domingo, 3 de abril de 2022

April 2 25 2022 SIT ECON y POL

April 2 25 2022 SIT ECON y POL ND denounce- debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco ZERO HEDGE ECONOMICS Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics ZOLTAN POZSAR: THE DEATH OF THE PETRODOLLAR AND THE RISE OF BRETTON WOODS III "The new world order will bring a new monetary system – Bretton Woods III.... Commodity reserves will be an essential part of Bretton Woods III, and historically wars are won by those who have more food and energy supplies." - Zoltan Pozsar ==== EDGING TOWARDS A GOLD STANDARD Commentators are trying to make sense of Russian moves... However, there is a back story which differs from much of the speculation... ==== YIELD CURVE INVERSIONS & MEDIA'S DENIAL OF HISTORY Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice,com, While using the “yield curve” as a “market timing” tool is unwise, it is just as foolish to dismiss the message it is currently sending entirely... In March 2019, Mark Kolanovic of J.P. Morgan stated: “Historically, equity markets tended to produce some of the strongest returns in the months and quarters following an inversion. Only after [around] 30 months does the S&P 500 return drop below average,” See Chart: See more charts at: SOURCE: ==== RATE-HIKES JEOPARDIZE MUCH MORE THAN JUST AMERICAN HOME OWNERSHIP ... there will be a lot of “knock-on” effects in the economy... ==== HOW ARE FOOD PRICES BEING COVERED ON TELEVISION NEWS? "Mentions largely faded in 2014, before rising again in late 2019 to 2020 and surging around May 2021..." ==== US DOMESTIC POLITICS Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. THE FED CANNOT UNDO THE DAMAGE IT HAS ALREADY CAUSED The damage inflation inflicts to the wealth generation process is more important than the increases it causes in the prices of retail goods... ==== Terrorist business as usual: US ARMY SET TO ORDER 30,000 NEXT GENERATION SQUAD WEAPONS "Starts funding for the procurement and fielding..." ==== WAR, DISEASE, ECONOMIC AGONY (AND SURGING GAS PRICES) WILL PROBABLY NOT DETER HOSPITALITY SECTOR Already grappling with long-term pandemic-fueled troubles, the travel and hospitality industry finds itself confronting yet another adversary: surging fuel prices. ==== American wars go to the bottom of our society: CALIFORNIA MAN ARRESTED AFTER TWO "EXPENDED" ROCKET-LAUNCHERS FOUND IN TRASH-CAN NEAR SCHOOL "While all items were expended, these items do not go into dumpsters." ==== US-WORLD ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars) Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo Finally a truth from IMF: IMF WARNS THAT SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA THREATEN TO WEAKEN THE DOMINANCE OF THE DOLLAR The sanctions may result in a more fragmented international monetary system ==== Hypocrisy at the top: after nasty sanctions to RU now EU recognize ‘China as example’ EU BUREAUCRATS PRESSURE BEIJING TO DO MORE TO STOP WAR IN UKRAINE "China has been promoting talks for peace in its own way, and will continue to work with the EU and the international community to play a constructive role..." ==== IF UKRAINE JOINS THE EU, IT WILL BE THE POOREST MEMBER BY FAR The response of many EU members to Ukraine membership has been "ok, but not yet"... understandable from anyone with familiarity with the actual economic situation in Ukraine. …. Ukraine must join RU as it was during the Soviet Union ==== Ukraine must follow this example: It was US-NATO allies who create current war BREAKAWAY GEORGIAN REGION PLANNING REFERENDUM TO JOIN RUSSIA "...window of opportunity that opened in the current situation." ==== GAZPROM HALTS GAS SHIPMENTS TO EUROPE VIA CRITICAL PIPELINE Gazprom has also cut off supplies to the UK in response to its sanctions regime ==== The papacy was the most terrorist threat in feudal time. Now is allied to NATO terrorism POPE FOR 1ST TIME DENOUNCES PUTIN AS "POTENTATE" FOMENTING "SAVAGE WAR" - MULLS UKRAINE TRIP Trip to Kiev is "on the table," Francis says. ==== CHINA ACCUSED OF MASSIVE UKRAINE CYBERATTACK DAYS BEFORE RUSSIAN INVASION "The number of people China has engaged in cyberoperations is enormous." ==== US-NATO allies wants WAR in Ukraine: this is business for US but huge calamity to World Ukraine Announces Million Dollars Reward Per Russian Helicopter, Fighter Jet, Warship This is certainly an innovative way to buy weapons at a discount... …. There is not ‘innovated way’, we did it many times before: VietNam d worse ==== SPUTNIK NEWS : - Size Matters: Bold New Theory Explains Why T-Rex's Arms Were So Small - GOP Invites Hunter Biden to Testify on Cobalt Mining - Possible Signs of Bruce Willis 'Struggling' With Aphasia Emerged Years Ago - Decision on Finland’s Possible Accession to NATO Should Be Made in Spring - Feeling Sleepy? POTUS Seemingly Takes Nap During Ceremony - Moscow's Support for Minsk 'Absolute', Attack on Belarus Would Be Equal to Strike on RU - Activists Allegedly Dig Tunnels to Halt Oil Shipments From Terminals in UK - India Delivers 50,000 Tons of Fuel to Sri Lanka to Help Mitigate Economic Crisis - Sri Lanka Introduces Island-Wide Curfew Amid Public Unrest - Watch Londoners Protest Against Rising Energy Prices - Teen's Death in Florida Amusement Park Triggers New TikTok Trend - How She Was Used to Create Fake About ‘Russian Air Strike’ on Mariupol Hospital - Border Patrol Union Chief Rips Biden Migrant Policies for 'Benefiting Smugglers' ==== ==== April 2 2022 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH ++ REBELION Mund: RUSIA Y UCRANIA EN UN MUNDO NUEVO José Natanson Foreign Policy: Occidente se pone del lado de Ucrania, pero no así el resto del mundo …. Roscosmos pondrá fin a sanciones Internacionales. Total rechazo a las sanciones …. "El nacimiento de un nuevo sistema monetario multilateral": Rusia de vinculara su moneda al oro …. Alto mando militar alemán: La OTAN no desplegará "bajo ninguna circunstancia" fuerzas en Ucrania …. La hambruna que el conflicto en Ucrania y las sanciones a Rusia podrían generar en el mundo …. Rusia elimina más de 100 mercenarios en Ucrania en ataque de misiles a cuartel Járkov …. Militares rusos desminan las zonas liberadas de Donbass utilizando un sistema robótico …. US ayudará a transerir tanques de fabricación soviética a Ucrania …. Tropas rusas lanzan un misil Onix contra objetivos de infraestructura militar de Ucrania …. Hong Kong arremete contra US-UK "insta a potencias extranjeras a no inmiscuirse en los asuntos internos de China" ---- ---- CROSS TALK Top stories - Gold-backed ruble could be a game-changer - US reveals more military aid for Ukraine - Anti-Russian sanctions don’t work – Poland - Ukraine wants Russia’s sanctioned forex reserves - Japan says it won't scrap Russia projects - UK won’t get Russian gas – Moscow - Turkey reveals Khashoggi trial transfer decision ==== ==== GLOBAL RESEARCH VOLTAIRE NET ORG DEMOCRACY NOW Amy Goodman’ team ==== ====

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