viernes, 8 de abril de 2011


It is 11:30 pm. April 08-2011
HAZ, April 8, 2011

1. NONE OF THEM -REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS- WANTED TO DEBATE THE REAL ISSUE OF CUTTING EXPENSES: The bulk of the US unsustainable budget resides in the section DEFENSE, or military expenses. We have hundreds of military stations all over the world and this is the main cause of our bankruptcy . This factor and the wars abroad is what drains our economy. The hired servants of big corporations have the chance to talk about and they hided. They did not want to tackle the real cause of our insolvency and financial crisis. What an idiotic show. COWARDS!! CLOWNS!!

2- WHO WON THIS CIRCUS-“DEBATE”?. Of course the owners of this temporary circus: the military industrial complex and the big corporations that profit from wars abroad.

- WHO LOST? The middle and working classes that pay taxes: 95% of the nation. They will continue pay the burden of wars and luxury of having a huge military apparatus. Who profit from this expenses? Not the nation, only few corporations.

3- Among republicans & democrats (the administrators of the nasty business of big corporations) I would say that the Republicans had the fox inside the cage-trap and they released. They were in the offensive (they already won the last referendum -the midterm elections- and recently had beaten democrats in swing states. Obama was against the wall & about to be knocked down) and only if the shutdown would have last few weeks, they remaining people confidence in Obama will be destroyed. Now is sure that republican will lose the next elections. Big corporations will continue investing money in Obama.

4- Regarding the American nation. The only chance for the middle and working classes is to create their own power. Meaning: take control of their own local governments with independent coalitions or UNITED FRONTS. They have to create THEIR OWN FORM OF GOVERNMENT starting with setting up their electoral system. It is from the bottom up that the American political system has to be re-structured. The aim is to CREATE REAL DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA with non-interference by big corporations. Real Democracy will be the result of the creative imagination and heroic action of common people in all STATES. The perspective of setting up a parliamentary system is one option. The installing of real direct democracy instead of the corrupted representative democracy is the strategic objective to be achieved.

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