sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012



Por Hugo Adan. Marzo 24, 2012

La única forma de salir de la crisis actual es crear un nuevo modelo económico que no tiene que ser igual al de Rusia y China, que puede ser aún mucho mejor. Creo que en la misma cantidad de tiempo que se tomo Putin para sacar a Russia de la debacle que dejo Yelsin, podría también sacarse a los EU del atolladero econ en que estamos.

Eso no podría hacerse con un House y un Senado tan corruptos como el que hoy tenemos. Alli murieron todas la buenas iniciativas que especulo el candidato Obama (a mi ver le faltó un programa coherente y un equipo dispuesto a implementarlo). Para controlar y eliminar las contaminaciones que trae consigo la mano oculta del mercado liberal, o mas exactamente, para controlar el “iron fist” y el greed de las grandes corporaciones se requiere tomar real control del Estado con un tipo de sistema quasi-presidencialista como el que esta tras la propuesta que acaba de firmar Obama. Hablo del “NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS, EXECUTIVE ORDER” firmado el viernes 23 de marzo.

Mediante este Executive Order (EO)se transfiere al Presidente poderes que el no tuvo en su 1er mandato para solucionar problemas de emergencia. Los poderes que se transfiere a la Presidencia son los siguientes: :

(1) The EO vastly expands the role of Homeland Security,
(2) The EO further provides for an effective nationalization of the entire US economy in the event of an emergency. And
(3) The purpose of this EO is to “take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements;” Source: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-what-president-obama-so-afraid

Estamos hablando de los mismos poderes que “democraticamente” se creo Putin en Rusia y que Bush también se creó para lo inverso (para dar mas poder a las grandes corporaciones y salvarlos de su debacle con los paquetazos que el inicio y que Obama continuo) cuando asalto el poder luego del ataque terrorista de sep 11. El Senado y el House fueron subordinados al Presidente Bush y quien se atrevió a discutir ese poder recibió su cartita con ántrax.

Esta vez se trata de prevenir emergencias como un posible enfrentamiento nuclear con Russia derivado del ataque de Israel a Iran. Pero podría también ser usado (si se evita el enfrentamiento poniendo en su sitio a Israel) para resolver el problema mayor que tenemos, el de la crisis económica interna, mediante el punto 2 de arriba.

El como se va a usar este instrumento legal llamado EO depende de
(a) quien llegue a la Presidencia;
(b) de quienes están detrás de esta propuesta (si es el actual military-industrial-complex ya podríamos imaginarnos lo que viene) y
(c) el EO podria ser usado por el nuevo Presidente para reorganizar los aparatos de Estado, sin tener que usar otro 9/11, ni el argumento de posible guerra nuclear (para evitar esto solo basta ilegalizar el chantaje guerra como crimen contra la paz).

Para mi lo mas importante es que el EO (especialmente el punto 2: effective nationalization of the entire US economy in the event of an emergency) se podria usar para re-organizar la economía nacional. Se requiere que el Estado participe de la bonanza de la expansion capitalista (como ocurre en Rusia, China, la India o Brazil) y pueda dotar a la nacion de educacion y salud extirpando de alli el greed y el "for profit business" lo que nos ha colocado como un pais de tercera clase en terminos de desarrollo humano. Y si nuestros empresarios no pueden competir a nivel internacional y son sacados de la competencia, la Estado no tiene por que pagar las consecuencias y regalar dineros de la nacion con los infames bailouts a empresarios corruptos y especuladores; al contrario, se los debiera enjuiciar y poner en la carcel si se prueban malos manejos de dineros de la nacion y/o atropellos a los derechos del labor.

No podemos continuar socializando las perdidas de unos cuantos bribones a costas de la nacion entera. Si el EO order ha sido diseniado para aplastar la protesta popular en defensa de esos bribones, el EO debe ser denunciado y habra mas de un juez dispuesto a defender la constitucion y los los derechos de la nacion contra el neoliberalismo obsoleto y sus dictadores politicos.

Esto supone 1ro evitar la guerra y controlar el macartismo siniestro que anida en el Homeland Security Department (preniado de islamofobia) y controlar también los nuevos impulsos anárquicos de la población americana (las balaceras), sobre todo del contingente que viene de zonas de guerra. Se requiere un proceso de ayuda psicológica y sobre todo ayuda para que esta juventud pueda ser insertada dentro de los trabajos de construccion al interior del pais o ayudarlos para que puedan auto-crear propias fuentes de trabajo.

Y se requiere 2do ajustar nuestro proyecto al contexto internacional y en esto la lucha por la paz y el desarme mundial es capital. Urge afianzar el liderazgo por la paz mundial y no con palabras, sino con hechos. Empecemos en el conflicto en el medio oriente. Afiancemos nuestra autonomia frente a los contendores y presionemos a Israel por el desmontaje de Dimona y otros silos nuclearos y de los missiles con cabeza nuclear apuntando a Rusia. EU y Rusia deberan ser los garantes de que Iran no construya bombas atomicas y de que el Medio oriente sea declarado zona libre de WMD.

Los enemigos gratuitos que Israel conquista a nivel mundial con sus insidias y chantajes de guerra nuclear no deben ser endosados al pueblo americano. Este pueblo no esta en favor de la guerra y debera ser el Estado quien se encarge de desmontar la islamofobia en sus medios de comunicacion y el crimen contra la paz sera delito grave. Los EU ya tenemos muchos enemigos y es hora de iniciar la reconciliacion con Irak y Afghanistan respetando el derecho a su autonomia y soberania.

Para evitar nuevas guerra es importante no usar dobles estándares, uno para los aliados de EU (aliados de conveniencia, realmente mercenarios) y otro para supuestos enemigos. EU debe colocarse por encima de la falsa disyuntiva (pais amigo vs pais enemigo) y exigir que Israel firme el tratado de no proliferacion de armas nucleares y se someta a chequeo su arsenal de bombas en Dimona por el IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). Se debe emitir ya un EO condenando el chantajear nuclear de iniciar guerra por cuenta propia como crimen contra la paz mundial, segun Convenios Internacionales post Nurenberg trial.



La nueva Orden Ejecutiva puede accederse en : http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order-national-defense-resources-preparedness

La nota del Examiner se encuentra en: http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/president-obama-signs-executive-order-allowing-for-control-over-all-us-resources )

NOTE, this is an update: The above two sources has been listed in the recent article of Atilio Boron published in Rebelion: Obama prepara a Estados Unidos para una nueva guerra, del 3 de abril, 2012. http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=147396.

What I did publish in my article above -March 24, 2012- is the list of more on this issue (see below) and I suggest the readers to take a look of the first article. I was expecting a reaction from honest Judges in America, and it happens. Read it.



NDAA in court over indefinite detention of Americans
Published: 30 March, 2012


Concern Over National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order a “Distraction”. By Kurt Nimmo. Infowars.com. March 30, 2012



President Obama Issues Martial Law Executive Order | Your Black ...


Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources ...


Mar 19, 2012 – Follow the “M” word: More on the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order. ... Here are the two main differences: ... Obama also established an interagency Defense Production Act ... But note: the specific requirement for the strategic plan came from the Defense Authorization Act in the ...
• Conspiracy Watch


Obama signs National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order ...



Mar 17, 2012 – It exceeds the revelation in the National Defense Authorization Act .... This is ruling by decree, no different than Stalin, Mao, Hitler or any ....

http://hotair.com/archives/2012/03/18/national-defense-resources-preparedness-executive-order- ... and the biggest change between the two is the removal of several ...


Leamos el articulo de Tyler Durden



Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2012
Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog, Stgo de Chile, March 20,2012

Quietly, and with little fanfare, President Obama signed a “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Executive Order on Friday. As the name suggests, the order intends to shore up the country’s national defense resources in advance of a national emergency.

To be fair, this is not the first time that such an order has been written. Presidents Bush (II), Clinton, Reagan, and even Eisenhower provided directives in the same spirit as President Obama’s order– providing some level of government commandeering in times of national emergency.

In the past, these orders have related to things like production capacity for defense contractors, or giving FEMA authority to resolve disputes between other departments in federally designated emergency areas.

President Obama’s order, however, takes things much, much further.

(1) The order vastly expands the role of Homeland Security… as if these knuckleheads didn’t already have too much influence in people’s lives. Apparently highways, shopping malls, airports, bus stations, Wal-Marts, hotels, train stations, etc. aren’t enough for DHS. Now the Secretary of DHS will:

a) “advise the President on issues of national defense resource preparedness”.

This one is really clear. Under normal circumstances, matters related to defense would fall under the Secretary of Defense… or perhaps the National Security Advisor. Giving such responsibility to DHS suggests that the government is expecting an emergency from within.

b) “provide for the central coordination of the plans and programs… under this order, and provide guidance to agencies assigned functions under this order…”

DHS now has authority to direct the emergency preparedness of every other government department. The Secretary of Homeland Security has effectively become the Emergency Czar.

c) have oversight of “all other national defense programs, including civil defense and continuity of Government.”

In case it wasn’t clear before, the people who molest children and radiate travelers will have total and complete control in some event defined as a national emergency in the sole discretion of the President.

(2) The order further provides for an effective nationalization of the entire US economy in the event of an emergency.

The Secretary of Labor, for example, will “collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense” and then “formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes.”

In other words, the Labor Department becomes the Ministry of Plenty, and all the good little citizens will be forcibly reallocated to other jobs. This turned out really well for the Soviets.

(3) The purpose of this order, for example, is to “take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements;”

It goes on to list ‘adequate resources’ to include things like:

i) “all forms of energy including petroleum, gas (both natural and manufactured), electricity, solid fuels… solar, wind, other types of renewable energy, atomic energy”, etc.

(ii) “all usable water, from all sources, within the jurisdiction of the United States, that can be managed, controlled, and allocated to meet emergency requirements…”

(iii) “all commodities and products… that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals…”

(iv) “drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment required to diagnose, mitigate or prevent the impairment of, improve, treat, cure, or restore the physical or mental health conditions of the population.”

Hmmmm. Food. Water. Energy. Medicine. Security. All the stuff that human beings need at a basic level to survive. Except that Obama’s executive order puts all of these resources under control of the government and allocates them exclusively to meet the needs of government.

In this capacity, we are all merely subordinates to the interests of the state… and it should be absolutely clear at this point where normal people stand in the grand pecking order: Citizens are resources to be exploited and sacrificed in order to ensure the continuity of government.

In the event of some catastrophe, you will be stripped of basic resources so that the government can survive. A free society cannot exist under a system in which the state exercises such control… or has the authority to exercise such control.

Taken in conjunction with the NSA’s new Utah spy center (which will collect and archive the complete contents of every email, tweet, Facebook post, Google search, phone call, and text message) and the National Defense Authorization Act, it’s clear that the Obama administration is expecting trouble from within.

And with good reason. By every possible calculation (except flat-out fraud), the US government is completely insolvent, and its balance sheet is growing worse by the day. The dollar is beginning to be seriously challenged as the global reserve standard, and every effort politicians make to ‘fix’ the economy only makes things worse.

As a matter of convenience, people are willing to deal with a lot of pain. They’ll suffer through wars, recessions, and all sorts of national unpleasantness. But the moment that rapidly decaying economics and shortages prevent people from being able to put food on the table for their families, they rise up. Just look at the Arab Spring.

This is all playing out with nearly perfect historical precision. Time and time again throughout history as once great empires accelerated their declines, governments have taken steps to protect their interests against the people.
In the past, they have imposed curfews, disarmed the population, curtailed civil liberties, and declared national emergencies, usually against some great faceless enemy from abroad who threatens their way of life.

As it turns out, though, our great faceless enemy is not some mythical boogeyman living in a cave, nor some angry brown person who hates us for our freedoms… but the very people within the system who’ve taken an oath to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’

Have you hit your breaking point yet?


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