sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017


NOV 4  17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme   




Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"...what do I need option protection for?"

October is historically the most volatile month of the year, but in 2017 - the average volatility of US equity markets dropped to an all-time record low...

... And you know something's wrong when, just like in early 2007 when the crash in vol killed the swaptions industry - just before all hell broke loose - Goldman Sachs is pulling back from U.S. options market-making on exchanges.

But as equity market volatility has collapsed to record lows, another asset class has sprung up with record-breaking-high volatility: cryptocurrencies.

“For the most part, you’re not going to get wealthy like you could in the late ‘90s or early 2000s” in equity derivatives, said Arthur Hayes, the Hong Kong-based co-founder and chief of Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange, who traded derivatives at Citigroup and Deutsche Bank.
“In cryptos, you actually get to do what you like to do: trade.”

"I was just in a briefing with the White House on this...They didn’t mention that. It seems kind of bizarre to me..."

The U.S. government has spent a staggering $1.46 trillion on wars abroad since September 11, 2001, according to the Department of Defense’s (DoD) periodical “Cost of War” report... this amounts to $250 million a day for 16 years consecutively.

If bitcoin can be converted into fiat currencies at a lower transaction cost than the fiat-to-fiat conversions made by banks and credit card companies, it's a superior means of exchange.

November 8 will mark the one year anniversary of one of the biggest political shocks in US history: the election of Donald Trump. Since that improbable victory, which so many experts had said would lead to a market crash, the S&P 500 has soared by 21%...




La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators "hundreds of pages of memos" regarding the bureau's probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server.

"Is the failure of the American people staring us in the face?"

The fading Republican establishment remains unable to reconcile its ongoing collapse, and continues to scapegoat Donald Trump for all the GOP's troubles instead of looking in the mirror.




Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

According to a secret document dated September 15, 1945, “the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against 66 major urban areas” , said MC.  

[[ My Qt.: Can we rely on “secret Doct” at this point in life? . In Timeline - The Race to Build the Atomic Bomb ( www.cccoe.k12.ca.us/abomb/timeline.htm ) is said that “On December 6, 1941 the United States Government already committed $2 billion” to start preparation to participate in WW2.  So, since this time our evil Corp consider WW2 as huge business no to be missed, part of this business was the destruction of RU. Japan was not the main point in this project. So far, nobody know who design the Pear Harbor attack, all we knew is that it was an inside job very well calculated, a master piece in the art of war. Un-ethical?  Of course! .. but Which war is ethical? . The Qt. remain: who here design the project and who there in JA betray their top military  and commit suicide or hara-kiri, then after. ]]

Let’s check HIST docts:  the Japanese attack to Pearl Harbor happens in December 7, 1941. The US response came in Aug 6, 1945 with the attack to Hiroshima and in Ag 9 to Nagasaki. It was speculated that the attack to Pear Harbor was intentionally manipulated by US military intelligence as a trap to JA in order to get involved in the war. If this is correct, the US speed up their assemble of nukes and in less than 4 year US tested the 1st nuke. According the Wikipedia this was a disaster: the plutonium remained irradiated inside a reactor throughout the whole year 1945. The exact place of this experiment  called “trinity test” was kept “secret”. It happens “in a mysterious territory of the Far West” said the Corp press.  Soon later we knew that the bomb explosion happens in Alamo-Gordo, New Mx. We also knew that this was part of the Manhattan Project. The next part of the project: the  delivering and dropping the bomb with a exact precision required.... here came the Hiroshima-Nagasaki experiment…  perhaps it failed in precision.. doesn’t matter .. JA was not the main objective.

In short, the US made a practice drill with Japan in Aug-1945, but the real intention was to bomb and wipe out the Soviert Union. Why they didn’t do it?. One speculation is that Stalin already got several atomic bombs and was installing long range missiles in the Artic and that submarines armed with nukes were already in the Pacific coast of the US. The 2nd speculation is that RU had started the  design of the first satellite to take control a start-war with US. This speculation was corroborated 10 years later when RU launched successfully THE SPUTNIK. Then the US project to bomb RU was abandoned.  With these preliminary Info in mind we can read the art of  M-Chossudovsky.  




The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..












Keiser Report   Episode 1145  Max and Stacy ask whether the cryptocurrency boom has arrived in Russia. 2ND P: Max talk with Marshall Auerback.





Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives



VEN       Venezuela ¿invadida o cercada?  Ana Esther Ceceña y David Barrios


Siria       Ent a Milad Atieh: Siria, reconstrucción y fin de la crisis  Ramón Pedregal


Econ      -Seguridad material y salud mental  Alberto Tena y Sergi Raventós        


ALC        Derechos en retroceso, restauración en conserva   Bárbara Ester


ARG       Armas de Israel:  Empresarios actuan a las sombras del poder político GM

                -Miedo   Irina Hauser



China    -La Ruta de la Seda y la multipolaridad   Rodolfo Bueno


                - "Las cloacas de Interior", el documental completo

                - Madrid homenajea a las Brigadas Internacionales



                -FARC, anuncio de candidaturas para 2018








Detrás de la noticia   Paz amenazada




Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences














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