martes, 27 de marzo de 2012



Now is the right time to start total disarmament
People in the us should lead this movement for peace
and criminalize the zionist of Israel for inciting a global war.

Es tiempo de detenerlos y regresarlos a los limites originales
que les fueron otorgados por la ONU despues del holocausto.
La compasion mundial con los judios fue magnanima con ellos,
pero los zionistas que capturaron el poder alli en Israel
abusaron de la fe mundial por la paz y la reconciliacion.
Los zionistas anexaron en forma ilegal, violenta y criminal
tierras y rios ajenos de Palestinos y pueblo vecinos.

Y luego se apoderaron de Jerusalen
la tierra santa que es de nadie y de todos
y amurallaron el "nuevo Israel" que dicen se expandira aun mas,
y luego destruyeron de la forma mas salvaje e inhumana
la vida y dignidad de pueblos palestinos enteros.

Los zionistas no tienen ninguna autorida moral
para hablar de holocausto. Ellos desecraron esa historia.
Usaron indebidamente el poder militar que Los EU le dio,
y se han convertido en criminales de guerra,
por tanto, varios de sus lideres actuales
debieran ser sometidos a un nuevo Nurenberg trial.

No estamos por la violoencia criminal contra los judios
como lo ocurrido en Francia, rechazamos esa violencia,
pero tampoco aplaudimos la incitacion a la guerra nuclear
porque eso es lo que esta detras su plan de atacar Iran.

El pueblo americano no quiere la guerra mundial atomica
y es tiempo de frenar incitaciones a la violencia nuclear.

Es tiempo de sacarlos de NPR y de la mass media del norte.
Ayer escuche un dialogo estupido entre dos zionistas en NPR
Una dama pregunto al varon cual es peor amenaza
las bombas nucleares de Korea del norte o las de Iran,
y este respondio que Iran es el peor enemigo del mundo.

Pero ocurre que Iran no controla el arsenal nuclear de Dimona
ni se opuso a firmar el tratado de no proliferan de nukes,
ni rechazo ser chequeado por el AIEA. Es Israel quien lo hace.

La propaganda zionista incitando a la confrontacion nuclear
y el posible ataque -"pre-emptive strike"- contra Iran
es crimen contra la paz mundial y debiera ser penalizado asi,
eso es violencia tambien; es la que genero lo ocurrido en Francia.

Es tiempo de frenar toda esta propaganda zionista en los EU.
Es tiempo de exigir se respeten los limites de ley
que les fueron concedidos por la Naciones Unidas en 1948
y es tiempo de pasar el control de Jerusalen
a un protectorado mundial similar al del Vaticano.

Basta de incitar a la violencia nuclear!!
Es tiempo de iniciar un mov robusto por la paz mundial!!

Hugo Adan. Marzo 27, 2012


"Planetary Genocide": Fukushima One Year Later : The Poisoning of Planet Earth

by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri. Global Research, March 8, 2012
[Here extracts only]

“The most difficult thing of all is to see is what is right in front of your eyes.” Goethe.

As we approach the tragic one-year anniversary of Fukushima’s multiple nuclear reactors’ accident on March 11, that initially affected the entire Japanese population, we now know that this nightmare has engulfed all of us. Let us also not forget that this is the third nuclear attack on the Japanese (the first two were Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Given what has not been done to ensure public safety, we cannot think of it any other way. From the very first day, there were lies and a massive cover-up of the extent of the destruction and the inherent radioactive dangers –not just from Japanese officials and TEPCO corporate reports, but also from the US. The Mark 1 reactors, built by General Electric, have design flaws. There are many of these same-designed reactors in the US.

A year later, much of the corruption, deceit, and careless practices have been documented extensively here at Global Research –while mainstream news continues Orwellian doublespeak. Last month, in a rare but very belated mainstream account, CBS News reported that after the tsunami and nuclear accident: “The normal lines of [government] authority completely collapsed in Japan.” See:

As Dr. Helen Caldicott and Dr. Chris Busby have repeatedly reported: “There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water, or other sources. Period.” See:


So, what is not monitored, or where the radiation rates are manipulated, then no one –government officials and corporations– can ever be held accountable, nor can increased death rates, diabetes, stillbirths, birth defects ever be attributed to this catastrophic planetary event.

When have we ever been told the truth about our life-long systemic radiation poisoning? For decades, we have been uninformed experimental laboratory rats since before the Manhattan Project. There never were any ethical or precautionary considerations. Greed and secret agendas trumped everything else.

With various half-lives –some eons-long– of numerous radioactive components, the human race and every other living creature on our planet is on its way to extinction, due to the known sterilization effects of radiation. Here is a short list of the half-life of five of the radioactive isotopes that are and will continue to poison all of our children, and us, ad infinitum, in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink and in which we bathe:

• Cesium 137: 30 years

• Plutonium 239: 24,000 years

• Strontium 90: 29 years [mimics calcium in the body]

• Uranium 235: 700-million years

• Iodine 131: 8 days [absorbed into the thyroid and gives heavy radiation dose. Also goes into the soil, passed onto us through cow’s milk.]

In a report released just a few week’s ago, the milk tested in the San Francisco area still had radioactive levels of Cesium 134 and Cesium 137. According to even a compromised EPA, these are now at “150 percent of their maximum contaminant level.” Here’s the chart:

In addition, Fukushima’s Unit 3 reactor also used MOX [mixed oxide], a plutonium-uranium fuel mixture that is deadly. A single milligram of MOX is 2-million times more deadly than enriched uranium.

Current radiation levels reported on Feb. 25 in Tokyo, 100 miles from Fukushima and an international hub, are “25 times the Fukushima mandatory evacuation zone.” The eminent physicist Dr. Paolo Scampa has reported in detail his latest calculations on deadly radiation exposure here (see page 2):




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