America is now facing the cost of wrong policy actions regarding the “issue” of “a nuclear-armed Iran” (a faked issue since US Intelligence and Hans Blix –ex-head of the IAEA- made it clear that there was no such threat of “nuclear-armed-Iran). Our policy was wrongly oriented. It was designed to prepare a military action against Iran. Our diplomacy was not a real one, it was a diplomacy of war based on distortion of facts, intimidation, and verbal islamofobic aggression against Iran.
This wrong policy failed when the Russian (and China behind) intervened first at diplomatic level inside the Security Council of the UN and then, militarily inside the region, by displacing to the shores of Syria advanced weaponry to respond a possible attack against those countries. Russia declared -with actions that spoke lauder than words- that SYRIA AND IRAN BELONG NOW TO THE RUSSIAN NUCLEAR-DETERRENCE-PROTECTIVE-SHIELD.
The US is now obligated to re-evaluate their policy and re-design a new one. Israel, however, remains stubbornly lined to the pro-war policy against Iran. Israel has demanded the state of the art banker-busters (a kind of mini-nukes full of depleted uranium) from the US, even when they don’t know where the assumed Iran’s nuclear silos are located.
a) the attack by Israel on Iran takes place with the mini-nuke bombs requested by Israel to US. When those bombs are given to them (they already demanded the right to a pre-emptive strike) the war will take place;
b) when the US decide to initiate the war -either unilaterally or with the supports of their puppets in the UN- an initiate the carpet bombing on Iran-Syria. This will be responded by Russia (first strike may be Dimona stockpile of nuclear weapons with similar banker-busters and key sites with ballistic missiles already placed against Russia). This will spark a nuclear confrontation, as it was intended since the time of Kissinger’ proposal of limited nuclear war, [far back in the 1958]. Such Plan was updated by Wolfowitz in 1992 in his “Defense Planning Guidance” to take advantage of the collapse of the USSR., with explicit intention of taking control of the oil in the East. To Wolfowitz the strategic value of the Middle East and Southwest Asia was clear: "In the Middle East and Southwest Asia, our overall objective is to remain the predominant outside power in the region and preserve U.S. and Western access to the region's oil."
This plan was incorporated into the neo-cons proposal known as "The Project for the New American Century" (PNAC), a plan endorse by Bush’s regime since the year 2001. As suggested the previous year, 2000, in PNAC (Section V) by Paul D. Wolfowitz the "Rebuilding America's Defenses" will be preceded by a "catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor". It really happens a year later, in September 11, the infamous terrorist attack. In 2005 Bush tried to go back to the initial proposal of attacking Iran, but it was late, Putin already reconstruct Russian nuclear power and made the first secret agreement with the Iranian regime: for tactical reasons Iran should suspend for two years the uranium enrichment.
Recently the monsters incorporated (neo-cons) inside the Obama regime revived the old project and this regime put in motion the continuation of Bush strategy: the control of oil from the Caspian see and Muslim nations by bombing them. It barely succeeded in Libya but is definitely stopped in Iran.
c) when Russia and China declare –with actions too- that they will not allow the embargo against Iran on-refined gasoline imports. There are many ways to retaliate this announced aggression against Iran. That is clear so far is that a brief cut of the flow of oil & gasoline will result in aggravating their current crisis. A brief closure of the Strait of Hormuz –among them- will be, according to Bloomberg Businessweek last issue, “will be enough to turn the nascent recovery into a recession”.
The blackmail of Israel. Makes more real the nuclear confrontation
The fact is that the US -by accepting the blackmail of Israel- left implicit their intentions against peace. Patronizing Israel blackmail is evidence of complicity in a terrorist threat against the international community. However, the world is more interested in peace than in the prospects of new Hiroshima and Nagazakis, maybe this time in American soil, in Israel and Russia. The world will not accept the brutal crash of one more nation with impunity as it happens with Libya. They will salute the counter attack of Russia and China. Israel will be accused of starting this new war. That is the meaning derived from the terrorist blackmail against the world when declaring “We have the right to start a pre-emptive strike against Iran”.
The challenge for America is to start an active policy for peace and nuclear disarmament worldwide, starting in the Middle East region. The US allies, especially Israel, should be disarmed and Iran should be prevented to acquire a bomb. Russia and the US should agree on this basic policy and once the Middle East is disarmed, the proposal should be advanced to India and Pakistan and North Korea.
Later on the Security Council should take the initiative to create an executive international government elected by all members of the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to be in charge of dismantling the big nuclear power (today members of the UN Security Council). That is the only way to make a farewell to nuclear arms.
Last year Gorbachev said that nuclear disarmament is unrealistic at best and risky utopian dream at worst. The fact is that disarmament policy became a real urgent need and moral imperative when recently people in the Middle East faced the fear of nuclear confrontation looming on their heads or when in the sixties Americans couldn’t sleep also because of similar feeling during the Cuban missile crises.
Cuban people were wrongly punished for being passive part of such story, today Israel is instead rewarded for being active promoter of nuclear confrontation.
Disarmament will continue be a risky utopian dream if we don’t put a finger on those who profit from these type of terrorist threats. The British companies and some Zionist are the main ones who commercialize oil and got millions of dollars from the last disruption on market prices. It was enough to say that Israel is going to bomb Iran unilaterally, to cause such disruption. It caused higher prices in basic commodities and car-gasoline for common people.
McNelly -in the last issue of Bloomberg Businessweek- suggested indirectly that
Israel threat could have ended up in the biggest geopolitical disruption in the history of the global oil market.
Regarding cost and benefits of such adventure: how much it cost to common American the display the war machinery of the US to the borders of Iran and Syria?. And who profit from the selling of banker busters to Israel? Are they going to pay really?, or they are going to charge more to the US for stock piling those additional weapons in that country.
Today disarmament is neither unrealistic nor utopian dream if we will to initiate its process. That process could imply the following steps.
1) banning the enrichment of Uranium beyond the limits of peaceful purposes in Iran. This country will continue their plan to get electricity from nuclear power if is willing to be open and transparent to the IEAE (reformed, meaning: non pro NATO inside) and demonstrate its peaceful intention
2) suspending the current economic sanctions against Iran. This carries implicit a possible economic repair the damages already caused to their civilian population.
3) abandoning in the part of the US-NATO the current war diplomacy of aggression-intimidation against Iran and instead negotiating in good faith with the current regimen (before it goes to the Ayatolas) and by promoting a non-nuclear zone in the middle east.
4) abandoning US-NATO intention of regime change via wars. This implies full recognition to the Islamic Republic of Iran and other Muslim regimens. It also implies the recognition of the State of Israel and Palestine, according to the initial borders set by the UN to the creation of Israel (Jerusalem should have special status like the one given to The Vatican, though here the authority will be 9 members (3 from each religion) with a 10th mediator member nominated by the International Court or new the International Government)
5) total respect of sovereignty of nations to decide the type of regimen they want and the right to solve their internal conflicts alone, prohibiting foreign mercenaries interference inside and respecting Geneva convention on humanitarian principles. The New International Government will be the only peace-guarantor.
6) dissolving NATO and any other war coalitions. Their arms and infrastructure should be transferred to the new International government.
7) dissolving the UN or reformed radically, if continue disrespecting the sovereignty of nations by favoring US-NATO policies. The UN should be a deliberative form of Government (like a senate) and should convene twice a year to design rules to solve international problems.
8) in the meantime the US-NATO on one hand and the Russia-China on the other, should understand the legitimate security fears of Israel and Iran and their need to be protected by either power block. However, both regimes (Israel and Iran) should agree that the only peace solution to their fears is their consented nuclear disarmament via signing the NPT and the IAEA (this one, reformed of course, we do not want there pawns of one sector of the superpowers). Once Israel-Iran sign the NPT and both agree on non-nuclear armas and peaceful solutions to their differences, both deterrent protective shields, the US-NATO and Russia should remove their troops and weaponry from the surrounding areas. The stockpile of nuclear weapons from Israel will be dismantle and transferred to a committee of current powerful deterrent shields until the new International government is set.
9) The US-NATO should criminalize any blackmail that foster nuclear confrontation and or disturb peace among nations. We should also criminalize the inside and outside warmongering and islamofobic attitudes spread across by the western corporate media.
10) bot nuclear deterrence blocks -the Russia-China and the western NATO- should agree to impose sanctions against Iran and Israel if they do not accept the NPT and IAEA checks. This means that immediately Israel should join to the NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) and accepted their inspectors. Otherwise both nuclear deterrence blocks should impose economic sanctions against Israel.
Nuestro sistema politico es absoleto pues recrea el poder economico y politico de trasnacionales y socios internos quienes impiden el desarrollo sostenido del pais. La nueva democracia tiene que armarse a partir de organizaciones de base en movimiento. Imposible seguir recreando el endeudamiento, el pillaje y la corrupcion. Urge reemplazar el presidencialismo por parlamentarismo emergido del poder local y regional. Desde aqui impulsaremos debate y movimiento de bases por una NUEVA DEMOCRACIA
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