martes, 28 de septiembre de 2021

SEP 27 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & 2


SEP 27 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Morgan Stanley Dismisses Market's "Strong Rebound", Remains Bearish On Coming Earnings Disappointment

                by Tyler Durden

Stay defensive and “don’t get too caught up in last week’s strong rebound,” Morgan Stanley’s Mich Wilson writes, saying growth is decelerating, financial conditions are tightening and 3Q earnings season is

For just a few hours last Monday, Morgan Stanley's chief economist felt vindicated: with stocks tumbling on Evergrande default fears, Wilson emerged from his faux-bull cocoon (having raised his year-end S&P price target from 3,900 to 4,000 in August in a note that reeked of disgust with what he was being told to do) and warned that an "Ice is coming", referring to a 20% drop in stocks as opposed to the more modest 10% correction envisioned in his "fire" scenario, saying that "the "ice" scenario is starting to look more likely, and could result in a more destructive outcome – i.e. a 20%+ correction", a drop he expects will take place some time this fall.

See Chart

S&P 500 P/E likely to complete its cycle transition decline this Fall


Wilson also predicted that with earnings growth and PMIs set to drop, it would adversely impact forward PE multiples and by extension the S&P

See Charts:

Exhib 10 PMIs are headed Lower we think. Exh 11: It doesn’t bode well for SPX


Well, what a difference 7 days makes: with Evergrande default fears now long forgotten amid still unconfirmed speculation that China will somehow make it all better and nationalize the troubled developer with little to no offshore contagion, the S&P is almost 150 points from its "Evergrande Monday" lows and once again pushing back toward all time highs (even if with a major rotation in the leadership as tech stocks are now sliding, having been replaced by value, cyclical and reopening names) in the process yet again foiling Wilson's bearish visions.

Today we got the answer in Wilson's latest weekly warm-up not, in which he makes it clear that his bearish outlook remains, and as he explains, "our process tells us the risk-reward remains unattractive at the index level given slowing growth and rising rates. Meanwhile, price action can be interpreted bullishly or bearishly. With 3Q earnings season likely to bring a much more muted outcome, we remain defensive in our positioning."

Curiously last week's rally happened in the aftermath of the market's perplexing kneejerk response to the Fed meeting on Wednesday, when stocks rallied even as bonds sold off sharply, particularly at the back end. Real 10-year yields were up 11bps in 2 days and are now up 31bps in just 8 weeks (Exhibit 1). That according to Wilson is "tightening of financial conditions for sure" and should weigh on PEs overall but it also has big implications for what should work at the sector/style level

See Exhibit 2.

1: Rising 10 year Real Rates..                      2: has implications for  RV trades


Wilson conclusion on upcoming market action will hardly come as a surprise to those who have followed Wilson's progressive pessimism across 2021: pointing to the market's inability to recover its prior trendline, he says "this leaves the technical picture very uncertain in our view and one can now break either way. With our fundamental view skewing poorly at the moment, we lean to the bearish outcome."

See Chart:


Wilson then says that he has high conviction that "earnings growth is likely to decelerate more than what the current consensus is forecasting." Furthermore, he thinks the market is starting to agree with that view and points to market breadth as a good leading indicator for earnings revision breadth where he says "direction is clear" and pointing to the newly shrinking market breadth, he reminds readers that earnings revision breadth is a good leading indicator for the overall market.

It will therefore hardly come as a surprise that with Wilson still clearly bearish, his advice to clients is "don’t get too caught up in last week’s strong rebound from Monday’s sharp sell off" which he views as a clean break of the uptrend and a filling of the gap created from Monday's crack. And with the technical picture murky, "that's a time to trust the fundamental and cycle analyses which suggest lower equity prices ahead" and as growth decelerates and financial conditions tighten, valuations are likely to fall from their lofty levels.

Continue reading & see more charts at:




Immediate effect of cargo-backlogs: aggravate inflation & kill USD in Int market

Despite Record Cargo Backlogs, Ports Of L.A. And Long Beach Still Don't Operate Around The Clock

More than 25% of all American imports

pass through one of the two ports.


We must stop our xenophobia and make peace deals with China. Capital-labor relation is the key for economic development. We must restore peace with CH


Bitcoin main profiteers are Big Corp & billionaires. They kill middle class business-men

Here's What 'No-Coiners' Don't Get: It's Not Up To The Government

This isn't about whether governments will permit Bitcoin to exist... It's about whether governments can survive Bitcoin...


Pritzker Goes To Bat For What The Wall Street Journal Calls "One Of The Greatest Fiscal Cons In History"

The cost is actually “zero,” they say...

President Biden and his allies in Congress are having a rough time winning support for a new, historic, gigantic spending plan, but they knew who to call for help.

On Friday, Gov. JB Pritzker joined Biden on a Zoom call to with local reporters to make the case for the pending federal legislation.

You may know the bill as the “$3.5 infrastructure bill,” which is what it has been commonly called in the media.

But that’s just a testament to media distortion. It’s not $3.5 billion and it’s not infrastructure.

The true cost is likely to be $5 to $5.5 trillion over ten years according to the bipartisan Committee For A Responsible Budget.

A primary gimmick being used, it said, is pretending that programs intended to be permanent expire, which they say obscures “the true cost of the legislation and put program beneficiaries at risk.”

Continue reading at:





Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


Misguided Petition? Demanding Permanent Monthly $2,000 Stimulus Checks Nears Huge Milestone

Americans continuing to struggle would be drawn to the idea of perpetual “free” government aid... it's a soothing fiction (like Santa)...


Vax terrorism continue. Is stupid .. but it happens

NY Gov Confirms National Guard Will Fill In For Fired Healthcare Workers Who Refuse Vax

"The deadline for New York state’s healthcare workers to receive the Covid vaccine is Monday..."


For her care she must resign!


He need a booster shot FOR HIS BRAIN & asap

Biden Gets Booster Shot, Says 97% Of Americans Need To Be Vaxx'd To Return To Normal

...directly contradicts findings from scientists...


Electoral Fraud is natural in our ‘POLYARCHY’, said Robert Dahl: Billonas can buy Elec

Arizona Senate Hears Of Multiple Inconsistencies Found By Election Audit 

"The official result totals do not match the equivalent totals from the Final Voted File..."


Anti-China’ ghosts are not discovering the powder


Pelosi no tiene pelos en la lengua: no es la política ideal, pero ella dice lo que siente

Senate Republicans Vote Down Pelosi's Debt Ceiling Bill, As Expected

Congress is now just 72 hours away from a potential shutdown



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Imperialism don’t care for genocide & WW3

Pentagon Says It Won't Ask Taliban Permission For Future Afghan Airstrikes

US has hinted at further intervention & airstrikes in Afghanistan under guise of fighting ISIS-K...


Who care for Goldman’ opinion on China?  Goldman only care for his gold!

Goldman Cuts China's Q3 GDP Growth To 0% As A Result Of Growing Energy Crisis

Goldman expects the 10 days of production cuts at the end of September to reduce real GDP growth by nearly one percentage point (annualized) in Q3.


Global market is freezing … it is easy to know what comes next

Container Ships Now Piling Up At Anchorages Off China's Ports

More signs that trans-Pacific liner capacity has overwhelmed port capacity.


All Hell Is Breaking Loose In Energy Markets

"If it’s a cold winter in Europe or Asia, we have a big problem. If it’s cold, and on top, it isn’t windy, then we have a much bigger problem. We will face shortages."


Finally the true is opening its doors: immune system is stronger than vax

Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination

"These cells will live and produce antibodies for the rest of people’s lives. That’s strong evidence for long-lasting immunity..."


China Issues Strongly-Worded Defense Of Russia Over US "Bullying" Sanctions

"The US hegemonic and bullying practices are rejected by Russia & China"


Real beauties don’t care for fake cosmetic advertisement

China Bans Advertisements For 'Cosmetic Beauty' Loans

Real beauties don't wear makeup... Liars do


This is worse than Hiroshima-Nagasaki .. said a liar

North Korea Launches "Unidentified Projectile" Into Sea Of Japan


"Tuesday's launch could be designed to test whether the South would still brand it as a provocation."


This is not a sign of provocation as AUKUS.. it is a mere sign of love




- Brexit to Blame: Germany's Olaf Scholz Says 'End to Freedom of Movement' Fueled UK Petrol Crisis

- Patriarchy Strikes Back? Iceland's Historic Female-Majority Parliament Up in Smoke After Recount

- US Marine Colonel Put in Brig For ‘Asking for Accountability’ Over US Departure From Afghanistan

- Bennett Claims He Said 'No Three Times’ to President Biden During Their August Meeting

- Republicans Slam DHS Chief Mayorkas for Allowing Thousands of Haitians Into US

- US ‘Humiliated Like Never Before’, Trump Says, After DHS Allowed Thousands of Migrants to Pour in

- Lockheed Martin to Build US Army’s Next Generation Tactical Vehicle Based System

- Border Patrol Agents Disgruntled Over Biden's Attempts to Throw Them 'Under the Bus'

- US Senator Menendez Urges New Sanctions on Turkey if It Acquires More Russian Weapons  He doesn’t believe that imperialism doesn’t work any longer as yesterday




SET 27 2021 PART 2 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH  ++  



BRA: Si Bolson no es candid, la derecha baraja otras opc   Juraima A

Ecua: Crear oportunides… o crear concertaje?   Alberto A y John C

Ecol:  Latinoamérica: la región más peligrosa para defensores amb  AP


PAL-OP: La interminable guerra de Zakaria Zubeidi

Cultura:  Manuel Sacristán Luzón, Sobre Jean-Paul Sartre

Nancy Fraser: “El neoliberalismo como filosofía hegemónic ya murió”

CELAC:  La inalcanzable unidad e integración  E Nava

ARG: Crisis política en extractivismo multimedial  Edo L

Ecol S:  ¿Pueden las ciudades seguir creciendo de forma ilimitada?

Econ:  BRICS dan muestra anual de unidad  Flávia M

BRA:  ¿Cómo llegó Brasil a esto?   Emir Sader

Chile:  Piñera contra los migrantes

FEM: Hay distintas clases socias entre mujeres, por lo tanto, difer fem

Opin:  Maneras de mirar un volcán   María Abenia

Am-Latina:  Entre lacayos e integracionistas  A A

Opin:  Una guerra solapada   Carolina Vásquez

CUBA:  “Se ha perdido un tiempo precioso”

US-CUBA: Lo que se construye y lo que se destruye

Ecua:  Alicia Cahuiya: “¡Déjennos vivir como waorani!”

Ecua:  Iron Man: El Vengador Keynesiano   J Báez

MX:  Los patrioteros de Palacio Nacional   Polo Castellanos

VEN:  Activos d VEN en fuego cruzado corporativo  EMV

Mund:  Miedo e incertidumbre para disidencia en Tailandia  Emily F

Egipto   La rendición del emir      Guadi Calvo

PAL:  Khalida Jarrar ha sido liberada. Es hora d liberación palestina

US:  Continúa financiando el apartheid israelí G M




Agresiones de odio y repudio contra los migrantes venezolanos en Chile


Expresidente Medvédev denuncia ataques desde US al sistema electoral de Rusia


Terror vax es anormal:  Biden: US podría volver a normalidad si 96-98 % de la pob se vacuna


¿Cómo China le está apretando las tuercas al criptomercado?


Venta de armas es inmoral=WW3. Macron anuncia que Grecia comprará cazas Rafale y fragatas a Francia


Estos son los dispositivos que se quedarán sin Internet a partir del 30 de sept.


Presid de Chile-Uruguay se reúnen en Montevideo con agenda en economía y covid-19


China dice US utiliza derechos humanos como "pretexto" pro sanciones contra Rusia


Tres cazas rusos vigilan bombardero estratégi d US sobre aguas del océano Pacífico


Penta anuncia prueba exitosa de misil hipersónica con velocid mayor al de Mach 5


Miles de migrantes haitianos cruzan selva COL para llegar a Panamá rumbo al US




Keiser Report

Get a grip, take a hike and pound sand (E1755)

Max and Stacy look at the growing fashion trend in diplomacy of talking like an undiplomatic New Yorker. In the second half, Max and Stacy continue their conversation about the fallout from the AUKUS deal which torpedoed France’s submarine contract with Australia as well as the escalating crisis with shortages and rent increases popping up globally.





Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- Jabs and Health Passports: Symbols of Modern-Day Tyranny By S Lendman

- Veterans to President Biden: Just Say No to Nuclear War! By Veterans for Peace

- New Nuclear Arms Race & Cold War Will Not Bring Security  By Jeremy Corbyn

- Video: This Live Mask Test Shocks Viewers By Del Bigtree

- Genocide of Seniors Continues as FDA and CDC Recommend 3rd Booster Shot  By Brian Sh

- Internet Satellites: Damage Environment and Biosphere? By Sharon Buccino,

- COVID-19 Vaccination Is Greatest Threat Humanity Ever Faced By  Herland Report

- COVID Vaxx Certificates — Borderless Genocide By Peter Koenig






A New World Order takes shape (Part 4)

Towards peace in Syria and Lebanon

by Thierry Meyssan

The agreements reached between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin following the Western military defeat in Syria are beginning to be implemented in the Middle East. The next steps should be the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Syria, the expulsion of Turkish forces from northwestern Syria, the return of Iran to the concert of nations, the return of the  Golan Heights and finally the Russian-Syrian administration of Lebanon.






Amy Goodman’  team

- Meet Mansoor Adayfi: I Was Kidnapped as a Teen, Sold to the CIA & Jailed at Guantánamo for 14 Years

- “Our Health or Our Homes”: Tenants Facing Eviction Help Introduce New “Keeping Renters Safe Act”

- Former Member of Afghan Parliament Says U.S. War Ushered in “Another Dark Age” for Women

- Rep. Maxine Waters: Biden Admin Must End “Inhumane” Deportation & Whipping of Haitian Asylum Seekers

- Raj Patel: Climate, Conflict and Capitalism Drive Global Hunger. COVID Made It Worse



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