jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


The Growing Coverup: Osama and "The Big Lie"

by Larry Chin, Global Research, May 5, 2011

The Obama administration and the corporate media are concocting an ever-more elaborate and spectacular theater around the “heroic” murder of the CIA intelligence myth/CIA asset Osama bin Laden. Not content to simply to exploit the 9/11 atrocity for political gain, the administration is heaping new layers of lie and cover-up to the original crime.

The growing cover-up

The desperation is palpable. Just days since the “big announcement”, Obama administration officials have already been forced to backpedal, issuing multiple corrections, adding to the confusion over the location of the killing, whether bin Laden was armed or unarmed, whether there was a “fire fight”, if an alleged wife was involved, the burial at sea, whether to release “graphic photos”, etc. The mainstream corporate media---following approved CIA/White House narratives---is spewing and regurgitating a tidal wave of red herrings that add to the inconsistencies.

Seasoned observers will not be fooled, no matter how many Obama lies, doctored photos, fake footage, lurid new testimonials and CIA pronouncements are pushed forth. As put simply by Paul Craig Roberts:

“As the alleged body has been dumped into the ocean, nothing remains but the word of the US government, which lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda connections, about yellowcake, about Iranian nukes, and, according to thousands of experts, about 9/11. Suddenly the government is telling us the truth about bin Laden’s death?”

The “war on terrorism” is a fabrication, war propaganda that continues to serve as the eternal pretext for global resource war. That 9/11 was a false flag operation---that the official story is a lie and cover-up---has been definitively proven in numerous investigations, such as Mike Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon, Michel Chossudovsky’s America’s “War on Terrorism”, the work of Paul Thompson, and others.

Osama bin Laden is a product and asset of the CIA. "Al-Qaeda" is a covert operation, a "database" of intelligence legends, exhaustively detailed in the work of Chaim Kupferberg (Part 1 and Part Two). Pakistan’s ISI, a virtual branch of the CIA, was central to 9/11 and a player in subsequent “terror” operations. It is not surprising that Pakistan and the ISI is at the heart of the “death of bin Laden” as well.

The “death of bin Laden” changes nothing about the factual record that indicts (among others) Bush/Cheney, Anglo-American military-intelligence, and elite war/oil interests.

Tragically, none of this matters. The minority of individuals with unscrambled brains is not the target of this imperial charade.

Euphoria, brainwashing, and “imperial mobilization”

Barack Obama, who has spoken incessantly over the years about wanting to “unite” America again “just as it was after 9/11”, has been granted his moment to “unite” the masses again, but do an even better job of population control than Bush/Cheney (who, in their clumsiness and hubris, partially “squandered” their “political capital”). The swaggering Obama will “get it right”. He is a better actor, the more devious and mendacious corporatist who was selected for this specific purpose.

Obama has been itching to be the "Osama killer" since before he was elected.

The 9/11 “shock effect” remains fully potent, as evidenced by the frenzy, euphoria, and stomach-turning jubilation of crowds of Americans joining in celebration orgies over a fictional murder of the fictional Osama bin Laden, a fictional revenge. Even the “intellectuals” and “experts” are treating this charade as if it is real. Corporate media headlines have declared that “the world has changed”, and the masses love it.

The post-9/11 era has spawned an entire generation of vicious and ignorant drones, whose moral compass has been shaped by war, lies, violent entertainment, and brainwashing. The future American police state will be built upon this new culture of thuggery. This is "Obama's Animal Farm".

The final atrocity

To add a grotesque and sickening final insult, the swaggering Barack Obama will grandstand at New York’s Ground Zero, in a staged celebration of a fictional murder, on the hallowed ground where thousands of people actually died at the hands of the US government and its covert operatives.

Obama even invited George W. Bush to share his “victory lap”.

This act of exploitation will dispel all illusions about the criminal nature of this liar who has done Bush/Cheney one better by stooping even lower into the depths of depravity.

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