domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2021

SEP 19 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & 2


SEP 19 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 &2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Hedge Fund CIO: The 60:40 Portfolio Is Forever Broken, What Happens Now

Some investors may conclude they are unwilling to suffer deeply negative real returns. They will sell their bonds. Instead of buying unique diversifiers, they may instead go all-in and reinvest the proceeds from their bond sales into


"What On Earth Is Going On In Commodities?"- Morgan Stanley Explains

The world is still in the early stages of its decarbonisation journey, so this creates the potential for further instability and squeezes in the future. Their impact could be felt well beyond the energy and commodities markets




Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


To attack a person private life to defend the super-rich is more than real hypocrisy

"The Height Of Hypocrisy": Designer Of AOC's "Tax The Rich" Dress Owes Taxes In "Multiple States"

Her company has also faced "multiple legal challenges" for "habitual nonpayment of worker benefits".


She is taking a radical feminist ‘class position’ against the dominant oligarchical social class in our country. That is the difference between AOC and other individuals in our country. She took an ethical ‘class’ position that many hypocrite person cannot take in our society. That is why we admire AOC.


Kadish: Is It Puppeteers Or Puppets In Control In Washington?

"[W]e appear to be trapped by a Washington power elite intent on consigning our future to oblivion..."


From Economic debacle to inferno: very ugly departure

Rickards: No Recovery Until 2045? 

The economy is now at a perilous point of departure...


J6 'Chaos' Total Bust For Media As Cops, Journalists And FBI Appear To Outnumber Protesters

"Hello fellow insurrectionists..."


No even 40% of total electorate in US vote for Dem-Reps. NONEof THEM, they say

Canadians Should Be Able To Vote "None Of The Above"


The fact that NOTA is not a genuine, non-symbolic ballot option proves that the political class merely pays lip service to the concepts of integrity and the will of the people.


A los USAnos nos gusta mirar la paja en el ojo ajeno y ..’recomendar limpieza’



"This Is Not Political!" - 1000s Gather At 'Freedom Rally' In New York City To Oppose Vaccine Passport  

"...we will not comply..."


Politics is business: and.. a profitable one

Fed Chair Powell Owned At Least $1.5 Million In Municipal Bonds Like The Ones The Fed Bailed Out In 2020

We'd like to wait for the collective gasp in the room; but do revelations like this really even surprise those who have been paying attention for the last few decades?


Joint Chiefs Chairman Under Obama Urges Accountability For Botched Drone Strike

So far zero accountability & not even so much as a demotion within national security or Biden admin ranks...


Los que no pudieron migrar ya cantan: NO PAGAR LA DEUDA: ZERO DEBT with d US

Biden's Border Blunder: 15,000 Migrants Under Texas Bridge Forces Gov. Abbott To Send In Troopers


"The federal government has failed to secure the border."


El US es un país de ‘pilgrims’ o migrantes. A los 1ros migrantes los trajeron de Europa y enlatados como sardinas en viejos navíos. Estos huyeron de las guerras y crearon nueva vida aquí. A los negros los trajeron de Africa y como esclavos, con ellos no hubo piedad. Los migrantes de centro america son gente pobre que camina a pie para crear futuro aquí. Pedimos piedad para ellos!  No es la 1ra vez que los  fascistas y racistas del US piden tropas y balas contra los migrantes latinos



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Los moscones van donde la mierda abunda. No importa si ayer nos asaltaron

Critics Blast "Absurd" Biden Admin First Major Military Deal With Saudi Arabia  

Clear betrayal of Biden's prior pledge to end American backing of a war that's claimed more than 200,000 Yemeni lives.


Forget 5G, China Leads The 6G Charge 

6G is expected to be about ten times faster than 5G...


The one who the tec control the world


Perdimos un aliado: France

France Still Seething, Warns Australia Over "Huge Mistake" In Defense Deal With US 

Australia will acquire at least 8 nuclear submarines from the US...


El genocidio war nos unió y ahora nos separa




- WHO Appoints Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown as Health Financing Ambassador

- Iran Says Ready to Sell Fuel to Lebanese Gov't After Hezbollah Secured Emergency Supplies

- Netanyahu on Facebook Mocks Biden’s Alleged Nap During Talks With Israeli PM Naftali Bennet

- ‘Crisis Crisis’: Trump Says US Becoming ‘Cesspool of Humanity’ Over Border Situation

- France-UK Defense Minister Meeting Canceled Over AUKUS Fracas

- Letters From Jehovah’s Witnesses in England Blame COVID Pandemic on Satan

- Satellite Snaps Appear to Show Expansion of North Korea’s Nuclear Bomb-making Capabilities

- Russian Embassy in Paris Says Checks Info About Russian Man Arrested for Shooting Air Gun

- Many Haitians in Texas Border Camp Unwilling to Leave Despite US Deportation Plans

- Taliban Fighters Seen Riding Swan-Shaped Pedal Boats




SET 19 2021 PART 2 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH  ++  



El fascimo de Biden bloqueo REBELION





Francia cancelo el encuentro bilateral  con Británicos por la alianza AUKUS


Corea del Norte arremete contra AUKUS: esa alianza "desatará carrera armamentística nuclear en cadena"


En elecciones legislativas rusas: el partido gobernante Rusia Unida lidera el recuento


Trump: la "crisis fronteriza" que convierte a US "en pozo negro de la humanidad"

Lo mas negro es el racismo fascista de Trump contra los latinos.


Francia explica por qué no han retirado su embajador en Londres dada la crisis de los submarinos


Taiwán denunciara a Pekín ante OMC por prohibir importación d sus frutas exóticas


Gigante chino Evergrande reembolsa con bienes raíces a sus inversor en medio de  crisis de liquidez


China está a punto de revolucionar la energía nuclear con un reactor de torio


Británicos optan por semana laboral de cuatro días para "dar felicidad a empleados"


Enfrentamientos con carabineros durante el desfile militar en Chile





On contact

On Contact: The second American revolution

Chris Hedges discusses the Second American Revolution with author David Talbot.

The populist uprisings of the Progressive Era, labor militancy of the 1930s, and the sweeping social and cultural transformations of the 1960s and 1970s constitute America’s second revolution. These movements sought to complete the unfinished work of the first revolution, enfranchising those the founders of the nation had condemned and thrust aside: black people, women, Native Americans and the poor. The second American revolution, embodied in its final phase by Dr. Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement, spawned a series of powerful movements including the anti-war movement, the black power movement, the women’s movement, the American Indian movement, gay and lesbian movements, the United Farm Workers union, the Weather Underground and a radical, alternative press embodied in publications such as Ramparts magazine. But the promises of these movements have been largely obliterated. The ruling elites mounted a sustained, often lawless and successful campaign to crush these expressions of popular yearning and popular discontent.






Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


- The “Secret Agenda” of the So-called Elite and the COVID mRNA Vaccine. “Reducing World Population”? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

- Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

- Iran Becomes Full Member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) By P K

- Where Is the Virus? Dr. Janet Menage, BMJ  Dr. Janet Menage, BMJ By J M

- In the Name of Humanitarianism, COVID Is Crushing Solidarity By Jonathan Cook

- The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right; It Is a “Poison-Death Shot” By Mike Whitney

- 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine By Rabbi Chananya Weissman



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