miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


HAZ December 8-10

In the American TV-show “sex in the city” people saw the hypocritical puritanism of a branch of feminists who tried to sell out - among “radical girls”- the new 10 bible commandments for sex (be careful with wiki-leaky condoms, would be one of them). Some stupid ladies took serious the “moral rules” of these comedians who run and trivialize the issue men-women relations. They usually end up asking themselves why I’m alone in my 40th up, .Why I couldn’t marriage a reasonable man?. The answer is obvious. They were using OB-B-wiki-leaky-mind condoms. (OB-B stands for Obama-Bush).

TV shows like “sex in the city” have big audience in the US and it creates a favorable context for the “hypocritical scandal” in Sweden -where Assange is going to be trial- especially among this American audience of depoliticized “radical feminists”. Assange is guilty of sexual abuse on innocent girls over there, these naïve ladies would say. Fortunately, there is also another big audience –bigger than the previous one- of critical-mind girls who manage to create themselves an independent mind from whatever the TV tries to sells out. These ladies will see Assange’s case beyond the lenses of false Freudian sexism. With them we share the following points:

1. The real issue is political, Assange is the man who was exposing lies and duplicity of our public servants (Americans and others), but they could not detained under political charges, they use the false pretext invented in Sweden with not evidence at all, the charge of having sex without wearing a condom. Sex is not the issue in this case, it is not its essence. Sex is the smoke screen for the political lynching of Assange, it is pure hypocritical TV manipulation typical in American politics and perhaps in Sweden too. American people has a stand on this nasty manipulation; remember the case of Monica Lewinsky?. Americans pardoned Bill Clinton and he was elected for the 2nd term. Assange should be pardoned too. Otherwise the American and ruling global elite will be exposed too. They should be, those who like global neo-liberal fire, should be burned in its own hell.

2. This is not a case of terrorism either, as American intended to use it after asking Assange’s extradition. This is a case of the brutality, torture and other war crimes committed by the US and NATO forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, and it is about the authoritarian manipulation of US embassies and US diplomacy world-wide to cover up such crimes. This is what Assange is denouncing and we have the right to read and listen such info. American constitution warrants such freedom. Its violation will be illegal. Those companies that cut hostage to wikileaks should be punished by American consumers.

3. US anti-terrorist laws have not either legal or ethical base to trial Assange. American anti-terrorist laws were a violation of constitutional rights (starting with habeas corpus) and this illegality is still unpunished. Worse even, US rulers have forced to adopt among allies and client countries such illegalities that also constitutes a violation on international laws. Impunity after impunity, lies after lies has being mounted by the corporate media since the mother of all lies on 9-11 terrorism as an act committed by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Recent evidence indicates that the towers in NY fell because of implosion. Bush covered the truth with the veil of impunity by denying a real independent investigation of the authors of the 9-11 and by enacting the anti-terrorist laws. Scientist who claimed that 9-11 was an inside job and senators and many Americans have signed a petition for an independent investigation received dead threats and some of them letters with antrax. The mind of Americans were set-up with the official story that such act of terrorism was done by Muslims. In the name of terrorism many crimes of innocent people has been committed and a lot of money has been cash from companies like the one who profit from the nasty business of TSA screening machines set in US airports.

4. If American laws is being twisted one more time -this time to trial Assange- a new revolutionary movement similar to the one in the 1960 will start. People will not allow to silence the internet to prevent real terrorism of US-NATO occupational force be exposed. If hapens, many more innocent americans will be trial, torture and condemned to life in prison. Such twist of law will be the final violation of constitutional rights that will ignite a new civil rights movement.

Terrorism is not the issue in Assange’s case. He should be freed and prize by the UN with a real peace Nobel prize to restore his dignity. Many people will sign such petition. Many real American feminist will signed too. We do not expect the opportunists American women who bed down for fame or money or both, to sign it. It is sad to know that ladies from Sweden just pushed the feminist movement back into the ditch and sadder if American ladies try to do the same. We should request instead the immediate freedom of Assange and full respect of free internet from corporate profiteers and full respect to alternative media.

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