jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021

SEP 29 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P2


SEP 29 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Quick news:

The ‘other’ deficit is near an all-time high


This all makes it very difficult to have confidence in these institutions.


President Biden's New Plan To Tackle Rising Food Prices

                Authored by MN Gordon via EconomicPrism.com,

... anyone with half their marbles already knows how this story ends..

Evergrande’s going down.  And it’s taking the life savings of countless good people down with it.

But while Evergrande’s going down.  Food prices are going up.  Moreover, they’re going up a lot.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global food prices were up nearly 33 percent year over year in August.  Vegetable oil, grains, and meat all cost more.  Unfortunately, rising food prices – and empty stomachs – often presage social chaos and revolution.

Rare is the revolution ignited by a populace with a full stomach.  Historically, surges against an oppressive regime are sparked by a steep and extended rise in food prices.

Manchin Slams Dem Spending Plan As "Definition Of Fiscal Insanity", Will Not "Reengineer Social Fabric" With 'Vengeful' Taxation

            by Tyler Durden

How much is enough?

Update (1720ET):  Moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia has issued a statement over his refusal to back his party's $3.5 trillion spending plan, calling "trillions more on new and expanded government programs" the "definition of fiscal insanity" when we "can't even pay for the essential social programs, like Social Security."

"Every Member of Congress has a solemn duty to vote for what they believe is best for the country and the American people, not their party. Respectfully, as I have said for months, I can't support $3.5 trillion more in spending when we have already spent $5.4 trillion since last March. At some point, all of us, regardless of party must ask the simple question — how much is enough?

What I have made clear to the President and Democratic leaders is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs, when we can't even pay for the essential social programs, like Social Security and Medicare, is the definition of fiscal insanity. Suggesting that spending trillions more will not have an impact on inflation ignores the everyday reality that America's families continue pay an unavoidable inflation tax. Proposing a historic expansion of social programs while ignoring the fact we are not in a recession and that millions of jobs remain open will only feed a dysfunction that could weaken our economic recovery.

President Biden proposes to tackle the meat processing industry head on.  He plans to funnel $1.4 billion in COVID-19 pandemic stimulus money to small meat producers and workers.  He promises to “crack down on illegal price fixing.”  He’s also formed a new White House Competition Council to “make the food system fairer and more equitable.”

Without question, anyone with half their marbles already knows how this story ends…

Government intervention discourages production, inflates prices, and, if pushed far enough, leads to empty shelves at the supermarket.  After that, it leads to empty stomachs…and the social chaos that follows

Read the full article at:

SOURCE:  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/senate-will-vote-avert-shutdown-pelosi-reschedules-infrastructure-vote-after-progressives





Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


US’ Genocide happens many times. Time to close ‘neoliberal’ imperialism

Generals Confess That Pentagon Knew "Within Hours" Drone Strike Killed Afghan Civilians

Civilian & children deaths resulted in three weeks of spin in hopes "tragic mistake" would just go away...


Dems Propose Subsidized 20-Year Mortgages For First-Generation Homebuyers

Ginnie Mae in tandem with the Department of the Treasury would subsidize the interest rate and origination fees associated with these 20-year mortgages, so that the monthly payment would be in line with a new 30-


Republicans Warn DHS Is Planning To Fire Unvaxx'd Border Patrol Agents   

“...simply unbelievable that the Biden admin will allow COVID-positive illegal aliens to surge across the border but will terminate dedicated law-enforcement officers...”


No Trump support.. NO deal with him.. is my personal view

Are Democrats Repeating The Mistakes Of 2016?

Anti-Trump and NeverTrump Republicans won’t help Democrats. America and the world should start preparing for Donald Trump’s return...


No soy republicano y menos democ-RAT, pero si puedo ayudar a Trump’ return with one condition: no support to WW3 & YES to nuclear dismantle world-wide


Care of immune system is the key to survive: vegetarian diet + Vitam D3 & E + exercises

Michigan Couple Dies Of COVID Within Minutes Of Each Other Despite Being Fully Vaccinated

"They did everything right, they did everything

to protocol the way it should be done."


YES..plus daily exercises under the sun


Why "Natural Immunity" Is A Political Problem For The Regime

At this point, it would be embarrassing for the regime to admit what actual scientific inquiry has shown: that natural immunity is generally superior to receiving the vaccine..


"Mu Variant" Has Been Eradicated From US, Data Show

Previously, the "Mu" strain had been found in nearly every US state


An NBA Star & New York's Governor Show That Liberal COVID Discourse Is Devoid Of Science

The view that the unvaccinated are all stupid, primitive and ignorant is getting more difficult to sustain, especially as liberal policy contradicts its own core premises..



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Here Is How Immunity To COVID Varies By Country: Goldman  

...some good news, and some bad news...

Goldman points out that recent studies confirm that vaccine protection wanes over time and the rate varies by vaccine. But Goldman calculated an average rate and charted how odds of infection vs. hospitalization and death (which are much, much lower) decline over the first few months after vaccination.

See Charts:

1: The efficacy of vac against infection  2. Vac efficacy against Delta



Exhibit 2 shows Goldman's latest US immunity estimates. The analysts estimate that 80% of the American population now has some form of immunity through either vaccination or infection. Combined, that leaves us with an effective protection rate against infections of 60%.

See Chart:



Continue reading & see more charts

Here the conclusion:

According to Goldman, their analysis effectively comes with some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that, since herd immunity is effectively out of reach for humanity at this point, reviving certain types of economic activity like nightclubs, concerts, and other live events to their pre-pandemic levels will be difficult. The good news is at least humanity's resistance to COVID is improving, not degrading.

SOURCE:  https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/here-how-immunity-covid-varies-country-goldman



Australia's Corporations Rebel Against Government's Draconian COVID Lockdowns

The companies that signed the letter "...employ almost one million Australians" and warned that lockdowns were having "long-lasting" effects on the economy.



SPUTNIK NEWS :  https://sputniknews.com/

Blocked by BIDEN’ fascist





SET 29 2021 PART 2 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH  ++  



Ecol: Debate: naturaleza viva vs naturaleza muerta  Antonio Turiel

Econ:  Ficción económ del siglo XXI, libertad vs democracia  F M G

MX: La otra realidad: ejecuciones extrajud, mordazas y feminicidios

ALC:  Violencia y crisis social migratoria   F Ramirez

ECOL:  China no financiará más el carbón

ARG:  Un productivismo decimonónico Luis E. Sabini

BOL:  La trampa de la “reconciliación”  Galo A

ECON:  El último eslabón en la cadena de valor AM d P

BRA:  Vivimos los peores mil días de nuestras vidas  Emir Sader

Chile:  Australia en el golpe de Estado d 1973  A F

Nicaragua en elecciones: ¡Yankees go home!  Ramón P

Lukács y Mészáros: Mirada sobre ideología, ciencia y filosofía  SD

Cuba:   ¿Mi hijo es mío?   Lirians Gordillo

Ecua:  Cómo disfrazar Impuesto a clases medias, simul imp a riqueza

España:   Impunidad de que gozan los asesinos del régimen T F R

US: Se raja el consenso neoliberal y Biden pide más impuestos a ricos

MX: Maternidad subrogada cosifica a mujeres, niñas y niños   Elda M

UE: La izquierda radical avanza en Noruega Ch Dite

Afgan: Yalda Hakim, la voz de Afganistán en el mundo  Javier Cortines

Afgan : Nunca fue guerra contra el terror: importo domin Asia y recur

Africa-Niger:   Líneas de sangre    Guadi Calvo

Burki-Faso:  Juicio por crimen de Sankara en med d crisis d seg sin prec

Yaakov Sh: ISR peco. Estoy colabor con país criminal  O A




El Pentágono: conversa con China en  diálogo "franco, exhaustivo y abierto"  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/405541-eeuu-mantener-abierta-linea-conversacion-china


Macron: los europeos deben dejar de ser "ingenuos" y ser independiente de US https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/405533-macron-europeos-ingenuos-ue-independientes-eeuu


China advierte: alianza AUKUS podría desatar una carrera armamentista nuclear https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/405482-china-creacion-alianza-aukus-carrera-armamentista


Emiten una alerta roja en Hawái al entrar en erupción el volcán Kilauea  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/405536-emitir-alerta-roja-hawai-entrar-erupcion-kilauea


"España llevó civilización y libertad a América": El papa no debió pedir perdón a Méx https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/405472-espana-libertad-america-presidenta-madrid-papa

FALSO: España no llevo civilizacion ni libertad a America del Sur. Hicieron lo inverso, llevo esclavismo, genocicio  y latrocinio (robo del oro). La poblac del imperio socialista de los incas fue reducida d 15 a 7 Millones. Aun asi, Peru le gano la guerra a los criminales en la famosa batalla de Ayacucho (1823) y tuvieron que salir como perros pulgosos con la cola entre las patas. El honor se lo llevaron las mujeres quechuas que dispararon dardos envenados a las tropas de España Estos perdieron la mitad de sus soldados pues de nada les sirvió las armaduras de metal que llevaban. Ellas esperaron que duerman y salgan a los ríos a bañarse y/o tomar agua . Alli las micas los liquidaron (le decían ‘micas’ porque eran las seguidoras de Micaela Bastidas, la esposa del Inca. Gracias a las ‘micas’ se logró la independencia de Perú y todo el sur. Por supuesto que las tropas de COL y VEN ayudaron en la derrota final de España.  Micaela y el Inca fueron asesinados pero ellas, las ‘micas’ cobraron bien caro por ese crimen. La historia de las micas la narraron los cronistas que servían la independencia (no los cronistas que servían a la corona española). Debió ser lindo ver a esa ‘micas’ montadas en caballos que robaron a las tropas invasoras y solo armadas de pututos y de flechas que disparaban dardos envenenados. Cuando les lei esta historia a mis hijas, ellas querían ser micas también. Los recuerdos lindos nunca faltan en Perú.



CROSS TALK   https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/

- In Question

China calls AUKUS pact 'irresponsible'

The Biden administration is making a sharp pivot to the Pacific following the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Having recently wrapped up hosting the leaders of the Quad Nations at the White House after inking a deal with Australia and the UK in the new AUKUS Pact.

SOURCE:  https://www.rt.com/shows/in-question/536198-china-calls-aukus-pact-irresponsible/




Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- Hospital Nurse Whistleblowers on Vaccine Injuries: “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots in the Legs, Neurological Symptoms” By Edmond B. Paré

- The Fear Pandemic and the Crisis of Capitalism. Sleepwalking Towards A Global Economic Crisis? By Colin Todhunter

- U.S Army Physician Warns About Toxic Ingredients in COVID Shots By Joel S. Hirschhorn,

- Video: Is There a COVID Vaccine-Cancer Connection? By The Highwire

- Why Are Americans Being Coerced to Submit to Injection with a Dangerous Substance that Is Known Not to Protect Against COVID but to Cause Death and Serious Health Injuries? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

- US Congress Outlines New Phase of Economic Attacks and Hybrid War on Nicaragua’s Sandinista Government By Ben Norton





Amy Goodman’  team

- “Hold the Line!”: Can Progressives Force Passage of $3.5T Package to Expand the Social Safety Net?

- Yanis Varoufakis on Angela Merkel’s Legacy, European Politics & the “Sordid Arms Race” on the Seas

- Justice for Black Women & Girls: R. Kelly Found Guilty in Sex Crimes Case After Decades of Abuse



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