lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011


Hugo Adan 08/08/11

Tres factores crearon el gran desastre economico que se empieza a vivir en los EU(la crisis del 2008 fue solo la introducción): 1ro la total desregulación al capital financiero especulador mediado por el control Federal del dólar; 2do, la evasión fiscal para los ricos y los bailouts (salvatajes financieros con dineros de la nación) a los especuladores banqueros; 3rd los excesivos gastos militares (cerca de 300 bases en el mundo entero)incluyendo el gasto en diplomacia de guerra (compra de Pdtes, gabinete, senadores y de la jerarquía militar)todo esto fue apoyado con dinero falso creado de la nada, el dólar.

Aun así, el dólar siguió siendo la mayor fuente de reserva en el sistema bancario mundial. Aunque nuevas monedas entraron a disputar el monopolio del dólar, el yen japonés, el rubro ruso, el yuan chino y el euro de la unión europea y estos se han unido para crear una nueva moneda internacional. Las agencias de crédit rating o decían la verdad o morían junto al dólar. S&P dijo la verdad y en realidad no dijo nada nuevo, pues hace un anio lo dijeron los chinos: EU es un estado insolvente, las transacciones financieras en dólar no valen 3 As sino solo 2 y hoy solo una. Que ahora lo diga una agencia americana, es el final del simulacro y el inicio de un ciclo desconfianzas con efectos difíciles de predecir. Una cosa es cierta, si cae el dólar cae el tío Sam como timador y fraudulento, y si se deja existir al dólar, este ya no sería controlado por el Federal. En ambos casos, estamos frente al fin del imperio.

Mr Beers , el dueño de la agencia S&P indico que imprimir dólares de la nada no brindara tres As de aquí para adelante. Para asegurar la validez del dólar, los bonos del tesoro que se vendió a chinos, japoneses y europeos tienen que tener poder comercial y no lo tiene(un dinero prestado es útil solo si con ello se puede comprar lo que uno quiere). Pero el dólar no tiene esa capacidad de compra (por poner un ejemplo, a los chinos se les bloqueo ingreso al negocio petrolero americano). Si EU se presta dinero chino o europeo y no tiene como pagarlo, tiene que vender lo que tiene en casa para saldar la deuda. Y si eso no alcanza tiene que vender la casa. Así de simple. De lo contrario el dólar será solo basura o moneda falsa sin mayor valor internacional, quizá solo con valor interno pero por debajo del valor del dolar canadiense y otros dolares que circulan en el mundo.

Printing dollars de la nada no importo a ambos dos partidos (democ y repub) no sabian que esto podria convertirse en un boomerang. Para que el dólar siga existiendo tienen que dejar que los prestamistas compren lo que quieran de EU. Esta seria la transicion que ya se estaría negociando bajo la mesa, de lo contrario los prestamistas pondrían en marcha la nueva moneda internacional como ya antes lo sugirió el IMF.

Es la devaluación del dólar lo que esta detrás del actual downgrading por S&P. El dólar dejaría de ser la base de la reserva bancaria mundial y la mayor moneda del intercambio internacional. Cuando democ y repub apoyaron el downgrading del dólar planearon pagar menos por el dinero prestado, dinero que EU volvería a imprimir de la nada. No esperaban el efecto boomerang y la posible puesta en marcha de nueva moneda internacional. Es lo que está en curso fuera de casa. La especulación financiera en dólares esta llegando a su final y con el, el fin del imperio americano.

Quien pagara los platos rotos de esta "transición" es el pueblo americano. Los socialistas de arriba (las grandes corporaciones y la banca especuladora) socializaran sus pérdidas con los de abajo, esto es transferirán al pueblo los costos de la recuperación económica. Siempre fue así. Volvera a serlo a menos que los socialistas de abajo (trabajadores y capas medias) den un nuevo curso a la historia. Pero yo no creo en esto es posible aun. El pueblo americano ha sido políticamente idiotizado y esta prisionero o cautivo en una doble cárcel: la del sistema bipartidista.

La transición hacia un nuevo capitalismo de mercado es la alternativa mas probable a la presente crisis.

The problem is what to do with the nuclear arsenals & WMD? How to dismantle them or transferred to the UN? And what to do with hundreds of military stations around the world?, Bringing the troops home will be easy, though war mongers here won’t accept it, at the end they have to do it. What happens in Afghanistan (more than 30 elite soldiers killed) is just the beginning. The occupied territories are being equipped with small and ultra-effective missiles. A nuclear response will be contested and even if the carnage is greater outside than inside that will create an international resentment that will make difficult the re-construction of new American states in the North.

On the other hand, a new international reserve currency will be created soon, the dollar has its days counted. It is over. You wanted o not, it is the end of the US empire.

The US is a mosaic of different states with different cultures and capabilities (some of them are in real bankruptsy, the Fed didn't do nothing to save them and won't do it), the only glue that put them together now is the ideological scum of faked values that we do not have or practice, all of them loaded with chauvinism and fascistic notes (war mongerism).

The US will re-emerge faster than the Russian empire if they live alone the states that want their own economic and political autonomy. The Federal is a waste of money, their institutions and banking system connection should be dismantled. Later on (after destroying the two traps: the bankers system and the bi-partisan system) they can re-unite under new basis with a social-market oriented democracy. America has the science-tech and creativity to put forward a new democratic set of American independent states. We do not need the military mighty to reconstruct the Americas of the future. This is the real issue we should discuss now on. (Hugo Adan: 08/08/11)


Let’s check some outlooks of the current situation in the US:


Sanders: Obama Proposal Would Impoverish 250,000

By Erik Wasson

July 10, 2011 "The Hill" -- -The Social Security Administration estimates that a proposal floated by the Obama administration would put 245,000 people into poverty, according to an analysis released by liberal senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Saturday.

That level of impact would be felt by 2050 if a proposal to change the way inflation is measured is adopted, Sanders announced. The change to the way SSA would calculate the Consumer Price Index has been floated in debt ceiling talks between Congress and the White House. The White House has suggested revising CPI for both the tax code, in order to generate more revenue, and for benefits.

Social Security Administration’s Office of Retirement Policy estimated that by 2030, according to the report prepared for Sanders, there would be 173,400 more people living in poverty in the United States.

Benefits for those who are 80-89 would drop by $960 a year. Benefits for women would fall by 3.5 percent overall while men’s benefits would drop by 2.9 percent.

By 2050, seniors in the 80-89 age bracket would see benefits fall by $1,200 a year.

"I am especially disturbed that the president is considering cuts in Social Security after he campaigned against cuts in 2008," Sanders said. "The American people expect the president to keep his word."

This week Sanders demanded that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in flatly ruling out any benefit cuts to Social Security as part of the debt deal.

Reid in the past has said Social Security does not need to be reformed for decades. While Social Security is expected to be unable to pay full benefits by 2036, it is not a major driver of the budget deficit. Republicans want the program reformed now because they fear otherwise that as 2036 approaches massive tax hikes that could stall the economy would be demanded by senior citizens.

See also:- U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion, Barofsky Says : U.S. taxpayers may be on the hook for as much as $23.7 trillion to bolster the economy and bail out financial companies, said Neil Barofsky, special inspector general for the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program.


U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion, Barofsky Says (Update3)

By Dawn Kopecki and Catherine Dodge - July 20, 2009


See also:

Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists And The Disappearing Middle Class

By James Petras

July 10, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- The US government (White House and Congress) spends $10 billion dollars a month, or $120 billion a year, to fight an estimated “50 -75 ‘Al Qaeda types’ in Afghanistan”, according to the CIA and quoted in the Financial Times of London (6/25 -26/11, p. 5). During the past 30 months of the Obama presidency, Washington has spent $300 billion dollars in Afghanistan, which adds up to $4 billion dollars for each alleged ‘Al Queda type’. If we multiply this by the two dozen or so sites and countries where the White House claims ‘Al Qaeda’ terrorists have been spotted, we begin to understand why the US budget deficit has grown astronomically to over $1.6 trillion for the current fiscal year.

During Obama’s Presidency, Social Security’s cost-of-living adjustment has been frozen, resulting in a net decrease of over 8 percent, which is exactly the amount spent chasing just 5 dozen ‘Al Qaeda terrorists’ in the mountains bordering Pakistan.

It is absurd to believe that the Pentagon and White House would spend $10 billion a month just to hunt down a handful of terrorists ensconced in the mountains of Afghanistan. So what is the war in Afghanistan about? The answer one most frequently reads and hears is that the war is really against the Taliban, a mass-based Islamic nationalist guerrilla movement with tens of thousands of activists. The Taliban, however, have never engaged in any terrorist act against the territorial United States or its overseas presence. The Taliban have always maintained their fight was for the expulsion of foreign forces occupying Afghanistan. Hence the Taliban is not part of any “international terrorist network”. If the US war in Afghanistan is not about defeating terrorism, then why the massive expenditure of funds and manpower for over a decade?

Several hypotheses come to mind:

The first is the geopolitics of Afghanistan: The US is actively establishing forward military bases, surrounding and bordering on China.

Secondly, US bases in Afghanistan serve as launching pads to foment “dissident separatist” armed ethnic conflicts and apply the tactics of ‘divide and conquer’ against Iran, China, Russia and Central Asian republics.

Thirdly, Washington’s launch of the Afghan war (2001) and the easy initial conquest encouraged the Pentagon to believe that a low cost, easy military victory was at hand, one that could enhance the image of the US as an invincible power, capable of imposing its rule anywhere in the world, unlike the disastrous experience of the USSR.

Fourthly, the early success of the Afghan war was seen as a prelude to the launching of a sequence of successful wars, first against Iraq and to be followed by Iran, Syria and beyond. These would serve the triple purpose of enhancing Israeli regional power, controlling strategic oil resources and enlarging the arc of US military bases from South and Central Asia, through the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

The strategic policies, formulated by the militarists and Zionists in the Bush and Obama Administrations, assumed that guns, money, force and bribes could build stable satellite states firmly within the orbit of the post-Soviet US empire. Afghanistan was seen as an easy first conquest the initial step to sequential wars. Each victory, it was assumed would undermine domestic and allied (European) opposition. The initial costs of imperial war, the Neo-Cons claimed, would be paid for by wealth extracted from the conquered countries, especially from the oil producing regions.

The rapid US defeat of the Taliban government confirmed the belief of the military strategists that “backward”, lightly armed Islamic peoples were no match up for the US powerhouse and its astute leaders.

Wrong Assumptions, Mistaken Strategies: The Trillion Dollar Disaster

Imperial Decline, Empty Treasury and the Specter of a Smash-Up

The crumbling empire has depleted the US treasury. As the Congress and White House fight over raising the debt ceiling, the cost of war aggressively erodes any possibility of maintaining stable living standards for the American middle and working classes and heightens growing inequalities between the top 1% and the rest of the American people. Imperial wars are based on the pillage of the US treasury. The imperial state has, via extraordinary tax exemptions, concentrated wealth in the hands of the super-rich while the middle and working classes have been pushed downward, as only low paid jobs are available.


But there is a deep and quiet discomfort within the leading circles of the Obama regime: The “best and brightest” among his top officials are scampering to jump ship before the coming deluge: the Economic Guru Larry Summers, Rahm Emmanuel, Stuart Levey, Peter Orzag, Bob Gates, Tim Geithner and others, responsible for the disastrous wars, economic catastrophes, the gross concentration of wealth and the savaging of our living standards, have walked out or have announced their ‘retirement’, leaving it to the smiling con-men - President Obama and Vice-President ‘Joe’ Biden - and their ‘last and clueless loyalists’ to take the blame when the economy tanks and our social programs are wiped out. How else can we explain their less-than-courageous departures (to ‘spend more time with the family’) in the face of such a deepening crisis? The hasty retreat of these top officials is motivated by their desire to avoid political responsibility and to escape history’s indictment for their role in the impending economic debacle. They are eager to hide from a future judgment over which policy makers and leaders and what policies led to the destruction of the American middle and working classes with their good jobs, stable pensions, Social Security, decent health care and respected place in the world.


Greece a Dress Rehearsal for United States

By Michael Hudson

Greece sell off its roads, its land, its port authority, its water and sewer--is just what Illinois's been doing, what Chicago's been doing, what Minnesota's been told to do, and what American cities are trying to do.

This is a video with transcript


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