miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011



A critique to the article of Yoichi Shimatsu (below)
INTRODUCTION by Hugo Adan. Nov 2, 2011

1. There is not factual Evidences in Yoichi Shimatsu key statements

a. To say that the people’s mov “OCCUPY WALL STREET = OWS” is financed by Soros (Yoichi Shimatsu) is a very controversial statement. Even If Soros made donations to this mov , this Mov is totally independent from its financiers. The rev Russia, China and even the Cuban revolution could have been funded by philanthropists like Soros, and it does not mean that they were manipulating or dictating its course.

b. Money is just a tool, a mean for ends whose actors and dynamic could serve totally different purposes. Money never has an end in itself, it all depends on who uses it and why. If coming from speculators like Soros and is used for grass root movements to overthrown the neoliberal economy - a model that benefits large speculators like Soros- that would mean, on the one hand, that "the monster Soros" is not so, maybe just a naïve believer in the Japanese ritual called hara kiri; and on the other hand, it would mean that Mr. Soros inadvertently would be doing the greatest boon to humanity: fostering our freedom from the criminal control of big corporations that are behind NATO. So we should thanks Soros for helping us in our fight against the profiteers of war, those that best benefit from the global economy the way it operates now. Thus, we should welcome the nice Soros described by Shimatsu and say “Thanks Soros” for the way you are doing business. However, the question remain: Does this Soros really exist? Ver para creer, dicen los ciegos.

c. Nor is there evidence that Soros wants to overthrow or put Obama down, much less the empire, just the system and the rule that protects people like Soros, being him its largest beneficiary. Maybe there is real evidence that Soros was not welcome by Putin nor the rulers in China. There may also be evidence that Soros was one of the beneficiaries and drivers of the fall of the Asian Tigers in the late nineteenth century, which certainly hurt China. But to suggest that the whole course of the global economy depends on what Soros does or not as merchant of philanthropy, that is the most ridiculous story ever heard before. For this story be able to received worldwide audience I would suggest to Yoichi Shimatsu to apply to a grant from Soros. Is not this what he wants?.

To say that peoples movement OWS is anti-capitalist? It could be, but not yet. Certainly, it can become a mov of that nature, in good time if so, but now it is just an anti-financial speculation movement , and more exactly an anti-Wall Street's crook business done by men like Soros. To accuse him of funding that mov, Is paradoxical, to say the least. To say that this mov affected the BoA (BANK OF AMERICA), that is true and in good time too. Why such a concern for the Boa? Is this the Bank that is financing Shimatsu?. However, the fact of accusing the OWS mov of being organized by anarchists and labeling the mov as terrorist, that is unacceptable. The fat cats of Homeland Security have the monopoly of inventing terrorists and I do not think they will accepts Yoichi’s competition in their business.

Yoichi Shimatsu statement in this regard is very revealing: "OWS anarchists has since been protesting against BoA charges on debit cards –as if it doesn’t cost the bank to process transactions. ‘Anti-capitalism’ is not just a threat used to blackmail the bankers; worse, it is economic terrorism against working people".

Is there a real concern for working people? If yes, Yoichi should protest against Bankers that are using special police team to dissolve lines and brutalizing people when they try to take out their money from crook Banks like BoA. I wonder if in the concept of terrorism and anarchism that Shimatsu uses are included the marines or veteran soldiers who came to support civilians in the OWS movement?. One of these veterans of war, Scott Olsen (24), was targeted and seriously injured by snipers and now more war-veteran are supporting the general strike in California and organizing days of action against the bankers in many cities in the US. Are they the Yoichi’s anti-capitalism anarchist and terrorists?. Of course the label does not apply to the veterans of war, but if the answer is YES, people are with them and these veteran soldiers are with the people.

Short conclusion: This article of Yoichi Shimatsu smells like big fish in decomposition, the size of a BoA. It is maybe the decomposition of the system. Anyway I circulate this article to record how the mercenaries of the pen are operating now.



Yoichi Shimatsu | Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In mid-November, the behind-the-scenes leaders of Occupy Wall Street will call on their supporters with savings accounts to pull their money out of a major U.S. bank, a tactic that provides a convenient excuse for financier George Soros to withdraw his enormous funds to collapse the U.S. economy and cause the second worldwide Great Depression. Bank runs have enormous psychological impact over society, since one’s life-savings can be frozen over a long period or even entirely lost. U.S. bank accounts are insured by the FDIC, thereby transferring the entire burden to bail out personal accounts onto the U.S. Treasury Department, already straddled with a national debt equal to the GDP.

At the opening of the U.N. session, Soros voiced support for OWS, saying: “Actually, I can understand their sentiment. Frankly, I can sympathize with their grievances.” Let’s, then, take a closer look at this sentimental billionaire’s hidden ties to OWS.

Soros, who got his youthful start as an accountant for the Nazis during the Holocaust, is actually not just a sympathizer – he is the ultimate manipulator behind OWS. Known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” on Black Wednesday 1992, the Hungarian-born currency pirate has just issued a Halloween statement saying that the Eurozone deal to save Greece “will last only one day to three months.” Now that his words have instilled fear among investors worldwide, an OWS-sponsored attack on the banks could wipe out the U.S. dollar at a vulnerable moment.

His black hand has many fingers in Occupy Wall Street:

- One of two online accounts for donations to OWS is run by the Alliance for Global Justice, a non-profit funded by Soros and in coalition with his Open Society Institute. (The other fund was created on July 14 by a Los Angeles-based security service that shields the identity of the account holder. The account creation date shows OWS was not spontaneous but pre-planned in secret.)

- The New York online account was registered on September 11 by Vladimir Teichberg, a Russian-born anarchist, a former derivatives trader for hedge funds who owns the Glass Bead Collective, which stages provocations against the police and selectively videotapes only police responses to anarchist-initiated violence. According to protesters, the Oakland violence was prompted by bottle-throwing against the police, a fact that was omitted from Teichberg’s online video postings.

- Hidden connections to OWS sponsor Adbusters through donations laundered through the Tides Foundation in San Francisco, which unethically veils the identity of donors. Kalle Lasn, the head of Adbusters, denies the connection with Soros but has not disclosed the donor. Lasn, who was born in Nazi-occupied Estonia, is a notorious anti-Semite yet still an ally of Soros, who has never shown moral compunctions about doing business with Nazis.

- Wade Rathke, founder of the discredited ACORN community activism group funded by Soros, called for “Days of Rage” earlier this year. His slogan, based on the Weather Underground agents provocateur in the 1970s who wrecked the antiwar movement, was picked up by Adbusters in their first posters calling for OWS.

- The election campaign of the woman who “inspired” OWS, Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, is financed by Soros and his cronies. Warren was the overseer of the 2008 Wall Street bailout known as TARP, which she still rates as a success despite her new-found anti-Street rhetoric in praise of OWS.

- Samantha Power, senior director of the National Security Council who ran the Libyan intervention and the Arab Spring, has served on the board of the Soros-created International Crisis Group (ICG). The OWS is supported by Tahrir Square activists, who were trained by the CIA proxy CANVAS, and also is backed on at least two websites run by Al Qaeda operatives.

Class Warfare against Working People

Not by coincidence, the masked hacker group called Anonymous, co-sponsor of OWS, provided Julian Assange of Wikileaks with internal records from the Bank of America, which were used in an international blackmail operation, similar to prior exposes of private bank Julius Baer. OWS anarchists has since been protesting against BoA charges on debit cards – as if it doesn’t cost the bank to process transactions. “Anti-capitalism” is not just a threat used to blackmail the bankers; worse, it is economic terrorism against working people.

Targeting banks, which hold the personal savings of millions of workers, union members, small entrepreneurs and the elderly, is economic warfare Soros-style. If the retail banks are destroyed, who will benefit? None other than the funds controlled by Soros. The victims will be lower-income people who do not possess the ill-gotten millions required to join Soros Fund Management or his Quantum funds. Yes, “class warfare” is being waged – against blue-collar Greeks and Americans by George Soros and his filthy-rich investors.

No Friend of China or Asia

While unleashing his pet anarchists against Wall Street, Soros has assured Beijing that he believes China will become the world’s financial center. The facts tell a different story:

– Asian financial powers China and Japan are to trying to protect the U.S. currency as vital to world trade, but the Soros hedge funds are dumping the dollar, a move that threatens Asian exporters and destabilizes the RMB and the yen.

– Soros-led currency speculation wiped out the Thai baht in 1997, triggering the Asian financial crisis, which devastated Southeast Asia and cost untold billions for Beijing and Tokyo.

– “Hot money” funds controlled by Soros from his new offices in Hong Kong have been fueling the asset bubble in China’s housing market. Soros Fund Management is a major player behind the construction boom,, including in the so-called “Chongqing model”, which is now showing signs of cracking apart despite all the leftist rhetoric. The central government has been trying to tamp down spiraling property prices to prevent an even larger market collapse.

– The Soros family operates the Trace Foundation, which the Beijing government ordered to leave Tibetan areas for its subversive activities. Trace programs coincidentally were organized exactly at the epicenter of the current wave of disturbances in Sichuan.

Media Provide the Get-Away

Soros gets away with his crimes because of his Open Society Institute’s role in subverting the news media, especially with grants to journalism schools.The Centre for Journalism and Media Studies at The University of Hong Kong provides a classic case of Soros subversion. An investigation into its extensive ties with veterans of the Color Revolutions is urgently needed, since Soros-funded infiltration violates press freedom under the Basic Law.

Whatever one’s opinion of Vladimir Putin, the Russian premier showed the world community how to deal with Soros and his agents like Yukos Oil chief Mikhail Khodrokovsky in their attempts to hijack the nation’s economy. Recognizing the aims of a Color Revolution sponsors in Russia, Putin shut down the Open Society operations in Moscow and St. Petersburg for criminal activity. Since the real criminal mind never gives up,Soros struck back with the Nabucco Pipeline project, proposed to run from Qatar to Hungary to bypass Russia’s South Stream pipeline to Europe. The failed Nabucco project developed new ties between Soros agents and Islamist terrorists, which blossomed in the Arab Spring and the takeover of oil-rich Libya.

A Billionaire Against the People

After failing to subdue Putin, Soros then turned his wrath against Socialist governments in Greece and Spain, and now against his former protege Barack Obama. A major funder of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Soros was stunned when more conservative elements in the White House later dumped him – as he deserved.

With the coming OWS attack on major banks, Soros is threatening to bring the house down on Obama. How should the federal government respond? One glaring point is that Soros, a guest of the United States, was granted naturalized citizenship after swearing loyalty to the Constitution. This ingrate has worn out his welcome. When a foreign-born citizen commits such aggressive acts of economic treason against his host, the American people, he should be thrown into a federal prison under a maximum sentence.

The U.S. Treasury Department is required under law to investigate and prosecute financial crimes against the American people. Interpol, the worldwide network of police forces, also has the responsibility to arrest global financial swindlers, especially when they openly try to sabotage bailouts involving sovereign debt in Greece, Spain and the rest of the European Union.

Labor unions and community activists should reject the anarchist-run OWS, which badly tarnishes the legacy of the American left that produced democratic heroes like Eugene Debs, John Reed, Edgar Snow and the Reuter brothers. Already, conservative commentators are branding OWS as subversion by communists and socialists.

Soros is not a leftist; he is a criminal financier from a Hungarian fascist background, a willing servant of the Nazis against fellow Jews, a Wall Street hedge-fund capitalist who uses dirty tactics against his competitors on Wall Street; and an enemy of regulators who are trying to protect the savings of hard-working people.
It is high time for Soros to be brought to justice, the one point on which the right, left and center should find agreement. Whatever one’s own political leanings, the economic security of hard-working people and their democratic institutions need to be defended from billionaire bandits.


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