victim to a scam in the metals market" involving Chinese "ghost collateral."

Despite the recent rise in oil prices, all is not well among the allies in the Gulf. D Bloomberg reports the nation has asked Gulf Arab allies for financial assistance as it seeks to replenish its foreign-exchange reserves and avert a currency devaluation - which could spread contagiously through MidEast markets.


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Trump Is Killing Record Numbers of Civilians  in Iraq and Syria  By Marjorie Cohn
How America Spreads Global Chaos  By Nicolas J.S. Davies


Margaret Kimberley  It’s All About Africom

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Mund    Los derechos humanos como ventaja competitiva J Hernández y P Ramiro
                Ent a C Rendueles: Todo esto empezó con una crisis de acumulación capitalista”
                - Macron, el presidente del 1% más rico  Enric Bonet
                - Nacionalismo: el fundamentalismo original  Ricardo Orozco
Opin      Esperanzas en la adversidad en Argentina   Claudio Katz
                A cien años del “Octubre Rojo” en Rusia   Roy Daza
                El silenciado exterminio de Raqqa, el My Lai sirio  Nazanin Armanian
ALC        Rep Dominica:  La impunidad fomenta el sicariato  Lilliam Oviedo
                Chile: -Pobreza y despojo ancestral  Andrea Sato
                Honduras DESA y agentes del Estado en el asesinato de Berta Cáceres GT
EU          Recorrido histórico hacia la disolución de Yugoslavia  Fabio A y Lucia V
                - Sobre la muerte del gobernador indígena del Alto Baudó  FGO
                - El fracking quiere seducir a Colombia   Crismar Lujano
                -“Pacto de caballeros” entre el Gobierno y la CGT?   Mario Hernandez

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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