jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


And the lethal children water gun in it.

SO GREEN SUCH LETHAL WEAPON LIKE THE STORY-TALE: “THE US MILITYARY INTERVENTION ABROAD HAD HUMANITARIAN PURPOSES”. I’m also fed up with this lies and their beneficiaries, the neocons and the Obama regime.

See the pictures in: Photos from the Bin Laden Compound, in : http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28031.htm

By Reuters

May 04, 2011 "Reuters" -- Photographs acquired by Reuters and taken about an hour after the U.S. assault on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad in Pakistan show three dead men lying in pools of blood, but no weapons.

The photos, taken by a Pakistani security official who entered the compound after the early morning raid on Monday, show two men dressed in traditional Pakistani garb and one in a t-shirt, with blood streaming from their ears, noses and mouths.

The official, who wished to remain anonymous, sold the pictures to Reuters.
None of the men looked like bin Laden
. President Barack Obama decided not to release photos of his body because it could have incited violence and used as an al Qaeda propaganda tool, the White House said on Wednesday. [This article continues, open the website above]


NOW : Reed this comments:

1. “Notice the lethal childrens water gun laying behind one of the bodies. Clearly the SEAL Team was reacting to the danger this weapon posed since it could have been filed with the Dr. Evil instant SEAL evaporator liquid.”

2. “What Rothschild-owned Reuters and no one else can be confident about is where the photos were taken and whether Bin Boogie-Woogie was anywhere in the precincts. What an absolute croc. I'm tired of this farce. Instead, I want to have spray about government debt ...

According to Dick Cheney "Reagan proved deficits don't matter". For a brief summary of US public debt, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_U.S._...

But of course, what Cheney meant was “I am very rich and I have assets in Dubai and Switzerland and when I leave this job I will still be richer than God, and able to transfer my assets to other countries, so... the national debt does not matter to me." And so it can be said for the American leadership as a whole. National debt means nothing to them because it is not THEIR debt.

But it doesn’t end there. The whole of Europe is in debt up to its eyeballs.
How is it possible that after 200+ years of unprecedented growth in human history, everyone, everywhere is drowning in debt? The question deserves to be taken very seriously. As it goes to the very heart of the money system we live under. To understand it better, I recommend Ellen Brown’s book the ‘Web of Debt’ which takes as its starting point the modern fable The Wizard of Oz. Written in 1900, the W of O was in fact a financial allegory choc-a-bloc with symbolism which relates the then all-American struggle between the ‘gold bugs’ and the ‘populists’ of the era. But it is a struggle which goes back a long way before that to the very origins of money itself …

However tawdry their origins, the creation of new media of exchange -- coinage appeared almost simultaneously in Greece, India, and China -- appears to have had profound intellectual effects. Some have even gone so far as to argue that Greek philosophy was itself made possible by conceptual innovations introduced by coinage.[…] To put the matter somewhat crudely: if one relegates a certain social space simply to the selfish acquisition of material things, it is almost inevitable that soon someone else will come to set aside another domain in which to preach that, from the perspective of ultimate values, material things are unimportant, and selfishness -- or even the self -- illusory.” - David Graeber … http://blog.longnow.org/2010/04/22/debt-the-first...

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