martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017


NOV 7  17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Global context:

With economic growth slowing in China, the question is i) will it continue into 2018, and ii) will it lead to bulk commodity prices deflating? In short, due mainly to slower overall credit growth vs. prior mini-bubbles (i.e., 2009, 2013, and 2016), a material slowdown in economic growth or asset values in China’s market is inevitable.
[[ we are part of China market ]]

“Momentum is definitely stretched relative to the market, but there is no guarantee that it won’t become more stretched,”

"Frankly, the lack of volatility is beginning to scare me a bit. Minsky constantly reminded us that stability begets instability... We don’t know when; we don’t know where it starts; but we know it’s coming."

"...The basis of this outrage is that rich and powerful people are ‘hiding’ trillions of dollars in offshore tax havens, places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands..."

According to individual income tax statistics published by the Internal Revenue Service, the top 3% of taxpayers in the United States pay more tax than everyone else in the country combined.

That’s already a pretty disproportionate ratio. Yet these angry socialists want top taxpayers to pay even more.

They seem to feel entitled to other people’s property and to put their hands in other people’s pockets.
It makes me wonder– how much more would be enough? When does it stop?

Again, the amazing thing here is that taking steps to reduce your taxes is completely legal.
What’s NOT legal is stealing private financial records from a law firm… which is exactly what a bunch of journalists did in order to publish the Paradise Papers.

But that criminality is not part of the discussion.
The only acceptable thing to say anymore is rich people = bad. Everyone else = good.

This is class warfare, plain and simple. People are out for blood once again. And it’s only the beginning.
On Economics go always to autor art (SEE above).. Chances of modifying  content exist

Like Bubble 1.0, house prices in the most lofty regions have been driven for years by “non-end-users” SPECULATING on rentals, second/vaca homes, and flipping – riding a wave of cheap & easy credit, liquidity & leverage – believing prices always go up.

“Like Chuck Prince said 10 years ago, we have to keep dancing. But we’re not as reckless as the bankers in 2006 and 2007. We try to be as close to the door as possible.”

"This is a massive, massive increase..."

In a month which saw little change in near-record job openings, the most remarkable observation in today's JOLTs report was the sharp drop in September hiring, which declined by 147,000 in the hurricane-impacted month, bringing the total number of hires to 5.27 million, the lowest since April.



"At the end of the day, you can't borrow your way to prosperity. That's the oldest rule in the book of sound money and sustainable finance... And it's about ready to be learned all over again."



The divergence between the 'hope' melt-up in stock markets and the 'nope' collapse of the US Treasury yield curve has never been so wide... and has never engendered so many excuses by commission-takers and asset-gatherers for why the latter is wrong and the former correct.



"We have been wrong… badly… in taking even a modestly bearish view. Our position has to be covered and covered it shall be, for we fear that we are about to enter that violent… and ending… rush to the upside that has ended so many great bull markets of the past. At this point, the buying becomes manic and prices head skyward."

First, Gartman unveiled that he is shorting bonds, whose "bull 35 year market ended last autumn".

Second, the frequent Fast Money guest announced with great fanfare that he is closing his equity short, in anticipation of a "violent, manic" surge higher in the market:

We have been wrong… badly… in taking even a modestly bearish view of the global equity market and effecting that bearish view via a position in out-of-the-money puts on the US equity market bought a week and one half ago. Fortunately we effected that bearish view with puts rather than with direct short positions in equites and/or via short position in the futures themselves, so the damage wrought has been minor. But the real damage is that we are not long of equities as obviously we should have been. Our position has to be covered and covered it shall be, for we fear that we are about to enter that violent… and ending… rush to the upside that has ended so many great bull markets of the past. At this point, the buying becomes manic and prices head skyward. Speculation is the order of the day, not investment and when such periods have erupted in the past prices have gone parabolic until such time as the last bears have been brought to heel and the public has thrown investment caution to the wind. We’re there now; this may become wild.

And so the slam dunk pair trade has been set. Trade accordingly.

WATCH  Video:


Having tumbled from record highs near $7600 to $6900 in the last two days, Bitcoin is rebounding this morning, back to $7250 following condemnation from Dennis Gartman and blessing from 'father of financial futures' Leo Melamed.



This is more serious than it appearsThe arrest of the two sons of previous King Abdullah, Princes Miteb and Turki, was a fatal mistake. This now endangers the King himself. It was only the regard for the King that protected MBS. There are many left in the army against MBS and they are enraged at the arrest of their commanders.



  • U.S. Allies Fear Trump Will Pull a Nixon in China (WSJ)
  • Partisan Tensions Flare as GOP Revises Tax Bill (BBG)
  • Tax Overhaul Faces Major Hurdles (WSJ)
  • Multinationals Scurry to Defuse House Tax Bill’s ‘Atomic Bomb’ (BBG)




La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for..."
Roughly 70% of America's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed high school seniors will go on to binge drink-study at a 4-year college, but, to our complete shock, less than two-thirds of them will manage to graduate with a degree.  Here's how many of those dropouts will go on to default on their student loans...

"The government’s answer, as always, will lead us further down the road we’ve travelled since 9/11 towards totalitarianism and away from freedom...As we have learned the hard way, the phantom promise of safety in exchange for restricted or regulated liberty is a false, misguided doctrine that has no basis in the truth."

"...If he didn’t have a gun, instead of having 26 dead, you would have had hundreds more dead.  So that's the way I feel about it.  [gun control's] not going to help..."




Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The Great Gas War has not finished. I suggest it is about to open a new front. A front that could ignite a wider conflict..."

Smoking gun internal evidence that Israel is quietly formalizing its unusual alliance with Saudi Arabia as tensions grow in the region.



While Saudi Arabia has long blamed Iran for sowing unrest in the region, this evening's declaration by Saudi Gulf affairs minister Thamer al-Sabhan that Lebanon has "declared war" against the kingdom is truly an historic first



The sudden turmoil in Saudi Arabia likely helped push oil prices to their highest level in two and a half years on Monday. However, the Saudi purge does not necessarily mean a change in oil policy. Saudi officials have been pushing for an extension of the OPEC cuts through the end of 2018, particularly as they prepare the IPO of Aramco.



Bonds and Bullion continue to lead after this weekend's 'pre-emptive coup' in Saudi Arabia but stocks have given up their gains and the dollar is sinking once again...




US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan






Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen









Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3




Toppling governts while appearing noble should be called the “geopolitics of crocodile tears.”


US Sells Out The Kurds — Again  By Reese Erlich  US refuses to support their  independence.


100 Years of Screwing Imperialism!   By Andre Vltchek  You cannot murder dreams. You cannot murder the courage of the human race, unless you murder the entire human race.


Those who are slow to confess their errors are busy constructing lies to conceal them.

We live in a time in which self is an illusion, & Fredom, responsibility & guilt are illussions.


Washington Corruption Is Unparalleled In History  By Paul Craig Roberts. “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder” said Pres G. Washington. Today: Manafort may buy his way out by providing Mueller with false charges against Trump. T- deserve to be impeached if start WW3, but those cowards are guilty of same fault and opt to use a smoke of RU-phobia to cover own Ethic’lack


Steven Mnuchin, Foreclosure King of America By Nomi Prins.  SM= Sec of Treasury for the .01%










The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


















Keiser Report  Episode 1146  Max and Stacy discuss 100 years of humiliation and unintentional self-parody as one empire goes and another rises again. Max interviews Dr. Michael Hudson on Dems Party in an era of dodgy pee-pee







Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Oct RU-REV:  Diez días que estremecieron al mundo  Jozef Mampuys y Marc V.

                -Rev de Octubre: Diez días que transformaron el mundo A Iglesias

                -Sobre la Revolución de Octubre   Manuel Sacristán

                -Rev de 1917 y alternativa al capitalismo, un comentario  Albert Recio


PAL        La opinión pública árabe y la Declaración Balfour  Jennifer Loewenstein


Econ      Poner patas arriba el relato económico dominante  Fernando Luengo


                Reinventar el cimarronaje  Jesús Chucho García


ARG       -Estela de C vs. La Nacion: “En vez de informar, deforman y ofenden”

                -Macri arrolló al peronismo: Argentina sin Partidos  Luis Bilbao


BRA        -Una marea roja: la gran marcha del MTST  Editorial

                -Temer, la sociedad de mercado y… Caetano Veloso!  Amílcar Salas

                -El sentido de la vida no se ha perdido   Leonardo Boff


                -Chile elige al capitán del bote a pedales   Luis Casado


MX         -Reality show para jodidos y cleptobarones depredadores  Carlos Fazio


Spain     Evelyn Mesquida:  Los españoles que liberaron París de los nazis  J Aller



Cuba      -Aprendiendo del feminismo negro: diálogos  Pedro Cubas

                -La migración cubana: los árboles y el bosque  Julio César Guanche






-Perú: Fantasmas del pasado Terroristas: hubo 2 tipos: los que se defendieron

del hambre y miseria y los que defendieron el sistema de poder que causo tal

hambre y miseria. Hubo 1 Pdte que asesino presos políticos y otro a quechua-

hablantes en 1 pollada (cuando hablan ese idioma en Lima es para complotar

dijeron). Este está preso, el otro impune y disfrutando la corrupción que creo.







“Son terroristas buenos”.. Acaso disparan contra Corp, oligarcas y especul? En que son buenos?





Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences









It is not the paper.. is the neoliberal system..  idiot!


‘Riyadh’s actions will isolate it from Muslim  .. fine as long as Wahhabis exist.

They do believe in the right to terrorize and behead members of other religion sects



Saudis accuse Hezbollah of declaring war 1st Iran, now Hezbollah.. what about ‘themselves’






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