martes, 26 de enero de 2021



Hugo Adan

Jan 25 2021


Premise 1: the worse denial to democracy is FRAUD

The recent election was result of fraud committed by both Biden & Trump

There are 3 types of fraud: a- the consented fraud by both parties who accept donations from big Corp to ‘buy votes’. b- the other fraud is the miscounting of votes (falsification of votes, creation of false votes, and other usual frauds). The,  ‘b’ fraud is now in dispute since Trump demanded recount of votes, especially in Georgia. So, the denial of recount OF VOTES IN GEORGIA is also FRAUD. This will be the c- type of fraud.


This article was a reaction to this other one:



The same media that behaved as attack dogs against Trump for four years (unless he was carrying out aggressive actions abroad) are likely to turn into lap dogs now that there is a Democrat in the White House.


Premise 2: There were never real democracy in the US, what we had was Polyarchy.

Election in US always was a charade (a farse), what we had was a Polyarchy: elites financed by Big corp to control the State in favor of billionaires rule (the deep-state, also called establishment, run the game ‘election’ to serve the interest of dominant Big Corp of the Military-Industrial Complex with base on Pentagon). Es lo que temenos hoy: full control of PENTA on the new elected regime of Biden.


Premise 3: The worse denial of Democracy is war-monguerism. Most US Presidents incited WW3 against RU & CHI, and against small countries that possesses OIL, GOLD and other natural riches (cases of Syria, Iran & Venezuela today; yesterday was Iraq & Libya ++) . Those created enemies favor the imperial expansion of US Big Corp world-wide and favor also the Big Corp of the Military Industrial Complex who manufacture weapons and wars abroad (the mayor exportation we have today is the machinery for wars & death).

Rusophobia & Xenpphobia are main catalyst of war mongerism, it doesn’t matter if their allies have elected goverments: they are destined to be sabotage and destroy like Venezuela or Chile before.

The empire knows that WW3 will never happens, they tried twice and they abandoned the project.  The FACT is that WW3  is a suicide & mutual destruction + World collapse, but US fostered WW3 to favor the business of selling weapons & blackmail targeted countries



Main issue: 

There is a frame to analyze societies & geo-political context for DEMOCRACY: this frame can be used to explore its perspectives in USA

There are two types of Societies in the world: the one committed to social order or regulation vs the one committed to social change, either progressive or radical. You either defend -a) the status quo against progressive or radical change.. and so on:

Their features are as follow:

SOCIAL ORDER                                 VS                     SOCIAL CHANGE

a-Status quo                                             vs            progressive or radical change

b-Social order                                          vs             contradiction &  conflict

c-Forced consensus                                 vs            illegal domination/disscensus

d-Integration/cohesion                           vs            either private greed/public need

e-Solidarity                                              vs            emancipation & human rights

f-Need of satisfaction                              vs            reject deprivation of labor

g-Focus on Actuality                               vs            Focus on potenciality

h- The state police & army..                   vs            Social change & contradiction as ..

.. as warranty of social order                                 warrantor of progress & developmt

i-harmony : is main objective..               vs           social change & contradiction are..

of the whole society. Also values                          ubiquitous: happen every-where at

of cohesion & consensus                                       what ever time      

J- Private property: main concern          vs           Public property: main concern



IF we are really interested in “free and fair election” we should  follow the other main principles of democracy as designed in POLYARCHY by Robert Dahl. In my article: DEMOCRACIA vs VIOLENCIA CRIMINAL (Hugo Adan, Jan 7 2021) I start by explaining why DAHL prefer the term Polyarchy and not democracy to the issueElections”.




I do believe so, but only if we start respecting the basic principles of democracy. They are only seven. Here they are:  read them carefully

a-Freedom to form & join org  (no bipartisan syst but 3rd option ++)

b-Freedom of expression (implies demand freedom to Assange ++)

c-Right to vote (implies no fraud by big corp funding parties)

d-Elegibility for public office  (as demanded by public assemblies & unions)

e-Alternative source of information  (CSPAN as main source of ‘free press’)

f-Free and fair election (election in working day reduce labor attendance)

h-Institutions for making Govt policies depends on votes: Referemdums


What other worries  Dahl has regarding chances for Democracy in USA?


Dahl made it clear that we cannot call Democracy to a system financed by Big Corp. They never finance nothing that doesn’t provide benefit to them. The purpose of financing both parties is to buy votes. That is fraud, CONSENTED FRAUD by both parties of the duopoly system. Oher minor parties can get few moneys too, this moneys serve to adorn & legitimize the fake system called democracy.


Dahl didn’t called democracy to this game, he called POLYARCHY, because elites of the oligarchy financed by big corp run the State power. Of course there are conflict of interest between both parties but never affected the whole system as happen now.


The day 6 of JAN we had a small detail that poison the relation Dems-Reps:  the counting of votes. If we assume that both parties never counted right the votes send by mail (there were bad votes in both sides) then both parties committed this extra-fraud.

Trump was right when he demanded recount of vote in Georgia because the Senate composition depends on it, but happen the unexpected, the assault on the Capitol the day 6.

Trump couldn’t  control the MOB & 5 people die. He was accused of inciting the MOB to rebellion and violence.  This accusation had the intention of avoiding the recounting of votes in Georgia.

Immediately after the assault to the Capitol by the MOB, came the Biden assault to FED POWER by claiming to be the winner of Elections. FACT: The recount of votes in Giorgia  never happens. Can we call this a US-STYLE OF DEMOCRACY?


LET’S accept these POLYARCHY ASSAULS ON DEMOCRACY as ‘real’ democracy since it was accepted by Trump because the army (25 Th soldiers) blessed our democracy. These saints of democracy make a miracle: they didn’t kill one single American porting a slogan in streets, a slogan saying : “LONG LIFE TO POLYARCHY ASSAULS ON DEMOCRACY” ..  QUE VIVAN LOS ASALTOS POLIARQUICOS A LA DEMOCRACIA . 



THE DYNAMIC OF REBELION. Is it possible to control a MOB?


The assault to the Capitol  the day 6  was an act of REBELION against the STATUS QUO (usual State of affairs regarding Fraud in Elections: both parties accepted been financed by big corporation. Purpose: buying votes = consented fraud (type a above). The affected person on the issue Fraud was Trump. Did he called to the violence that creates 5 deaths?  Who killed those persons?, if was the Police, Trump is not responsible for the violence. Not even the police can be accused of violence because they were doing his job.

The error of Trump was not demanding a Committee to negotiate with people inside the Capitol the verification of miscounting votes. What is the evidence of violence committed by Trump?. Is that enough to prevent him to run in election in 2004. He already recognize Biden as new President, but he didn’t go to the Ceremony because Biden didn’t wait for the result of recounting votes in Georgia.  How to explain the violence from invaders to the Capitol?


Theda Skocpol, a Harvard Professor an author of “States & Social Revolutions   mention 3 sources to explain rebellion & REV: a-‘Agregated Psychological Theories’ to explain the motivations for engaging in political violence. She mention the book of Ted Gurr “Why men Rebel”.  

Political violence occurs when people in society become angry, especially  if existing cultural and practical conditions provide encouragement for aggression against political target. They became angry when there a ‘gap’ between the valued things and opportunities they feel entitled to and the thing & opportunities they actually get. This gap generates a condition of ‘relative deprivation’, that explain the sequence of ‘turmoils’, conspiracy & internal war (guerrilla wars & civil wars.

In short: the angry that explain rebellion is in the mind of people. Nothing or little to do with the bla-bla ‘incitement to violence’ that is assumed was created by Trump. 

The factor “J” reinforce that assertion. Factor ‘J’ is also called “frustration agression theory” associated with the work of Dollard & colleages. It argues that social movements occurs as result of deprivation caused by poor economic conditions and social oppression. This deprivation can be absolute when people don’t have enough to survive. This is what happens to Millions in America. SO, be ready for more rebellions and revolution.




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