viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013



Por : Hugo Adan;  Dic 6-2013

La manipulacion del dollar por los zorros de arriba, los banqueros mafiosos detras del FED –especialmente los QEs- y el ahorro clandestino de dólares en bitcoins o en monedas de oro por los zorros de abajo, estas manipulaciones del dinero no la inventaron los chinos (aunque es China el país donde más se ahorra en bitcoins, pero es también el país que pide a gritos se cree una moneda mundial respaldada en oro y plata, de forma que ellos tampoco creen en su propio yuan, “el satán dólar esta detrás” dicen ellos y tienen razón. La tuvieron hasta Nov-2013 en que el Congreso del PC-CH decreto la autonomía del yuan. Mal puede decirse entonces que la pólvora  “currency manipulation” la inventaron los chinos.

Es más correcto decir que la polvora llamada “currency manipulation” se inventó en los EU. Fue en  1913, cuando una banda de banqueros tomaron control de la fabricación del dollar en EU. Esta pólvora se la reinvento en la década del 70 en que se eliminó la conversión del dólar en oro. La 1ra vez que se uso esta pólvora en la actual guerra silenciosa (el currency war) fue a mediados de los 80 del siglo pasado en que se aprobó la política del “Washington Consensus” (el llamado neo-liberalismo) y la peor bomba que pudo haberse fabricado con esa pólvora explotó en la época de Clinton en que se aprobó el uso doble de depósitos del banco. Desde fines del siglo pasado la especulación bancaria de EU inundo el mundo, lo que estallo en la crisis del 2008, de lo que aun EU ni Europa han logrado salir.  

La manipulación del dollar arriba mencionado es solo uno de los factores que expresa la fe decreciente en el USD fuera y dentro de este país. El francés Klaus Khan, el mal alto jefe del IMF  propuso una moneda internacional para salir del dólar y lo asesinaron políticamente en NY con un escándalo sexual. El Ruso Putin y los chinos también exigieron una moneda única para depósitos bancarios y el comercio mundial que no sea el dólar. Esto explica porque el ciudadano del mundo no deposita sus ahorros en su moneda local ni en sus bancos.  Los depósitos del pueblo a la banca privada han disminuido a nivel mundial, los ahorros clandestinos crecen. No tiene sentido poner dinero en el banco si este no paga intereses por ello, dicen los zorros de abajo. Los banqueros del FED, los  que fabrican el dólar,  si cobran intereses a la banca subsidiaria y al propio Federal.

La compra de monedas de oro crece cada día mas y ese oro tampoco se deposita en los Bancos, es lo que hacen los yuppies o clases medias altas de los EU. Ya ni los paraísos fiscales sirven para dar seguridad a la evasión de  impuestos y/o lavado de dinero mal habido de los zorros de arriba (Mit Romney jamás explico por que prefirió hacer sus ahorros de dólares en un Banco Israelí). A inicios de este año, hubo una fuga de dólares increíble de los bancos de EU (incluido el de paraísos fiscales) y su conversión en bitcoins. De allí la represión del FED en el South West de EU. Se los acusó de estar envueltos en negocios ilícitos y eso no sirvió para recuperar la fe en el dólar. La guerra contra el bitcoin es una guerra perdida. Solo se gana esta guerra creando una moneda mundial o nacional respaldada en oro y plata. Mientras tanto, serán cada vez más los ciudadanos y los países del mundo que diversifiquen sus ahorros y reservas fuera de los bancos nacionales mientras dure el avance de la globalización neo-liberal.

Hay países clientes del imperio cuyo % de depósitos en dólar es igual al % de comercio que se tiene con EU (en muchos casos, menos del 40%). A  raíz de los QEs hay mayor control nacional sobre la paridad de la moneda local en relación al dólar (se busca controlar los efecto dañinos del  “eassy dollar”)  Y lo mismo ocurre el ciudadano común de EEUU.  Estos solo dejan en el Banco lo que se requiere para el pago de impuestos y los utilities, el resto prefieren tenerlo fuera del banco y/o pagar en cash. La tendencia mundial es dejar atrás el dólar, sea americano u otro.

Como recuperar la fe del ciudadano americano en su propia moneda? esta que cada día se deprecia más en el mercado local?. Eso no se logrará fabricando “black Fridays” cada mes del año para alimentar el consumismo banal, eso no serviría para restaurar la poca fe que queda en el dólar. Se requiere cambiar de sistema económico y politico, el actual lo controlan las grandes corporaciones. Se requiere reinstalar el Glass Steagall Act y expropiar a los banqueros que usurparon el Fed en 1913. Se requiere un Frente por la reconstrucción del país que desplace al “dirty couple”, los  republicanos y demócratas que han convertido la democracia en una trampa al servicio de las trasnacionales. Se requiere dar respaldo en oro y plata al dólar lo que supone nacionalizar la Banca central, confiscar a la Banca mafiosa detrás del FED  y/o  crear Bancos Estatales descentralizados si se disuelve la Union. Es la única forma de salir de la deuda externa y dejar atrás  “el cuentazo de la deuda e insolvencia interna”. El americano no tiene ninguna deuda con la Banca mafiosa. La prioridad es crear un Banco Central Autónomo or else “disolver la Union”

El real peligro económico es el de la guerra en el Middle East. Esto está ya liquidando la fe en dólar (se teme que Israel bombardee Irán y estos respondan cancelando el transito del petróleo  por el golfo pérsico y bombardeando a los Saudís e Israelitas lo que escalaria hacia una guerra mundial). Si eso ocurre, se destruirá por completo la fe en el oro virtual del dólar actual: el oro negro, el petróleo. Sin esa aura de santidad para el dólar, lo que viene es el cambio de santo que no podría ser sino una moneda conjunta y acordada entre todos los que tienen mayor flujo comercial en el mundo actual. El dólar actual pasaría a la historia.



After almost a century of paper money manipulation by central government people turning to its virtual and free of state control alternative – Bitcoin. Experts say people see it as a more reliable option, when the crisis is hitting traditional currencies.

“I think we’ve had one hundred years of what the US government can do when it gets to manipulate a currency and a lot of people are kind of tired of that and they want to experiment in a space where you can’t manipulate a currency; and I think that’s why a lot of people are interested in this space,” Jonathan Mohan, a founder of “Bitcoin NYC”, told RT. 

The New York City EVR restaurant is the first establishment to accept the digital currency. At EVR one can find the big Apple’s expanding community of Bitcoin investors, who now choose to use Bitcoins instead of paper money or credit cards. Free from Government, bank control and credit card processing fees –these are Bitcoin key allures 

When the Bitcoin network came into existence in 2009, the new 'crypto currency' faced huge criticism. The invisible money created through a set of computer manipulations, with its exchange rate being determined exclusively by the demand on transactions left most people skeptical.

“I first came into the Bitcoin space, I was the only person in New York city who even heard of Bitcoin. I was laughed out of every VC firm in the city, and now fast forward two years, there are so many start ups. there are meet ups,” said  Charlie Shrem, a co-owner at EVR & Founder, talking to RT.

Charlie Shrem hosts a weekly Bitcoin meeting in Union Square, where people can buy and sell the digital coins – a gathering that attracts hedge fund investors and high frequency traders. "We’re all friends with each other", Shrem said. Today Bitcoin has become “kinda like a culture” in New York, as Shrem classified that. A culture of young, financially savvy New Yorkers determined to build an unregulated financial system.

Most recently, the key Bitcoin initiators the Winklevoss twins filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the currency IPO. This could make Bitcoin a more accessible and popular investment – like stocks or commodities. (‘Winklevoss twins file for $20 million Bitcoin IPO”. Published time: July 02, 2013. )

In New York City which is home to the global headquarters for most of the world’s largest banks, the Bitcoin economy is slowly being embraced by respectable business. Domino’s Pizza and the hotel chain, Howard Johnson's accept Bitcoin payments and a New York-based limo service just began accepting the digital coins. Fair to say that New Yorkers can eat, sleep and commute without spending a dollar.


At a time when the traditional financial system is going flop and monetary authorities across the world leave ordinary people largely disappointed, Bitcoin is becoming increasingly attractive.
“You can finally opt out of a system that you don’t agree with. Like, Bernanke can keep printing as much money as he wants, Bitcoin users aren’t effected”, Josh Rossi said. “We’re holding Bitcoins. It only makes our Bitcoins worth more dollars. It’s a natural hedge against inflation,” he added.
Online, popular sites lik www.reddit and accept Bitcoin. Cars, furniture and tech gagets have been put up for sale on the trading website ‘craigs list’, with dollars or digital coins equally accepted.

Many economists remain skeptical of the long-term stability of a currency that lacks backing from a single government, which is not a problem for Bitcoin believers.

“If they were pleased with the monetary system, if they felt it was fair, then they wouldn’t be looking for an option like Bitcoin. So, you see already, the loss of confidence, the loss of commitment, it’s a sign of where the society is going,” Richard Wolff, economic analyst and author, told RT.

Last Thursday the platform registered with the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) as a money services business (MSB), according to FinCEN's website. However, the fruit this move may bring remains vague. It may either bring the company in line with the Treasury’s rules, or open the exchange to increased regulatory attention. Before the registration, Mt. Gox stopped its US dollar withdrawals, saying it needed to introduce some system improvements amid increased demand for Bitcoin operations .[ World's largest Bitcoin exchange suspends US withdrawals. Published time: Jun 22, 2013. See art below]



For the next two weeks Bitcoin users in the US will be unable to withdraw the virtual currency in dollars. Major exchange Mt. Gox cited an unusually high demand as the reason for the suspension, while customers worried the company has run out of cash.

Mt. Gox, based in Tokyo, Japan, handles approximately 80 per cent of Bitcoin transactions in the US and 70 per cent internationally. The popularity of the service, which allows customers to buy and sell items with relative anonymity, has led, indirectly, to the current transaction freeze. 

Over the past week Mt. Gox has experienced rising volumes of deposits and withdrawals from established and upcoming markets interested in Bitcoin,” a company statement explained. “This increased volume has made it difficult for our bank to process the transactions smoothly and within a timely manner, which has created unnecessary delays for our global customers. This is especially so for those in the United States who are requesting wire transfer withdrawals from their accounts.” 

Users are still able to deposit into Mt. Gox and continue trading on other Bitcoin services, but the update has fueled speculation that the largest Bitcoin provider has grown too quickly and simply run out of cash, an allegation the company has not addressed publicly. 

We are currently making improvement to process withdrawals of the United States Dollar denominations, and as a result are temporarily suspending cash withdrawals of USD for the next two weeks,” the statement continued. “Please be reassured that USD deposits and transfers to Mt. Gox will remain unaffected, as will deposits and withdrawals in other currencies, and we will be resuming USD withdrawals once the process is completed.” 

Recent estimates indicate the number of Bitcoins in circulation is at approximately 11 million, with the collective market value nearing $1.4 billion. The price of one Bitcoin was 107 Friday, after fluctuating wildly in recent months, according to

While economists admit Bitcoin could have a bright financial future, its instability has been a point of reluctance for would-be investors. The temporary withdrawal restriction will almost certainly be another reason for hesitancy. 

Without a safe infrastructure, a digital currency will never achieve widespread adoption by a mainstream audience,” wrote Mark Courtney, a product and services director at GBGroup, an identity intelligence company, for Wired. “The initial success of Bitcoin proves that there is appetite for a type of digital currency, but without making the service trustworthy, more trading floors will close.”

COMMENTS la Guerra al bitcoin es una falsa Guerra, es una causa perdida.
1. The crackdown of bitcoin went to Courts who found not legal bases to confiscate the USD transferred by using bitcoins unless is proven that people involved in these transactions is using the deal for drug-arms and other illegal business. Otherwise, the money was returned and the case was closed. Instead, one Court in Texas declared legal the uses of bitcoins and is known that even a police station was paid their work in bitcoins and they were happy with it.
2. David Wallace.  it looks like one of the biggest factors: taxation is very difficult with bitcoins which could put governments in disarray. No banks= no way to track and confiscate.  19.08.2013
3. Anonymous. Visa card is the #1 form of currency in the world today, it is digital transaction and any digital money is unfortunately here to stay.



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