sábado, 5 de julio de 2014




by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

by Hugo Adan, July 5, 2014

Here there is a song of pain on independence day in America.

I respect it, but I fill happy to know that the best Constitution of the world, the one created by the American revolution and independence –the one used as example for many others, is now  being used by people who leads the new revolutions of our time. This is the case of  people in the of  South of Ukraine who declared independence from the neo-nazi rule in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The neo-nazis assaulted the central government, deposed the elected President, destroy democracy and the State and declare themselves as new rule with the complicity of our government in the USA. Then after they called elections  -the phony election similar to the ones in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, etc- to legitimize themselves. They are now  implementing  an ethnic cleansing  policy intending to take out of the country all those citizens who have Russian  heritage. It was not enough to ban the Russian language in a bilingual society. Those troglodytes did the opposite to what Switzerland  people built in their country, a multi-lingual society. People in the South is resisting the military attack supported by NATO and the USA , they want a Federal Union with autonomous States. They are using the American Constitution in such endeavor. I’m happy to know that the Constitution that  we do not used anymore, that we trashed miserably is being used for people who really care for independence.

Having surrendered our independence for the quick, easy fix, we will inevitably surrender our health, liberty and freedom.

As we celebrate the declaration of political independence from Empire today, a question arises: how independent are we today in our day-to-day lives? The flip side of independence is dependence: not just on Empire, but on painkillers, central banks, government intervention, silence, complicity.

Dependence limits freedom. The dependent person, household or nation cannot truly be free; their actions and choices are severely limited, and the deeper their dependence, the greater the erosion of their will to become less dependent.

People speak of the cost of independence and liberty in militaristic terms. But in day-to-day life, independence boils down to not being dependent on systems you have no control over.

Independence isn't taken from us; we surrender it. We surrender it for all kinds of reasons; it's often easier to accept dependence than struggle to maintain our independence.

Our culture has developed a self-destructive response to pain: we want any sort of pain, physical, spiritual, financial, to go away immediately and magically. We don't care about the mechanism, just make it go away.

But pain is not just a random event: it's a message that we need to listen to. Pain communicates that something is damaged, dysfunctional, not working or in conflict. Pain tells us we need to understand the sources of the pain and seek a systemic solution.

There are many sources of physical and mental pain, and they cannot be lumped into one category. But in all cases, there are systems and there are sources of the pain, and since life, ecosystems, economies and organisms are complex interactive systems of systems, there is often not one source but multiple layers of interacting sources.

Consider the common ailment of back pain. I've suffered from it, as have many people. While there are many potential sources and causes, we're designed to prefer the easiest, quickest fix, which is generally a painkiller pill.

The quick fix does not address the source or solve the underlying problem: it simply makes the symptoms go away. It eliminates the message that something's wrong and needs to be addressed in a fundamental way.

A great many back problems arise from lack of fitness, poor habits and being overweight. In many cases, the long-term solution requires a complete revamping of habits, diet, fitness, and a reworking of our understanding of the mind/body system.

This is a lot more trouble than taking a pill, so many of us resist changing all these major systems that affect each other within the overall system of our well-being.

But eliminating the message and the symptoms doesn't fix anything. What it does do is make us dependent on the fix. A dose of highly addictive heroin is called a fix for good reason: like any other painkiller, the addict depends on it to fix the pain and the symptoms that are shouting that something's terribly wrong.

This is why I call the Federal Reserve's interventions monetary heroin: the global financial meltdown caused pain, and rather than deal with the sources of financial dysfunction, the Fed chose the highly addictive fix of zero interest rates, unlimited credit and easy money.
Every month, the Fed mainlines this fix into the financial system to make the pain go away: the pain that's telling us the system is broken, dysfunctional, destructive.( it continues..)

Ukrainian Journalist: "Let's Borrow From The US Constitution; They're Not Using It Anymore"


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