lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017


NOV 6  17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

WW3 :  could start soon IF Israel and allies attack Syria and Iran

Today, Israel kicked off its largest international aerial training exercise ever - coined: Blue Flag 2017.





Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

There are still nearly two full months left of 2017, so a lot can happen - but what we’ve seen so far is truly one of the most serene and strongest markets ever.

The Nasdaq has never made more all-time highs than the 63 it has made (so far) this calendar year, topping the previous record of 62 set in 1980.

We’re also in the midst of another record streak showing just how rare big sell-offs have been recently.

Incredibly, the S&P 500 Index has gone 43 consecutive days without closing down 0.5% or more; it’s been more than 20 years since the index last experienced such low downside volatility.

There are still nearly two full months left of 2017, so a lot can happen - but what we’ve seen so far is truly one of the most serene and strongest markets ever.




"...unlike the 2000 valuation extreme, which was largely focused on a subset of extremely overvalued technology stocks, the current market extreme is the broadest episode of extreme equity market overvaluation in history..."




WHAT COULD GO WRONG?  BIG LIE..  BABIES in the art of fascism.

"As the late Joseph Goebbels used to say describing his misinformation technique, if you’re going to lie, make sure it’s a whopper..."



"The only question that matters regarding today's markets..."


Unsustainable.  Not able to be maintained at the current rate or level

Said another way, the daily comforting stories we are told about how all of this somehow makes sense are just a load of nonsense. Each is entirely unsupportable by the evidence, facts and data.

They have nothing to gain if the status quo continues.

The boomers have everything to lose if the status quo changes.

Mind The Gap

In the US, through selfish over-consumption, the baby boomer generation has screwed the prospects for following generations. It's now doing everything to deny and defend its extraordinarily self-serving and short-sighted decisions, and delay the repercussions for as long as possible.

For the record, I seriously doubt the current younger generations would have behaved any differently were we to teleport them back in time  The boomers came of age when net energy from oil was still climbing and that ‘taught’ them about ‘how the world worked.’  When you have abundant resources, especially high net energy oil, you can pretty much do anything you want.

But today?

Not so much. A BIG fallacy of the past is that wars lead to rapid economic expansion afterwards. A more correct version of this is that the destruction of war leads to rapid recovery and rebuilding ONLY IF you also have access to abundant high net energy oil. If you don't, wars only lead to destroyed economies.

Who’s Going To Eat The Losses?

The US economic data to back up this decidedly dim view of things could not possibly be more robust and unassailable.

If we were allowed just one chart, just a single piece of data to back up this assertion, it would be this one:

In Part 2: How To Deal With Our Dangerous Markets And Failing Future, we explain why the fall from today's market highs will be so painful, and where today's concerned investor can look when seeking safe haven for their capital. We have the world's central banking cartel for our situation, who have -- for the third time in less than 20 years -- blown a gigantic bubble.  Or rather, have blown a nested set of bubbles (stocks, bonds, housing), each of which will help accelerate the popping the others when the time comes. As with a developing hurricane, the time to prepare yourself for these eventualities is well before they actual manifest.  Once they’ve arrived, your ability to respond and react will be hampered by the fact that your efforts will be accompanied by those of thousand and millions of other people. Don't be one of the panicked herd. Take prudent action today. Click here to read Part 2



Recently, the 5 most powerful cycles in the economic universe merged; forming the first supercycle we’ve seen since 1929. Those who ignore this disturbing research could lose everything. Read More



Global context:

Following an early shaky start, which saw the Hang Seng tumble as much as 1.6% driven by weakness in financials and real estate names following the latest warning by PBOC governor Zhou about "sudden, complex, hidden, contagious, hazardous" risks In markets and a decline in local real estate prices, and pressure global risk, US equity futures have recouped all losses and are back to unchanged on monday morning.



"With the economic dynamics not supportive (debt, demographics, productivity and deflation) of further fiscal deficits, tax cuts, without spending cuts, are not self-supportingTax reform that adds to the debt is likely to slow, rather than improve, long-term economic growth."



"Sometimes a single chart reveals the truth being obscured by the Deep State propaganda machine, working overtime selling their economic recovery narrative..."


Donald Trump tells me our best days are ahead. Once his tax cut plan is passed, the future will be so bright I’ll have to wear shades.

Sometimes a single chart reveals the truth being obscured by the Deep State propaganda machine, working overtime selling their economic recovery narrative. The economy most certainly is booming for Wall Streeters and D.C. parasites sucking on the teet of Federal government largess. But for the average working deplorable, this supposed recovery has passed them by.

The cognitive dissonance is strong, as average Americans want to believe what their “leaders” are telling them to believe, but their personal financial situation contradicts the narrative. Even using the highly manipulated data peddled by the BLS, any critical thinking individual can see through the lies, misinformation and bullshit.  See image at:

Let’s examine what has happened since 2015 and assess the truthfulness of the purveyors of propaganda running the Deep State looting and pillaging operation.

  • There are 5.7 million more Americans employed since the beginning of 2015, a pitiful 3.9% increase. Meanwhile, 2.7 million left the workforce because they supposedly don’t need a job to make a living.  [[ Then 3+ Mill employed ]]
  • The amount of Federal individual income tax collected by the government only rose by 3% between 2015 and 2017. If the number of employed was up 3.9% and wages supposedly grew by 5%, how could the government’s take only go up 3%? Maybe it’s because the jobs “created” were low paying shit service jobs and part-time jobs.
  • The average workweek is lower today than it was in 2015. Does this jive with 3% GDP growth? If the unemployment rate is really 4.1%, shouldn’t workers be putting in overtime and driving the weekly hours upward?
  • Now for the best data point of them all – real wages. According to the captured government drones at the BLS, real wages are up a cumulative 1.5% over the last two years. The supposed non-existent inflation has reduced your real wage increases by 70%. And let’s remember the inflation numbers put out by the BLS have been massaged so hard to achieve a happy ending, the BLS drones could work here:

In reality, recognizing a true inflation rate of at least 5%, the average worker has seen their real wages decline by 5% over the last two years. This brings us back to the chart above. Credit card and other revolving debt has increased by 20% since the beginning of 2015. The Deep State narrative would describe this phenomena as a huge positive (more interest and fees for the criminal Wall Street cabal) because it proves average Americans are optimistic about the future. Consumer confidence has never been higher. Right?

When the huge acceleration in credit card debt is analyzed in conjunction with the stagnation of wages and household income since 2015, a truthful picture emerges.  Average Americans are not leveraging themselves up to their eyeballs because they are ecstatic about their future prospects. They are charging basic living expenses, like real estate taxes, rent, tuition, medical costs, insurance premiums, food, utilities, and gasoline. 

If the narrative of economic health was true Americans would be ramping up their discretionary spending at department stores, restaurants and retail outlets across our suburban sprawl countryside. Nothing could be further from the truth. Retail sales, other than the debt financed auto “rentals”, have been sucking wind for the last two years. Restaurant traffic has been negative for over a year. A record number of retail bankruptcies and store closures will occur in 2017, far more than during the depression year of 2009. Buzzards are circling above JC Penny and Sears as their carcasses will shortly inhabit the desert graveyard of failed retailers.

Things are not well in flyover America. They are not well in suburban America. They are not well in small town America. They are not well in most urban areas. The economic decline of the middle class is why Donald Trump got elected. The elite who inhabit NYC, D.C., Silicon Valley and Hollywood have been doing great, as the debt creation benefited them and their hangers-on. The greatest debt induced bubble in world history is now at its apex. The hubris of central bankers, corporate chieftains, corrupt politicians, and feckless media oligarchs has reached epic proportions. They do not believe there will be negative consequences from their reckless actions since 2008. They will be wrong.





La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

“We’re going to be increasing our budget by many billions of dollars because of North Korea and other reasons..."



" Although President Trump babbled what he claimed to be the biggest tax cut in American history, the evidence is quite to the contrary..."



"There is evidence to support a conclusion that Secretary Clinton, and others, used the email server in a manner that was grossly negligent with respect to the handling of classified information."


The New York Fed today confirmed a weekend report that president Bill Dudley intends to retire from his position in mid-2018 to ensure that a successor is in place well before the end of his term. Dudley’s term ends in January of 2019 when he reaches the 10 year policy-limit in the role.




Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

According to the US Navy, 7 of the 11 U.S. nuclear aircraft carriers have been simultaneously deployed for the first time in 13 years, with three carriers about to begin an especially rare 3-way drill off the Korean coast.



"The Soros list sheds light on the question of what makes the EU leadership implement policies, which run counter to the interests of Europeans. The answer is corruption... This is the time for Europeans to think about transforming the system to do away with outside pressure."




US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan







Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen















The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Donna Brazile, former DNC chair, her A+depiction of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in her book is set to hit stores in Dems party. 

[[DB is my hero. If she run for Presi, I’ll vote her if Indepent. I say so because I don’t vote Dems or Reps. I will vote a united People’ Front. I hope Donna joins us]]
Why? .. perhaps it took time to made-up the convenient ‘official’ story
Tech science that will take us to the stone ages go faster than dismantle nukes world-wide
If JA buys some of our garbage-nuke-bombs.. then we will consider it a ‘solid cooperation’
Make S-Korea pay for Thadds missiles & create a SOE with Afghan’ opium; don’t give to Pharma









Catalan leader and his former advisers were released on condition, that they would not leave the country until the issue of their deportation to Spain is resolved.


Saudi-led coalition announced that it reserves the right to respond to Iran in the appropriate time and manner.




The largest number of random fire incidents occurred in areas controlled by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) and Daesh (ISIS), both terrorist groups.


A high-ranking Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) official has told Sputnik Turkiye that the US continues to supply them with arms and has recently delivered 120 trucks loaded with heavy armament and armored vehicles for the Deir ez-Zor operation.




Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Mund    Qué pasa con China  Immanuel Wallerstein

                La engañosa derrota del Estado Islámico  Alberto Piris


MEX       Chiapas, el valor de la insurgencia  Juan Cuvi y Érika Arteaga



Perú       Túpac Amaru II y la lucha de liberación nacional  Roher Quispe


BRA        Lo prometido es deuda  Marcelo Aguilar



                -Venezuela ¿invadida o cercada?   Ana Esther Ceceña


USA       -A mis compatriotas estadistas   Rafael Bernabe

                -Trump deslegitima la presidencia de EEUU  Fdo M. García


                -Correa vuelve a Ecuador   Juan Manuel Karg


Cuba      Amenazas de la lentitud  Ariel Terrero

                Cuba, EEUU y el bloqueo genocida   Víctor Arrogante











Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences







‘Trump impeachment will change nothing’  Yeah sure! .. all dictators & war mongers from the oligarchy must be blessed. This stupidity is typical in open and hidden followers of Hillary, the rotten cadaver of the US politics.

FACT-1: T-governance & governability will be affected by impeachment. Tuesday we must vote T-Imp in Pittsburgh PA, and so on .. across the Nation.

FACT-2: T-is now the worse threat to US-world’ Peace & Dem, as Hillary was during 2016’ elections. Both Dems & Rep represent the most corrupted and poisonous oligarchical elite in USA.

FACT 3: T- is now in power n he has to be depowered via impeachment and Referendums, that allows org and debate on a post-neoliberal agenda: our main objective.

FACT 4: FDR is a great example of what to do in similar circumstances of crisis: his DEAL and Glass Steagall Act must be updated and Tobin Tax be imposed on any speculative transaction in the Market. This debate and fight for a post-neoliberal agenda is the only way to build the PEOPLE’s FRONT a real 3rd option for coming elections.








In Japan, Trump says ‘patience’ with North No word coming from T- is reliable







Business ethics    ethical and honest business requires: responsibility, commitment, quality and reliability



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