viernes, 28 de enero de 2011



“Since the US provides about $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt a year, the repressive apparatus of the state is seen by many in Egypt as hand in glove with the US.” VP Biden

Before Obama statement to the nation on Egypt this evening (7pm) in which he demanded from Mubarak full respect of the right of free pacific assembly, press and expression, (without mentioning explicit support to his remaining in power, though Obama made clear that Mubarack will be removed if the media show evidence of the slaughter.) the Sec of State Mrs Clinton -since the riot start- was demanding the army to take control of the streets, shut down the internet and restore order. (MSNBC , CNN and Fox News showed these statements before 7pm in which Obama spoke). The army in fact did it, they took control of the streets but in their own way: with tanks exhibing the Egipcian flag and soldier saying "Hosni is out", so the population clapped and joing the army parade. (MSNBC showed images of this show). ANOTHER NATIONALIST COUP D ETAT IN EGIPT? Nobody knows it.

Obama concern for HR could be read in 2 ways: a) Mubarack already exeded in his uses of force against demonstrators, SO is going to be removed , the US will avoid be consider as accomplice in the massacre, and avoid the big arab-muslim forest be flamed; b) get people support for the next dictator (the media already showed images welcoming the arrival of the military to the streets and depict peoples confrontation only with the police).

What happen with Mubarak ?. He is either, kidnapped for the army following the orders of Mrs Clinton and is ready to be removed once a new puppet servant of the US is found. Or, the military is getting independent control of the government and demanding similar treat as the Israelites are receiving. The fact is that the army took control of the gvmt (not only the streets) and Mubarak was silenced (he was spected to talk to the media and it did not happens) The army may be demanding more than $1.3 billons to keep the alliance with US foreign policies otherwise they will install independent regimen supported by the military coup. Nobody can predict what will be the political outcomes of the peoples riot.

Check this news

What do Egyptians think of the US?

Here an answer via an anecdote to consider:
Egyptian riot police are firing tear gas canisters bearing the label “Made in U.S.A” against street demonstrations in Cairo, according to protesters who provided ABC News with pictures of the canisters…
According to the canister labels, the tear gas is produced by Combined Systems International of Jamestown, Pennsylvania…
Egyptians who are part of the street demonstrations told ABC News that the evidence of the U.S.-made tear gas sends a powerful signal.
“The way I see it the U.S. administration supports dictators,”

What does The US government think of Mubarak rule?

Most media agreed that he was a good servant of the US. According to the VP Biden & Sec of State Mrs Clinton, he is not a dictator and should remain in power.
Joe Biden says Egypt's Mubarak no dictator, he shouldn't step down...
By Dan Murphy, Staff writer / January 27, 2011

Vice President Joe Biden spoke to the PBS NewsHour tonight with the most direct US governent comments yet about the gathering Egypt protests against President Hosni Mubarak's 29-year reign.
Mr. Biden's comments are unlikely to be well-received by regime opponents, as they fit a narrative of steadfast US support for a government they want to bring down. About eight protesters and one policeman have died this week as Egypt has sought to bring down the heavy hand of the state against opponents. Since the repressive apparatus of the state is seen by many in Egypt as hand in glove with the US.

Egypt shuts down Internet, rounds up opposition leaders as protests start
Dan Murphy, Staff writer / January 28

Early signs of a massacre: President Barack Obama may have called for Egypt to avoid violence and to allow freedom of speech and assembly ahead of protests scheduled against President Hosni Mubarak today, but early signs are the regime is using most means at its disposal to crush a swelling and stunning wave of dissent in the Arab world's largest country.

Overnight in Egypt, the government shut down the vast majority of Egypt's Internet service, only allowing a network used by the stock exchange and most banks to stay live. Text message services were shut down in an effort to disrupt protest organization and all cell phone service was ordered shut in select locations according to Vodafone, one of Egypt's two main cellphone companies. There were reports of hundreds of activists detained by the police.

US foreign policies or it is an independent military coup from the US and nobody can predict what will be the political outcomes of the peoples riot.

Other titles in Cristian Science Monitor:
1. Joe Biden says Egypt's Mubarak no dictator, he shouldn't step down...
2. Egypt protests: US speaks again, but no one seems to be listening
3. Egypt shuts down Internet, rounds up opposition leaders as protests start
4. Egyptians flood the streets, defying police and calling for regime change

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