domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013



Lo dice un Americano, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts  que fue  Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy (during Reagan term)  and is now associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Leamos los extractos  que aquí les dejo. Tomado de “AMERICA: As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap”  Por Paul Craig Roberts / The 4th Media News | Saturday, October 26, 2013.

por Hugo Adan, octubre 27, 2013

La tesis central de Paul Craig Roberts es que: “the US has lost economic and political power, and that loss is irreversible”.   

Si creo que la caida es irreversible, pero tambien creo que el alarmismo exagerado es inservible. Estamos frente a pesimismos de conveniencia en algunos casos (los que crean alarma para vender oro falso) y en otros, del ritual a un mito que desde hace mucho tiempo se predica. Para mi ningun problema nace sin solucion y estoy seguro que las "inteligencias" van a encontrar alguna solucion al problema que crearon: me refiero a una caida suave, no aparatosa. 

Algunos de estos ya dijeron que la caida de este imperio nada tiene que ver con Roma ni con la Rusia de Gorbachev ni Yelsin. Lo que aqui vamos a tener es una transicion similar a la britanica (poco a poco). Otros hablaron de caida elefantiasica, 1ro el animal deja de caminar, arrastra las patas para al final no levantarse. 

A mi mas me gusta la metafora del Titanic. En esta transicion las 1ras ratas que abandonaran el Titanic van a ser los mas ricos, los menos americanos de hoy. Las capas medias y el pueblo se las arreglaran para crear un nuevo sistema. Asi que hay imperio para rato, salvo que el Titanic choque con un tempano "nuclear",  entonces y solo entonces la guerra aceleraria la caida rapida. 

Mientras tanto, se trata de ayudar a organizar la independencia ideologica, politica y economica del pueblo frente a los grandes banqueros y las grandes corporaciones (los duenios del pais) que se sirven de democratas y republicanos, a los que financian por igual.  La posibilidad de armar una alternativa democratica: un Frente independiente frente al "dirty couple", esta ya en camino, pero la trampa electoral (la alternancia entre democratas y republicanos, que en esencia son lo mismo) es  un hecho realmente existente que solo se puede desmontar CREANDO el FRENTE CON UN PROGRAMA Y PLAN DE ACCION TRABAJABLE EN EL CORTO PLAZO.  Esto es lo que preocupa hoy, el actuar localmente sin perder de vista lo global. 

Aqui va el art de Craig Roberts, con partes descriptivas de la actual crisis que son interesantes.  Lo que viene en double brackets es mio. Abrir:


The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are taking steps to create their own method of settling trade accounts in order to protect themselves from the looming dollar implosion,

China has forcefully called for a “de-Americanized world.” After watching the “superpower” offshore a large part of its GDP to China and then add to the diminished tax base the burden of $6 trillion in wars that brought no booty and served no US interest, China has concluded that American power is spent. The London Telegraph thinks “it is only a matter of time before the renminbi replaces the dollar as the primary currency for trading commodities and resources.”

The Obama regime attempted to attack Syria based on the sort of lies that the Bush regime used to invade Iraq, only to be slapped down by the British Parliament and Russian government. This rebuke was followed by the childishness of the government shutdown and threat of default. Consequently, the Washington morons have lost their monopoly on economic and political leadership.

A few days ago the British government announced a historic agreement that permits British investors direct access to China’s markets and allows Chinese banks to expand their operations in Great Britain.

In Australia, the US dollar will no longer be used as the currency in which to settle the Australian trade accounts with China. Instead of dollars, trade will be settled in the Chinese currency.

This means that the US dollar is being displaced as world currency. The only market that America dominates is the market for financial fraud.

When industrial, manufacturing, and tradeable professional service jobs are offshored, they take US GDP and tax base with them. The foreign country gets the benefit of the relocated economic activity. Due to the revenues lost from jobs offshoring, there is a large gap between federal revenues and federal expenditures.

As Washington’s irresponsible behavior has raised so many doubts about the dollar’s value and the government’s commitment to stand behind its massive debt, foreign countries with trade surpluses with the US are less and less willing to recycle those surpluses into the purchase of US Treasury debt.

Today the two largest holders of US Treasury debt are not investors or even foreign central banks. The two largest holders are the Federal Reserve and the Social Security Trust Fund.

As for those $6 trillion wars, that’s to pay for national defense to protect us from women, children, and village elders in far away countries devoid of air forces and navies, and to provide those recycled taxpayer monies from the military/security complex that find their way into political contributions.

Obamacare is causing the premiums on private insurance polices to rise substantially, almost doubling in some situations unless people move to the uncertain exchanges, and Obamacare’s raid on Medicare payroll tax revenues has resulted in a cut in Medicare payments to health care providers. The result is a further reduction in consumer discretionary income and a further drop in the economy. This in turn means a larger federal budget deficit and the need for the Federal Reserve to purchase more debt.

Another reason the Federal Reserve is faced with increasing, not tapering, quantitative easing (money printing) is the decline in foreign purchases of US Treasury bills, notes, and bonds.

According to reports, not only are foreign governments, such as China, ceasing to buy US Treasury debt, China has started to sell off its holdings, substituting gold in the place of US Treasury debt.

This means that the bonds must be purchased by the Fed or interest rates will rise as the increased supply of bonds on the market drives down bond prices. The only way the Fed can purchase a larger supply of bonds is by printing more money, that is, by more quantitative easing.

With the world moving away from using the dollar to settle international accounts, as the Fed prints more dollars the rate at which foreign holders of dollar assets sell off their holdings will rise.

The selling of dollars drives down the exchange value of the US dollar and results in rising US inflation. The Fed can print money with which to purchase Treasury debt, but it cannot print foreign currencies with which to purchase dollars.

The decline in the dollar’s exchange value and the domestic inflation that results will force the Fed to stop printing. What then covers the gap between revenues and expenditures? The likely answer is private pensions and any other asset that Washington can get its hands on.

Initially, private pensions will be taxed at a rate to recover the tax-free accumulation in the pensions. The second year a national emergency will be used to confiscate some share of pensions. Those relying on the pensions will find themselves with less income. Consumer spending will decline. The economy will worsen. The deficit will widen.

You can see where this is going, and there seems to be no way out. Policymakers, economists, and corporation executives are in denial about the adverse effects of offshoring, which they still, despite all the evidence, maintain is good for the economy. So nothing will be done about offshoring.

Republicans will blame the budget deficit on welfare and entitlements, and if those are cut consumer spending will decline further, widening the budget deficit. Inflation will rise as incomes fall, and social cohesion will break down.

Now you know why Homeland Security purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, enough ammunition to fight the Iraq war for 12 years, has its own para-military force and 2,700 tanks.

If you think the “terrorist threat” in America warrants a domestic armed force of this size, you are out of your mind. This force has been assembled to deal with starving and homeless people in the streets of America.


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