sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

NOV 11 17 SIT EC y POL

NOV 11  17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

WHEN A.I. RULES...         AI or AV:  “Apocalytpic vision of the world”

Think about missiles, nukes, robots and the pressing of a wrong keys by mistake

"...one rogue programmer could end the human race..."


Elon Musk unveiled his “apocalytpic vision of the world” a few weeks ago.

Read this article:

By the book and Qt yourself:

Are we being destroyed by modern high Tech.. Is tech Neutral..  when is privatized n enrich few P?  The FACT is that any dystopia was always a source of new beautiful UTOPIA..  You have to Think about it and be creative!




Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The world context:




The auto industry of the future.. has not future in the US

It won’t be the 1st time that the mafia of polluter-cars kill an Ecological dream

Elon Musk has a problem... well a few problems, actually.

Tesla had built just over 440 Model 3 vehicles since the start of production in July, according to sources familiar with the matter.

It means that Tesla built roughly 180 Model 3 vehicles last month.

That’s clearly not where Tesla wanted to be at that point.

Tesla continued to burn epic amounts of cash, outdoing itself in Q3 with a record cash burn of $1.4 billion - or roughly $16 million per day: an unprecedented amount.   

The Electric Vehicle Tax Credit is fading away...

Senate Republicans’ tax-cut plan differs from that of their House counterparts on whether to get rid of the $7,500 tax credit for consumers who buy an electric car. Regardless of which way Congress goes -- the Senate wants to keep the credit, the House doesn’t -- the sun is already setting on the perk. 

Morgan Stanley says the problem requires a mix of private and public funding across regions and sectors. The investment bank’s strategists added that any auto company or government with aggressive targets would be unfeasible unless the infrastructure is in place.

All of which leads to perhaps Musk's biggest challenge... funding this ponzi scheme just hit a record high as Tesla bond prices crater... 



"The sad truth is that Facebook and Google have behaved irresponsibly in the pursuit of massive profits. And this has come at a cost to our health..."



"Growth itself has only been an illusion, a trick of numbers, generated by including what should have been left out in the first place. If we subtracted allocative industries from GDP, we’d see that economic growth is in fact below population growth, and has been for a very long time now..."

When, in the 1930s, the great economist Simon Kuznets created GDP, he deliberately left two industries out of this revolutionary idea of a “national income”: finance and advertising.

That is the root of the story of how modern economics failed the economy — and how to understand how to undo it .  Kuznets’ logic was simple, and it was not mere opinion, but analytical fact: finance and advertising don’t create new value, they only allocate, or distribute existing value — in the same way that a loan to buy a television isn’t the television, or an ad for healthcare isn’t healthcare. They are only means to goods, not goods themselves.

Continue reading at: 




La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

[[  If JFK’crime is related to the current existence of the “deep-state” and CIA, then this apparatus serve private bankers and so, they are still a menace to US economics and Politics and to honest people’ life ]]

"In order to get closer to unraveling one of the most mysterious political murders of the 20th century, we should turn our attention to an obscure document signed by that resident of the Oval Office less than six months before his death..."

Here only the last page of Kennedy assassination: Source:

In order to get closer to unraveling one of the most mysterious political murders of the 20th century, we should turn our attention to an obscure document signed by that resident of the Oval Office less than six months before his death.

On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, authorizing the US Treasury to issue paper currency that could be redeemed for silver held by the treasury.

As a result, this US currency was printed in denominations of $2 and $5 and inscribed with the words “United States Note” instead of “Federal Reserve Note.”

Kennedy’s order was intended to [clean] the Federal Reserve System away from printing money, beginning a smooth transition toward returning the printing press to the hands of the American government.

He was correcting a clear violation of the US Constitution and an absurd situation in which the US government could not print its own money. It was a quiet and inconspicuous coup d’état. For the bankers who had founded the Federal Reserve, their greatest fear was about to come true. Now with one stroke of the pen, their plans to establish complete control over the US government and American society were faced with a clear and present danger. Because the fact was that the issuance of these small banknotes was to be followed by the complete suspension of the Fed’s right to print money. So what was that agency to do then? Regulate the financial market, monitoring it so as to forestall any crises? Fine, regulating and monitoring is all well and good. Just stop printing money ...

The Federal Reserve’s monopoly on the issuance of its own dollar, which is for some reason considered to be the “US dollar,” hinges on a single act of legislation that was signed by President Woodrow Wilson in December of 1913. Consequently, a single, different act of legislation would be enough to destroy this monopoly. 

But John F. Kennedy failed to realize his agenda. Executive Order 11110 was not revoked but was never actually implemented. For the owners of the Fed, however, the threat remained that the order could be revived by a new US president, potentially JFK’s brother Robert, who in his position as US Attorney General fully grasped the implications of what was happening. And..

The equally enigmatic murder of Robert Kennedy, who was a leading candidate headed into the Democratic primary for the 1968 presidential election, occurred exactly five years after the signing of the very executive order that killed his brother. It looks like the very influential bankers from the Federal Reserve sent a clear signal: the clan whose representatives tried to betray the System will no longer be allowed to play a significant role in US politics. And they haven’t.

We still can’t reliably assess President Trump’s motivation in releasing the JFK files. The plenitude, relevance and authencity of this archive are highly questionable. Nevertheless, he might have intuitively felt that the draining of Washington’s swamp should eventually be completed at the Constitution Avenue..

"The surveillance state is growing more powerful, and thanks to legislation is becoming more invulnerable to challenges to its supremacy. Soon its inexorable march will be irreversible..."

“Our veterans deserve better than polished sound bites and empty promises..."



The return of the dreaded polar vortex is battering much of the eastern US this week, sending temperatures well into freezing territory and close to record lows - a phenomenon that could persist for much of the week leading up to Thanksgiving.



“It is incredible to me these records about an ongoing and high-profile case have been destroyed. I think they have something to hide..."

[ [ A mí me borran, distorsionan y bloquean todos los días. Mis libros: Che, Mujer y debacle R gone.]]




Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Political action can change things. Russians in the ’20s, Germans in the ’30s, Chinese in the ’40s, Cubans in the ’50s, Congolese in the ’60s, South Vietnamese and Cambodians in the ’70s, then Rhodesians, Bosnians, Rwandans, and Venezuelans today are among those who certainly discovered it can...



Hundreds of thousands of people backing Catalonia's bid to secede from Spain packed the streets in downtown Barcelona Saturday to demand the release of jailed separatist leaders.



IRAN is the target of US’ military puppets in coordinat with Saudis.. Now they use Bahrain

The Bahrain government said that the explosion which ripped through a pipeline belonging to Bahrain's state-run oil company and sent flames shooting up into the night sky, was the result of an attack by militants guided by Iran. "This is a dangerous Iranian escalation aimed at terrorizing citizens" the Bahrain foreign minister tweeted.



A key geopolitical axis is swiftly shifting...

Here A Quick Primer  OPEN :

In 2015, King Salman came to power. Things began to change pretty quickly, especially once he elevated his son Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) to a position of greater power. 

Among MBS's first acts was to directly involve KSA (king Salman) into the Yemen civil war, with both troops on the ground and aerial bombings.  That war has killed thousands of civilians while creating a humanitarian crisis that includes the largest modern-day outbreak of cholera, which is decimating highly populated areas. 

In 2017, KSA accused Qatar of nefarious acts and made such extraordinary demands that an outbreak of war nearly broke out over the dispute. The Qatari leadership later accused KSA of fomenting ‘regime change’, souring the situation further.  Again, Iran backed the Qatar government, which turned this conflict into another proxy battle between the two main regional Arab superpowers.

 KSA was also supporting the mercenaries (aka "rebels" in western press) who were seeking to overthrow Assad in Syria -- yet another proxy war between KSA and Iran.  It's been an open secret that, during this conflict, KSA has been providing support to some seriously bad terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda, ISIS and other supposed enemies of the US/NATO.  (Again, the US has never said 'boo' about that, proving that US rhetoric against "terrorists" is a fickle construct of political convenience, not a moral matter.)

[[ On the contrary:  When Syria army defeated terrorists “US protected top terrorist own by KSA”. In short: Salman is the worst terrorist inside and the M-East n financier n main ally of US-UK military ]]





Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen







The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..














The World According to Jesse   Veterans Day & the Burn Pits




Keiser Report  Episode 1148  Max and Stacy discuss ‘buy bitcoin’ overtaking ‘buy gold’ in search engines.  2ND P:  Max interview Professor  Dave Collum.




Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

M-E        -La noche de los cuchillos largos en Arabia Saudí  Madawi Al-Rasheed

                - La verdad sobre el islam radical  Tony Cartalucci

                - Yemen, el país más olvidado del mundo  Leandro Albani


China    -Xi toma el control total del futuro de China  Michael Roberts



MX         Por qué apoyar a Marichuy   Guillermo Almeyra


COL        -La agonía del campesino cocalero en Colombia  Grupo Semillas

                - Qué oligarquía tan pusilánime y mentirosa!  Nelson Lombana

                -La paz entre el bloqueo y las trizas  Horacio Duque



                - La Rev bolchevique 100 años después    Yassel A. Padrón

Utopia  -Insurrecciones silenciosas  Raúl Zibechi



Cuba      - De la muerte a la vida   David Rodríguez

Chile     -Democracia gota a gota   Manuel Cabieses










Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


























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