sábado, 5 de julio de 2014




Brief introductory question?

Is there a solid evidence that the “undetectable, non-metallic bomb”  really exist? Or is just one more war-monguer-trick  intended to blackmail the world  with “I want your submission or my NATO and my allies the jihadist and neo-nazis will destroy the world”. If such a bomb exist, we are in front of a new crime against peace,  so the door are open for honest judges of the world  to indict and prosecute these “terrorists”. Hugo Adan, July 5, 2014


Here the news:

Press TV has conducted an interview with Richard Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition, from San Francisco, about the backlash against the West’s policy of encouraging violent terrorism in the Middle East, particularly in Syria and Iraq.
The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: We have a warning from the US, this being an al-Qaeda effort to create an undetectable bomb. It could be smuggled through airport security; it’s called a new generation of non-metallic bombs that could bypass airport security. What do you think?

Becker: I think if we look at over the last several decades going back to 1979 when the CIA began its intervention in Afghanistan, we can see a pattern where these interventions by the United States, by the CIA in Afghanistan, the invasion and occupation of Iraq have opened the space for the development of al-Qaeda.

There was no al-Qaeda before the US intervention in Afghanistan, it did not exist, it’s an outgrowth of that war, which at that time was the largest CIA operation ever – up until that point.

In 2003 at the time when the United States invaded, carried out this criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq there was no al-Qaeda functioning inside of Iraq and there was no al-Qaeda functioning or any of its affiliates inside of Syria. So, now we’ve seen that develop in Iraq and in Syria.

Whether the weaponry came directly from the United States to the al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front of ISIL or others it doesn’t really matter, it’s that the United States and France and Britain and Qatar and Saudi Arabia through their intervention and support of the so-called rebels in Syria opened the way for the resurgence of what was almost a defunct organization ISIL inside Syria, which in turn allowed that organization go into Iraq and occupy much of Iraq in connection with its allies in the area.

So, we can see the disaster that the policy of the United States has meant for the people of those countries first and foremost, but also rebounding to have the kind of impact that’s now being discussed with new threats inside the United State and European countries, Canada and so forth.          

Press TV: It’s interesting though the way that this threat is coming through at this point in time if there’s any significance behind that and additionally let me add to it that these weapons as the US has announced are being developed by al-Qaeda groups based in Yemen and it’s then being collaborated with the Syrian al-Nusra Front – another terrorist organization – the destination being Europe and the US.

Especially the concern being that terrorists are going to be coming either to the United States or the EU, back to their countries, on flights to the United States who don’t require visas to enter the country.

So, obviously the question comes – and you referred to the war in Afghanistan and the invasion in Iraq of which US occupation created terrorists – we’re having a severe case of blowback when these types of threats are occurring don’t we?

Becker: I think that’s definitely the case and the idea that the arrogance of the policy makers in Washington. You know… Brzezinski, Zbigniew Brzezinski who was the national security advisor to Carter, when the intervention began in Afghanistan in 1979, we encountered 19 years later that he was very proud of having done this and who cared and this were his words – who cared if there were some angry Muslims in the  world that helped us bring down the Soviet Union.

And then we have the extreme arrogance of the neo-Cons around Bush in 2002-2003, Cheney claiming that we’ll be welcomed as liberators in Iraq and everything will be great; and dismantling the entire government; dismantling the military; tearing the country apart; favoring certain sectarian groups against others inside the country and then acting surprised that the outcome of that is what we see today.

Well, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody. It’s the arrogance of power; it’s the arrogance of imperial Washington and its allies with the chickens coming home to roost.  

Press TV: This is what I’m trying to understand if you can picture this and help me maybe get an insight into how the US President Barack Obama thinks. I mean, here we have this threat that’s now been announced officially by the US and I’m sure their intelligence was relayed to Barack Obama earlier than its coming out yesterday, but it kind of coincides with the time that Obama asks Congress for the 500 million dollars to support the moderate opposition in Syria.

So… I’m thinking you have Obama on one hand looking at this terrorist threat and then on the other hand he goes and makes this request from Congress to back what he calls moderate insurgents in Syria. Does he not see that there’s something wrong in that picture?

Susan Rice came out and said lethal and non-lethal support has been given to these Syrian insurgence, that incidents like this might happen given the ideology of these terrorists… because there are no good or bad terrorists; they’re all terrorists aren’t they?     

Becker: The first question that has to be asked is, are there any moderates in the Syria opposition? I mean, that claim has been going on for a while, but it is quite amazing to hear this from the president and from legislation that is moving through Congress to appropriate another 500 million and who knows how much more because the CIA budget very much is concealed.

But the idea that they would go ahead with this at a time when it’s clear and has to be clear to the entire world that it’s the disastrous, arrogant, imperial policies that have created this situation now on the ground, which I first have to say that the greatest threat is to the people of Iraq, the people of Syria and the other people in the region who are having this kind of regime extremist regime imposed upon them in what have basically been secular societies; and now the threat to others as well.

The fact that the United States government the Obama administration would say well we’re going to more of the same in light of what we see the consequences to be is really quite amazing.      

Press TV: It doesn’t make sense that he’s supporting these insurgents in Syria, but then he’s saying, no, the one’s in Iraq, they’re the bad ones.

Many of them have actually come from Syria into Iraq and in turn obviously, well, it’s been said that this threat the ISIL Takfiri terrorists are a threat to regional countries also.

Let’s switch gears and look at this piece of news that was run by Britain’s state-run BBC in terms of Britain a couple of years back had plans to train and equip about 100,000 militants in Syria to fight against the government of Bashar al-Assad – 100,000 of them to be trained in Turkey and in Jordan. What’s your reaction to that news?   

Becker: There have been all kinds of plans that have been floated and many of them have been carried out; and many, many thousands of those in opposition to the Assad government have been trained have been armed have been funded by the US, by Britain by France, by Qatar by Saudi Arabia, by Turkey. That has been going on. The scope of it is just one step further that was being contemplated.

But you know, the outcome of these interventions - this intervention by the former colonial powers in the region and others - has really been a disaster for the people of Syria. This war could not have gone on like this without this intervention from outside, without this massive intervention from outside.

And now we have reports from the United Nations that nearly half of the Syrian population urgently needs aid in order to survive under the conditions that have been created by this protracted and devastating war against a country that… all countries have problems but not in this state five years ago at all.

When I was in Syria last, which was nine years ago the country was doing fairly well and people weren’t starving; half the population was not in need of outside aid in order to survive.

What the US policy and its allies’ policy has done to Syria and I should also say to Libya and to Iraq really constitutes a tragedy, a disaster and a crime against the peoples of those countries.

Press TV: The US policy is something we are trying to figure out here in the region and it’s filled with contradictions.

I’m look at this 100,000 figure, I’m curious how they came up with that, did they actually inform, train, how did they come up with that 100,000? That’s maybe a question best left unanswered at this point.

But now the point about what is now common knowledge, a few hundred of these insurgents who have been trained by the CIA in Jordan, supposed to have been active in Syria, but it appears that they’ve been deployed to Iraq. This perhaps could be part of the 100,000.

Why was there are change of tack there – why was there a change of destination when it comes to the CIA and these insurgents who it’s been said are now part of the ISIL in Iraq?  

Becker: I don’t think that the ISIL is controlled by… I think that it’s been helped tremendously through objective developing conditions created by the intervention, the space that they’ve been given in Syria to develop.

They were almost defunct, they were defeated not by the US as much as by others in the predominantly Sunni regions of northern and Western Iraq who turned against the al-Qaeda policies in Iraq and didn’t want to live under that kind of rule.

But now in the eastern part of Syria they were able to develop and thrive, gain resources, gain resources from outside, take over oil fields – gain revenue that way – impose their rule , impose taxation, grow as an organization.

And then it was from Syria not that they weren’t also present already in Iraq, but came from Syria and with the collapse of a large part of the corrupt Iraqi army, came from Syria and were able to takeover Mosul and move further south towards Baghdad to takeover Tikrit and takeover other cities and regions of the country.

So it’s very clear that it was the forces that gained strength inside Syria that were able to come back into Iraq and to conquer territory at least for the time being they’ve been able to conquer a very large amount of territory.

Press TV: One country we have not mentioned here, it was a country the US President Barack Obama visited and it was one country amongst a host of Persian Gulf countries that John Kerry actually hosted in Paris and they were talking about the ISIL how much of a threat it is – And that country is Saudi Arabia.

What is the role that Saudi Arabia has when it comes to terrorists because they display the fact that they’re a threat to the kingdom; that they are a threat to the regional countries in the Persian Gulf; but at the same time we have the news that they’re actually supporting some of these terrorists groups, the one that comes to mind in the big picture is Islamic Front, which is the combination of these terrorist groups under one umbrella?    

Becker: I think that we can see that the role that both Saudi Arabia as a government and very wealthy people have become millionaires and billionaires from the Saudi oil have played a very important role in the development of these forces.

And again going back to the Afghanistan war we really can’t take it out of that historical context because that’s really where al-Qaeda originated was in the context of that war, the development of it led by Osama bin Laden and then the turning of al-Qaeda against the government of Saudi Arabia based on the fact that US troops were based and remain based in Saudi Arabia for many years.

So we have to see this as the contradictions that are inherent in these kinds of policies. They’re not funding and arming people who are really totally with them – either the Saudi government or the US government – they’ve formed temporary alliances or pragmatic alliances of convenience, but have their own agenda and their own view and you know, we’ve heard that the self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State saying that their intention is to take Mecca.

So, the Saudi government is funding forces for its own purposes in terms of trying to overturn the government in Syria, but they too face the blowback, the consequences because they are not really completely in control anymore than anyone of the other foreign actors.           



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