Hugo Adan . March 5, 2012
Part 1
1- The so called “Assad dictator” is really an elected president, then he is not a dictator. If we use such adjective on him, then we should accept the thesis that some elected presidents could be called dictators not if they breach their own Constitution but if they do not accept the rule of Western-Nato allies over the UN. The fact is that Assad did not violate the supreme rule of his nation and he want to reform the Law peacefully via Referendum. In regards to US-Nato rules, “Assad may not be a good dictator” to them as it was Mubarak in Egypt, or the convicted Fujimori in Peru. However, the Syrian Assad regime is being considered a democratic one by their own population who overwhelmed voted against war and is in favor of pacific transition to further democratize the nation by limiting the presidential periods.
2- The Zionist of Israel is the ones who labeled Syrian regimen as dictator and there two reason for such distortion.
The first is of economic nature and the second is a political reason. The first has to do with the success of an economy that is not implementing the neoliberal frame set by Israel in the region (with the banks and enterprises ruled by Zionists). Syria has an economic growth of 5% yearly and its success derives from resisting Zionist imperialism. The success of Assad policy is clear: Syria is now a debt free nation and will not allow any Rothschild Jewish banks to do their nasty business inside. There are still some McDonald’s, Pizza Huts, Victoria Secrets and other secrets of subsidiaries or big companies run by Zionists. But is forbidden in the Syrian territory some internationalist Zionist-funded corporations, especially those who deal with nasty banking speculation tricks and the secrets of arms-dealers, their money laundry and its similar. That infuriates more the Zionist is that they cannot privatize and Judaized any business inside Syria as they do in Arab countries members of Arab League. Because of the Assad’s independent, self-directed, economic development he has been accused by the Zionist of destabilizing the region. Is the same accusation they posed on the Gadhafi regimen. Now the question is who is really the destabilizer of the region, Assad or the zionists?
The second reason revolves around the myth of “selected nation by god”, a myth that one scholar said it was brought from Egypt when the Jewish migrate there (The Egyptian culture existed 3000 years before the Judeo-Christian bible and it is from this culture that many myths have been reproduced almost literally in our holly book). If there is no other rational principal to unite a nation, and submit them to a brutal royalty or dictator, a religious myth & faith provide the cheap glue. If a nation’s ruler is bless by god his ruler can do in his name anything starting by stealing lands and building imperia at the cost of human disaster inside the invaded territory. The Zionist are the political masters in art of manipulating old myths, they have the control of the big corporate mass-media for such endeavor and institutional webs for doing so. With them, their melting of state, religion with business succeeded better in Israel than in any Muslim and Christian fundamentalist nation.
In modern times we are still using the myth of selected race or nation by god as cheap reason to divide and conquest. The Nazis used against the Jews; Bush used against the Muslims before invading Irak and bombing Afghanistan, and the Zionist against Palestinians and neighbors. The Zionist of Israel cannot say that the Jews are the superior race but they can claim the supremacy of being masters in stealing land and in doing nasty banking and other nasty secrets. They have created the Zionist Master Plan for a Greater Israel that will extend its borders from Tel Aviv to Tehran and from the Nile to the Euphrates. How they plan to do that? by fragmenting Israel’s bordering nations into competing militias and warlords and by using the military power provided from the US and using also soldiers of our nation as their pawns. Check what they are doing now with Syria and ask yourself a key question: who are the best allies of the US, nations that wanted to create a real democracy with the Arab spring or the Zionist of AIPAC and the rulers of Israel who are thwarting these attempts? And check today nasty beating of war-drum in their corporate media against Syria.
3- From the above statements we should conclude that the Syrian regimen and their nation is not our real enemy and we should not engage in any military action against them. Syria neither has WMD nor is threatening our National Security, nor is bombing nor invading any nation in the region. The argument that the Syrian regimen is hurting OUR VALUES by massacring their civilian population is just a total-sided distortion from NATO-allies of what really happens inside Syria.
4- The real fact is that both, the mercenaries supported by NATO allies and the Syrian army response to them, is what creates the human rights disaster inside Syria. It was stated clearly by the Observer Mission sent to Syria by the Arab League (AL) which stated in PARAGRAPH 75 (suppressed by State bureaucrats members of the AL in the Report sent to the UN Security Council and to western media), and I quote: “There have been incidents that include the bombing of buildings, trains carrying fuel, vehicles carrying diesel oil and explosions targeting the police, members of the media and fuel pipelines. Some of those attacks have been carried out by the Free Syrian Army and some by other armed opposition groups”
5- The other argument: the “humanitarian” one, is only a story tell for those who didn’t know what happens in Libya. The free zone for humanitarian aid was used to further arm rebels or mercenaries and the no-fly zone (the one that now Lieberman said we should imposed on Syria), both ended up in the worst recent “humanitarian disaster” we create in the middle East. Nobody who has ethical principals will swallow such stories. They hide bad intentions. There was not ethics at all in the “humanitarian bombing” of Libya and it won’t be in Syria either. Instead, the further escalation of this war by sending troops to Syria will be another nasty mockery of people’s values in the US and their rejection of more wars abroad. Besides, this war will crease more loses of American soldiers since Syria is armed by Russia and China. This war will only benefits the usual profiteers of war, the manufacturers of bombs inside plus the AIPAC and the Zionist in Israel.
6- Syria is a sovereign nation and has the right to design their own economic policies and make alliances with whatever foreign nation in the world. They made economic ties with Russia & China as the US and other western nations have it. And Syria made also military agreements with them to defend their nation against armed foreign intruders, that is the case of the mercenaries smuggled inside Syria with the complicity of NATO members (US, Britt’s, French and German mercenaries). As a sovereign nation, Syria has the right to reject any UN mandate manufactured inside doors by Western allies that infringe basic principles and statutes on which the UN was created and is based on. That is the principle of non-interference on the sovereignty of nation members. The US should also respect it.
Nuestro sistema politico es absoleto pues recrea el poder economico y politico de trasnacionales y socios internos quienes impiden el desarrollo sostenido del pais. La nueva democracia tiene que armarse a partir de organizaciones de base en movimiento. Imposible seguir recreando el endeudamiento, el pillaje y la corrupcion. Urge reemplazar el presidencialismo por parlamentarismo emergido del poder local y regional. Desde aqui impulsaremos debate y movimiento de bases por una NUEVA DEMOCRACIA
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