jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013



Introduction by Hugo Adan  Dec 5-2013
If you want to know about the PROS on bit coins check 2 videos and 1 article below

For the CONS read my previous article http://nd-hugoadan.blogspot.com/2013/12/currency-war-status-at-dec-5-13-yuan-is.html or go to the best video  about  CONS of bitcoin in:  PETER SCHIFF: BITCOIN VS. GOLD (22/11/13) Friday, 22 November 2013 10:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0L7SOPDOvvI    or just press here: Bitcoin vs. Gold: The Future of Money - Peter Schiff  


Here the PROS
VIDEO 1: The Pros and Cons of Bitcoin - What You Need to Know!  By Stefan Molyneus. Publicado el 21/11/2013   www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_sj6XGMVaw  Nov 21, 2013 - Uploaded by Stefan Molyneux  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_sj6XGMVaw 

VIDEO 2: 'Bitcoin steals power from both banks & gangsters' Bitcoin steals power from both banks & gangsters' de  RT  Publicado el 27/07/2013
Digital currency Bitcoin is gaining popularity around the globe as people become more and more dissatisfied with the conventional banking system. Instant, safe and nearly anonymous,  Open either  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=as_3Pp_yGq4  OR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as_3Pp_yGq4

THE ARTICLE: Bitcoin digital currency pros and cons - Chicago Tribune

Here extracts of this artcile

November 13, 2011|By Kristin Samuelson, Chicago Tribune reporter

Now comes Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer digital currency launched in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, not necessarily his or her real name. Unlike others, Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency, meaning "no central authority issues new money or tracks transactions," according to Bitcoin.org.
What is a bitcoin?  
Ho: It's a very interesting application of high-tech cryptography and the purest of pure mathematics, which is numbers theory, to something useful: encrypting a message.
How does it work?
Ho: To participate legitimately, visit Bitcoin.org, become a user, download the Bitcoin software and create a digital wallet.
After you set up your digital wallet, you can create any number of addresses, long alphanumeric strings that serve as your monetary identity, like a credit card number or a username on an online marketplace. You don't know who is connected to whom, which allows for anonymity, but you can identify the same number if it's used repeatedly.
How is Bitcoin valued?
Ho: The value of the 7.6 million Bitcoins in U.S. dollars depends on the day because, just like any currency, it can change based on the market and demand. MtGox.com is a mini stock exchange for the trading of Bitcoins. On Friday, the closing price for Bitcoins via the MtGox.com currency exchange was about $3.
What are the pros of Bitcoin?
Ho: First. With a Bitcoin transaction, it's just between you and the other person (peer to peer business). That is the amazing thing. Bitcoin is not a company.
Second. Bitcoin as one of the top five, if not top three, open-source, open-code community project ( a kind of closed system that is not private). Microsoft Windows is an example of a closed system. But they have a monopoly: You have to pay Microsoft to update the software or fix bugs.
What are the cons?
Ho: There is no easy way for people to know about Bitcoin, and when they do hear about it, it's something bad in the news (the breaches and black market). [It is definitely an anti-state project, not state or state union  (EU-USA-Arab League, you named – will accept them] . Young people will accept it, but it would be hard to convince a grandma or grandpa that this thing is good.  

Continue Part 2

One day, your Bitcoin could be worth a penny, another day $10. It's a chicken-and-egg question: Is it unstable because it's not big enough, or is it not big enough because it's unstable?

Adler: Digital currency suffers from two major flaws:
1) Currency works only if people trust the medium. We know currencies of other nations are issued by a government, not a company that may or may not be in business next week, so the credibility goes deeper. With checks, for example, how do you know you're going to get paid if you get a check? The bank you're going to deposit it to has rules and regulations that handle that process. When you get into digital currency, you have to buy into someone's software-based system and take a leap of faith.

2) It's purely virtual. It exists in electrons, not atoms, so it's difficult to authenticate it. If you take cash out of my hand, my bank account or my wallet, I know it. You take it out of my digital wallet, I don't know it. I can't file a police report and say I lost 1,000 Bitcoins.

Are there physical Bitcoins?

Ho: There are physical Bitcoins to exchange because some people like to hold something. This is equivalent to dealing on the stock market. There are people who hold onto the stock certificate, but most people just know they have 100 shares of IBM.

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