jueves, 8 de abril de 2021



Hugo Adan

April 9, 2021


This is my reaction to the article:


"They leave no paper trail for authorities to trace. They are the perfect weapon for changing... the outcome of elections..."


My immediate reaction was:

This is a system based on fraud by both Dems & Reps. To get out we need new laws..


Big Tech is not a political problem, in fact: big tech is a-political. The billionaires who used have caused the real problems we have today.. To create a new system we need to assure GOVERNABILITY: the capacity to implement plans.

It implies legitimacy (not the old trick of old mafias called ‘electoral college’.. we don’t go to elections to empower those against the PUBLIC NEED & impower the PRIVATE GREED ( those who profit from manufacturing weapons and war abroad & those who control the HEALTH system : the big Pharma). They are the main US problem today.

They have created permanent conflicts, not SOCIAL PEACE. They joke political confidence and impower a dictator-fascist regime. This is our path today.

To assure real governability & confidence in the Govt we need that the elected President get 50+1% of the TOTAL ELECTORATE at all levels of Polit power (senate, house & governor’s). Since that is impossible WITH CURRENT LAWS (the current Presid only get 20 to 25% of the total National electorate). Then we have to create a New Political system..

SO, we need a NEW DEAL & new law to distribute polit power between 3 political parties (the 3rd party will create real balance to get out from current duo-poly system (Dems & Reps).

In the NEW SYSTEM we’re going to assign 51%  to the winner party in elections. The 2nd Political party will be assigned a 30% of political power at all levels  and 3rd party most voted will get 20% of the political power in the Nation.

IT doesn’t matter the real amount of votes got by the 3 parties inside this new NEW SYSTEM. It does not materr either if the third party is a socialist Front or the Green party or any other party. All that we need is to incorporated d left.

To START this new system we only need 3 different political parties (the 3rd could be a socialist Front, now ready to start a violent REV.

IN SHORT: to START the new system WE DON’T NEED THE REAL AMOUNT of VOTES got by the 3 parties got in NEW elections. All thar we need is to incorporate the LEFT PARTY into the new system in order to prevent they start a violent REV that will destroy all our NATION.

We are now destroying our NATION WITH 2 PARTIES (Dems & Reps) . We need to create a balance as dreamed by Pareto & create a PEACEFUL SYSTEM. I’m not afraid of a violent REV if the left FRONT is not incorpored into the current system, but we must try first the FDR NEW DEAL that was successful in America with FDR & avoid by all means a fascistic dictator from a rightist party  in US.




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